by Robert M. Traxler

“The FAIRR Initiative (FAIRR) is a collaborative investor network that raises awareness of the environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities in the global food sector.” Google.

This column has decried the prominence of Eco-groups funded by western and Chinese corporations that fight the dreaded climate change epidemic, code for payoff to the progressive movement. Do a deep dive into Farm Animal Investment Risk and Return (FAIRR) and you find a number of social justice organizations and American corporations that fund it. A list of contributors includes pension funds, investment groups, and shell organizations for corporations that manufacture in the third world who launder money to the progressive movement. 

Now FAIRR is not a huge player in the corporate bribe to Eco-corporations’ scam, but they are an example of the lucrative trade in environmental prostitution we find in the progressive movement.  FAIRR is based in Great Britain and its driving issue is meat, animal protein, and agriculture in general. Driving agriculture offshore in North America and western Europe is the real mission.

The United Nations (UN) is also a contributor; the UN allows and even subsidizes pollution worldwide in a campaign for “social justice.” Pollution in non-western nations is safe for the planet, we must believe.    

An article reported in Bloomberg stated, “The UN’s Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) will publish its so-called global food systems’ road map during the upcoming COP28 climate summit in Dubai which kicked off on Thursday (Nov. 30) and extend nearly two weeks until mid-December. FAO’s first-of-its-kind document will recommend nations that “over-consume meat” to limit their consumption as part of a broader effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” 

The key words in Bloomberg’s article are “the over-consumption of meat,” meaning western-grown meat products. The United Nations will provide cover to relocate agriculture from the west to any other portion of the Earth. Agriculture in Brazil or Chile is not polluting, cattle production in Argentina does not pollute and is humane. Manufacturing in China is fine, but pollution generated by the 6.8% of the world’s land area and 6.3% of the population in North America and western Europe will destroy the world. We must believe this no matter what common sense tells us.

Army Bob Traxler

About 1.5% of our population are farmers, and they feed our nation and an estimated 20% of the world’s population. The explosive growth in the world’s population or “human virus” will require an enormous expansion of agriculture, however, we are told we must use only organic farming methods, cutting our food production by 25%. Thankfully, the cow fart brigade is silent for the time being, but they will be back renewing their effort to drive cattle ranching offshore to Argentina and Australia, among other places. 

This column has stated before that the wedding of progressives and corporations is designed to drive production of damned near everything offshore with cheaper labor and lax or nonexistent environmental regulations. The progressives are elated that they reduced pollution in our nation, and the corporations’ balance sheets are painted black, not red, and a tithe is paid to environmental corporations.   

The COP28 in Dubai is an example of the payoff; we will see an environmental movement by the corporations who need to maximize profit and keep the green corporations off their backs. COP28 had a gala dinner with three kinds of real meat, cooked on gas stoves — go figure. My opinion.  

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