by Robert M. Traxler

Are humans a virus in the blood stream of Mother Earth?

Our “special envoy for climate” Senator John Forbes Kerry stated, “Agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world depending a little bit on how you count it, but it’s anywhere from 26% to 33% and we can’t get to net zero, we don’t get this job done, unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution.”

John Kerry made this statement at a climate change summit in May. “You just can’t continue to both warm the planet, while also expecting to feed it,” Kerry added. “It doesn’t work. So, we have to reduce emissions from the food system.” 

It appears the new drive on the part of the climate change industry is to reduce the world’s human population. Vice President Kamala Harris made a Freudian slip when she said we must reduce the population to save the planet on July 14th, 2023, in a speech at Coppin State University. According to the media, she misspoke and meant to say reduce pollution. In speaking with an agronomist friend, she stated that to go organic was possible; however, it would result in a 25% reduction in the world’s food supply.

So if we go organic, we need to till up to 25% more land to maintain production. It is kind of a catch-22 situation, damned if we do, damned if we don’t; more land tilled, more fuel burned. I hope the radicals in the save-the-planet movement stop, take a breath and think this one over before we go hell-bent for organic farming. 

“Many scientists think Earth has a maximum carrying capacity of 9 billion to 10 billion people. One such scientist, the eminent Harvard University sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson, bases his estimate on calculations of the Earth’s available resources. As Wilson pointed out in his book “The Future of Life” (Knopf, 2002), “The constraints of the biosphere are fixed.” 

Interestingly, a google search tells us that we as a nation are not important in securing the world’s food supply, as we only feed 2.2% of the “hungry world.” OK, it is only 19 million “hungry” folks. It is growing politically correct to condemn farmers as doing more harm to starving peoples than help.

Margaret Mellon, a scientist with the environmental advocacy group Union of Concerned Scientists, maintains that growing more grain isn’t the solution to hunger anyway. If you’re really trying to solve that problem, there’s a long list of other steps that are much more important. “We need to empower women; we need to raise incomes; we need infrastructure in the developing world; we need the ability to get food to market without spoiling.”

But don’t we need to grow the food to get it to market to purchase? 

The world’s population of human viruses in Mother earth’s blood stream is currently 8.1 billion and growing rapidly. The American Farm Bureau Federation estimates the world’s population will increase by 2.2 billion by 2050 or over the end-of-life number of 9 to 10 billion set by Dr. Wilson. One more the end-of-all-life on Mother Earth predictions by a set date, number six.

Ever ask why the world ending because of a nuclear holocaust, Electric Magnetic Pulse event (natural or manmade), pandemic or others are tin hat conspiracy theories, but the man-made environmental end-of-the-world theories are politically correct? We have had four ‘ends of the world ‘scenarios in my lifetime connected directly to manmade pollution; however, a fifth or sixth is not a conspiracy theory, but a fact, and an undeniable truth as were the first four or five.

Ask a question and you are a Flat Earther and an unmitigated idiot, a science denier and just old fashioned stupid. Free speech is not allowed, only politically correct end of the world scenarios are allowed.

Army Bob Traxler

Manipulating guilt is a strength of the new progressive movement and has been for many decades. The new guilt will be the spread of the human virus on Mother Earth. Senator John Forbes Kerry comparing the production of food to the new SUV, the new clear and present danger to all life on earth, is sovereign. The only way to reduce food production is to reduce the world’s population.

We as a nation are at net zero live birth population growth, but apparently it is not enough. The environmental corporations and progressives cannot fund raise on limiting population in China and India, so they blame American agriculture for feeding the expanded world population. The end of the world folks must blame you and me for all the sins in the book to fund raise, and to cash in on guilt, a strength of the socialist movement.

American farmers feed 170 people per farmer, or more than 590 million people. The environmental corporations cannot manipulate guilt in donors and progressive supporters by saying they are responsible for the exploding population, so they are using farmers as villains to blame us for feeding the growing virus of humans in the world. My opinion.  

1 Comment

Bruce Schwartz
August 18, 2023
Sorry for the loss of a close friend.

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