by Robert M. Traxler
While I was watching the coverage of the Jussie Smollett case on MSNBC, a commentator referred to LGBTQIAGNC, a new group title for me, so I looked it up.
According to The Spectator: “A little light googling reveals that it stands for ‘Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual and gender-non-conforming’. Go a little deeper and you discover that there are dozens of different acronyms, and that nobody can agree on what the official one should be. Well, how do you find a name for individuals who are united by being different? Other terms being tacked on to the LGBT movement include ‘questioning’, ‘pansexual’, ‘ally’ or ‘allied’, ‘straight’, ‘leather’ and ‘fetish’, though nobody has found a way of stringing them together to make a snappy word…”
I am so glad the right side of the political aisle divides us into groups and should be condemned for it.
One of the commentators on MSNBC referred to Jussie Smollett as a victim who is calling out for help in dealing with his gender identity. Now in fairness to MSNBC, they did say his false claim was wrong; however, they did follow up asserting that race/gender-based crimes are on the rise and, as with all things wrong in the world, it is President Trump’s fault.
Jussie Smollett — I was going to refer to Jussie as Mr. Smollett, but a real question is, would that be politically incorrect? The politically correct movement is getting so strange as to be confusing at least and weird at its worst. We are working overtime to divide ourselves into as many small groups as possible. Even dividing the (I do not know what correct title is anymore) LBGT folks into 10 or more groupings? 1.2 to 6 percent of Americans refer to themselves as members of the LBGT community; not a great number, to be divided even smaller.
The point is that we work overtime to concentrate on our differences and not what we all have in common. In most of the world, as Mark Wakeman said so eloquently in his last column, folks divide along historic lines. It is not an American phenomenon, however we should strive to pull together, not to pull us apart as Americans. People could learn from the American military that the important thing to those serving is being a good member of the unit, not your family history or groupings outside of the unit. Serving military folks would and do die for each other, regardless of politically correct or politically incorrect grouping.
The good folks on the progressive side immerse themselves in differences; perhaps the term/title/grouping ‘American’ as a title would be something we all could all strive for?  No, too many people make a good living dividing us into as many groups as possible and crying victimhood for each group.
I received an email from the MSU folks with the disclaimer below contained in it.
“MSU Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, or veteran status.”
Open to all must not be good enough anymore, or do they not allow left handed people?
On a different note, the progressive folks are again calling for reparations for African American slavery; perhaps the deaths of 370,000 to 450,000 nearly all white, Union Soldiers/Sailors is the price our nation has already paid for the sin of slavery?  Making folks apologize and pay reparations for things they had nothing to do with because of their skin color is not a very good thing and may result in a backlash, causing more problems than it solves? The Union Army/Navy deaths as a percentage of today’s American population would be over 3,800,000. We as a nation forget our history, and those who paid to correct our historical mistake of slavery with their lives.
Many of the Democratic Socialists folks will say the Civil War was not fought over slavery. Well, the Emancipation Proclamation was enacted with two years and three months remaining in that war, and the vast majority of the deaths occurred well after the slaves were emancipated and the war was changed in everyone’s mind to preserve the union and to a war against the vile institution of slavery.

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