Innocent until proven guilty is not only an American constitutional right, but an international human right.
Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed by the Senate; time to shorten sail and stand by for the hurricane. The process to confirm him was lawful, legal and moral, but it was not politically correct. The “resistance,” mostly pro-abortion and the anti-constitution folks, will join the pro-socialism folks and the anti-damn near everything folks and hit the streets in protest.
The protests will be as much about hatred for President Donald Trump as it is about Justice Kavanaugh. Do they have the right to protest? Absolutely, they do. Do they have the right to yell, scream and wave signs, without a doubt under our constitution they do.
They do not have the right to harm others or damage property in the name of protest. Protest is a noble thing, but at the point in time it denies others their constitutional rights, it crosses the line from protest to an illegal activity.
The small but vocal faction of the American people who called for a revolt and the overthrow of the lawfully elected government (they maintain the Russians interfering with the election makes President Trump illegal) will be vocal once again. United States Representatives Steve Cohen and Maxine Waters, among others, accused President Trump of treason and called for the military to stage a coup d’état.
A coup, really? That type of language is dangerous. A hallmark of our military is loyalty to the constitution first and foremost. The military is trained to stay out of politics, to the extent that an officer or noncommissioned officer is subject to five years in a military prison for influencing a subordinate to vote in a given way.
The day I retired from the United States Army, my father gave me a membership in the Republican Party. He and I, retired Army officers, would never be vocal or openly partisan when a serving officer or non-commissioned officer, that would have been unprofessional and just wrong. Every American should be thankful our military stays out of politics; it is a good system that has served us well for nearly two and a half centuries.
Sorry, Representatives Waters and Cohen, your coup d’état will not happen.
The history of socialist revolutions teaches us that they are successful mostly in a poor economy. When folks are doing well they are not quick to take up arms against their government. African Americans, Hispanics and women are doing well as a group under President Trump’s economy making a revolution an unlikely event.
The hard-core protesters (a small few in full battle dress with helmets, truncheons, shields, body armor and protective masks) from various groups will take to the streets in Washington and many cities to protest Justice Kavanaugh’s appointment. Good for them, it is a protected right, but please follow the Tea Party’s model and protest with nearly no violence or damage to property and clean up your trash and human waste.
A revolution, revolt or resistance must have a population being in want: want for bread, water, heat, transportation, some basic need, to be angry enough to revolt. The left should shut down every Starbucks; perhaps that would generate the needed want and anger necessary to eliminate the American constitutional form of government.
Judge Kavanaugh is now Justice Kavanaugh; it is best to accept it and move on, as the right grudgingly accepted the uber liberal justices in the past without violence.
A word to the protesters: the police officers will protect your right to protest, so please do not attack them, buildings and other private property. They did not vote in the senate and attacking the police and destroying property will not help you to achieve your goal.
Finally, most Americans do not approve of violent protest; going rogue will only hurt your movement. If the Tea Party right, depicted in the media as ignorant, swine, vile and violent Fascists, could have national protests with almost no violence, the resistance left, depicted as loving, caring, inclusive and compassionate, should be capable of even greater restraint. If the resistance turns violent the media will justify it because they are angry; the Tea Party was not?
Those who feel today Justice Kavanaugh is a good choice will not change, and those who feel he is a bad choice will never change their minds. He will forever be called a rapist, bully and an attempted murder even if no verifiable evidence exists. He will forever be guilty until proven innocent in the minds of the progressives because his innocence will never be accepted. The facts be damned; hatred eclipses even the constitution, the law, legal and human rights.
I sure hope I am wrong.


dennis longstreet
October 7, 2018
YOUR Trumpy (can't even call him President) makes fun of a sex abuse survivor on national TV that is a DISGRACE. DO you think that helped the judge guilty mindset. Not in this article but you mention the economy, people have more money.I would rather be poor and have VALUES and MORALS than rich without VALUES. The greatest people in this country came from the Depression, When money is the most important, this country is DONE. I hope you get your bank statement to see how much money you have. Cause nobody will check your morals but YOU.
Robert M Traxler
October 8, 2018
Mr. Longstreet, Thank you for the comment. Also thank you for making the point of the column. The Progressives and Socialist folks do not care for Democracy or Capitalism two concepts the American way of life is thankfully, based on. You may hold the record for capital letters in a comment. Thanks again.
dennis longstreet
October 8, 2018
I forgot to thank you and your Father for your service to this country
October 10, 2018
Why do some keep telling themselves progressives are socialist, ergo anti-democracy, and a threat to the United States and democracy? Kind of puzzling for a career military person collecting a government/military pension and lifetime health insurance thru TRICARE and once 65 shift to Medicare and TRICARE for Life Plan. Universal health care in Germany was brought by Otto Von Bismarck in the 1870s and the basic model is still used in Germany’s health care system. Last I checked that system in a capitalistic society hasn’t vaporized. Justice Brett Kavanaugh lied about what words meant In front of the committee and insulted some senators rather than answering questions without histrionics. A 180 from the way Neil Gorsuch handled questions. I find Kavanaugh’s answers and pronouncement of “What goes around comes around” troubling for a person who got a lifetime appointment to the nation’s highest court. People shouldn't try to twist opposition to Kavanaugh after his public displays of emotion and obfuscations as an attack on American democracy. To many he displayed a temper and sounded like he has the propensity to be vindictive. Personality traits acceptable for people running for elective partisan political office. Characteristics many don’t want to see in a judge appointed in the federal courts.
Robert M Traxler
October 11, 2018
Mr Couchman, Sir, I am sorry serving in the military seems to upsets you. A pension and health care is offered by many places one worked for, for decades nothing new here. I may be incorrect but I will wager twenty plus years in a military uniform was bit more difacult and required more dedication, hardship and pain than twenty years in most civilian occupations. One must ask if a person who works for a civilian employer and receiving a pension and health care is as objectionable to you. Please read the platform of the progressives, it is socialism. Mr. Couchman sir, American military retirees earned our less than average pension and limited healthcare coverage. If that upsets you it is just too bad. We will not hang our heads in shame as you appear to want.
Robert M Traxler
October 8, 2018
Mr. Longstreet, Thank you kindly, my late father would of and I do appreciate your thanks.
dennis longstreet
October 8, 2018
My Dad was A WW II vet with a Purple Heart. He died when I twas 19 years old. I never knew what he went through until I was much older. He never talked about it. We need to respect everyone who has served our country. Amen.

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