by Robert M. Traxler

To quote a friend of mine, “No one should be allowed to own an AK-47.” This begs the question, what is an AK-47?

Ask most folks and they will say it is a Russian machine gun. They would be correct, sort of; however, it is a sub-machine gun, meaning it fires a sub-caliber bullet (smaller than a heavy rifle bullet) The weapon as adopted by the Soviet Socialist Republics in 1947 was capable of full automatic fire.

No one can go to a gun store fill out the forms, wait for the background check to clear, and purchase a fully automatic AK-47. Folks can purchase an AK-47 variant, not capable of full automatic fire, as they can purchase any other semiautomatic hunting or target rifle, since semiautos were introduced in the late 1890s.

The truth is that the AK-47 has not been produced by the Russians and other mostly eastern European or African countries since 1974, when an updated model, the AK-74, was introduced. Manufacturers may call a weapon an AK-47 but most likely they are not.

A few things folks may wish to know that are spoken as fact but are just plain false:

1) “You cannot hunt with an AK-47.” Wrong. The 7.62 x 39 round has been used in a large number of rifles that are used every day for hunting and target shooting; they are no more lethal than many other types of ammunition.

2) “The AR-15 can’t be used for hunting.” Wrong. The 5.56/.223 Remington round has been used for hunting for decades. Believe it or not, the rifle does not harm anything, it is the projectile it fires; the AK and AR platforms are in many caliber, not just 5.56×45 or the 7.62×39 calibers.

3) “An AR-15 round that hits a person in the finger will tumble up your arm and rip your arm off, or when it hits a person it will cut them in half.” Wrong. All bullets will “tumble” when hitting an object as the rear of the bullet weighs more than the tip, and as the tip slows the rear will attempt to catch up and tumble. The laws of physics do fully apply to 7.62 and 5.56 rounds, and if either impact with a finger they will punch a hole in the finger and go through before the bullet can tumble once; they will not tumble up your arm. Take a second and think about it and you will realize just how impossible the physics are for it to rip your arm off or cut a person in half.

I fully realize this untruth is the holy grail of the anti-gun folks, but it is impossible; the laws of physics are absolute.

The truth is a pesky thing as it gets in the way of feelings. I will be called heartless and to quote a well-meaning open-minded liberal “I would tell you to take your misinterpreted 2nd amendment and (bleep) it up your (bleep).” Got to love the articulate and tolerant left.

Let’s ask a logical question. If you wish to ban assault weapons, please define what an assault weapon is. Again, asking will draw vile criticism, heartless (bleep) that I am, it is a good question. What makes a weapon an assault weapon? Fully automatic, semi-automatic, bolt action, polymer stock, wood stock, pistol grip, black/green/tan/pink or camouflage color, multi-shot magazine, large clip, bayonet stud, placement of the magazine well, gas or blow back/recoil operating system, a flash suppressor, a silencer, all the above? The 7.62×39 chamber and 5.56×45 chamber are in literally hundreds of rifles and pistols with thousands of variants that may or may not be called “assault rifles.” Do we ban military optics/sights? Military slings or magazine loaders? Military songs, books, poems, clothing, hats (covers to my Marine friends), movies, time, boots? It would be nice if the people advocating new gun laws understood the products they are trying to legislate about.

So, go ahead and say, “I would tell you to take your misinterpreted 2nd amendment and (bleep) it up your (bleep).” But before we start banning things lets know what we are banning and why, and let’s follow the Constitution. Banning “assault rifles,” AK-47s, AR15s or ‘military type weapons” sounds nice, but it is so general a term it means nothing and displays an ignorance (lack of knowledge) of the subject. It is like banning “offensive speech” or “hateful protests,” jailing people for being “mean spirited” or saying no one has any individual rights when they may impact others.

Pointing that out will start a (blank) storm from the left, well so be it. Banning broad categories of weapons is blame shifting from criminals to lawful gun owners.






Harry Smit
March 30, 2018
Excellent, finally someone that knows facts of firearms and in journalism and is allowed to have the facts printed. It's a real shame most of those protesting and marching truly don't understand these facts. If they did they just might understand why we who oppose their protests and marches are so passionate about our firearms and the second amendment. I'm guessing a large majority of these young people do not know these truths or really care to know what is fact or fiction, they just want to jump on the band wagon and enjoy all the media attention. Also, most fail to see just what and who are pushing this type solution to a very completed problem. I believe in another sad truth. "As long as there are to two humans left on earth, sooner or later there will be violence, or war " The utopian position would be peace on earth, but as far as I could find utopia may be an elusive goal.
Robert M Traxler
March 30, 2018
Mr. Smit, Sir, Thank you for the comment. The longest period of peace in the world the Pax Romana or Roman Peace was enforced at the tip of the Roman Pilum (spear).
Free Market Man
March 30, 2018
Army Bob, as usual "facts are stubborn things" and you factually laid out your argument to understanding weaponology. Well done! As Ranger Rick says, "The rotting of America from within continues...", you hit the "gun grabbers" right between the eyes with facts and knowledge. Thank You!
Robert M Traxler
March 30, 2018
Mr. Free Market Man, Sir, Thank you for the comment. The Bill of Rights has a First and Second Amendment both are designed to speak truth to power when it is abused.
March 30, 2018
I concur with the technical information contained. I quibble with monolithic characterizations of the left. The M-16 (assault rifle) replaced the M-16 (battle rifle). The 16 was deemed more suitable for jungle and urban warfare. The .223 (or the AK 74 equivalent) is a lighter, faster round; one of the advantages of the M-16 was the ability to carry more rounds for the same weight. Most hunting weapons, at least for larger animals like deer, are equally or more powerful. The problem, it seems to me, is that high capacity magazines allow putting out a lot of rounds in a short amount of time - something efficient in war or serial killing, but not necessary in hunting or target practice.
Robert M Traxler
March 30, 2018
Mr. Basura, Sir, Thanks for the comment. The .223 and 5.56 are great rounds for hunting varmints. I know of at least two target shooting events that use semiautomatic weapons. The semiautomatic rifle with a 20 round magazine has been around for over 100 years we can not, in my eyes, blame the weapon. Thanks again.
March 30, 2018
Another positive self serving article by R. T. You are a buzz kill. The editor...
Robert M Traxler
March 31, 2018
Mr. Williams, I will let Mr. Young know you want him to clean out his desk. Beware of what you wish for as you may get it, he works over 50 hours a week to put this publication together for no pay, sure you want the job? The great thing is Mr. Young allows a counter point, an old fashioned news man he believes in free speech. You have big shoes to fill.
robert beck
March 31, 2018
I feel you confuse the facts. The only semi-automatic rifle that has been available for 100 years and holds twenty cartridges or more that I am aware of is a .22 caliber. That is a far cry from the powerful AR-15 or similar rifle with a 20 or 30 cartridge magazine. The common factors in nearly all the mass killings are powerful semi-automatic weapons and high capacity magazines. I feel there is no need for a 30 cartridge magazine in a sporting rifle . If you want a powerful KILLING rifle get that 30 or 60 or 90 cartridge magazine. People can be killed with knives, axes, clubs and guns. The mass killings that take place seem to be with legal semi-automatic rifles and high capacity magazines. You can't argue with that..
Robert M Traxler
April 1, 2018
Mr. Beck, Thank you for the comment. The Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) chambered the truly powerful 30.06 round was sold starting in 1917 to military and civilian markets in the United States. Other models and types of semi autos were available earlier. The BAR was in full auto and semi auto, the full auto model was latter not sold to civilians, but you can still purchase a semi auto BAR today. The 30.06 is not a .22 cal. It has a projectile nearly three times the size of the 5.56. The 5.56 military cartridge is not “powerful” the 5.56 military round is 62 gr. the standard deer hunting bullet is 150 gr. I know you are just repeating what you have been told in the media, but they are wrong. Facts are pesky things. More Americans by far are murdered by people, people using hand guns, not semi auto rifles. Thank you for the comment and thank you for keeping me on my toes and making me double check the facts.
Robert M Traxler
April 1, 2018
Mr. Beck, A few more items to think over. "The first successful design for a semi-automatic rifle is attributed to Austrian gunsmith Ferdinand Ritter von Mannlicher, who unveiled the design in 1885. The Model 85 was followed by the equally innovative Mannlicher Models 91, 93 and 95 semi-automatic rifles. In 1903 and 1905, the Winchester Repeating Arms Company introduced the first semi-automatic rimfire and centerfire rifles designed especially for the civilian market. The Winchester Model 1903 and Winchester Model 1905 operated on the principle of blowback in order to function semi-automatically. Designed entirely by T.C. Johnson, the Model 1903 achieved commercial success and continued to be manufactured until 1932 when the Winchester Model 63 replaced it." Wikipedia. Thanks again for your interest and comment.
April 1, 2018
R.T., I am entitled to am opinion just like you....
Robert M Traxler
April 2, 2018
Mr. Williams, Sir, You are indeed. Thank you for the comment.
robert beck
April 2, 2018
Yes some other semi-automatic rifles were available with sporting magazines many years ago. How many mass killings were made with those weapons with sporting magazines from 1903 until 1950? The At-15 may shoot a lighter bullet than a 30-06 but it is just as lethal. Shoots with great accuracy up to 300 yards if properly set up. I notice you didn't care to comment on the mass shootings being accomplished with legal semi-automatic rifles with high capacity magazines. If you can't baffle them with brilliance , bury them in BS. The vast majority of mass killings are done with legal semi-automatic rifles with high capacity magazines., You can't argue with TRUE facts.
Robert M Traxler
April 3, 2018
Mr. Beck, Sir, just what is a sporting magazine a new term to me? The majority by far of mass shootings/killings as defined as more than two people shot are done using a hand gun. 700 shootings a year just in Chicago using mostly hand guns. Nearly all bullets are flat up to 300 yards and the military uses the .308 NATO round in most sniper rifles. Your facts are not true and I will and can argue with them. The facts are rifles are not used in most mass shootings, hand guns are. Thank you sir. for the comment.
Free Market Man
April 3, 2018
Mr.Beck, I don't know what Mr. Traxler's opinion on the effectiveness of the M-16 .223 round was in combat, but in all my reading and experience with an M-16, it was the next evolution from an M-14 (.308 Win.), which was a superior weapon for kill effectiveness, but heavy and long for jungle fighting. Many a Vietcong not hit in the upper body frame (heart, lung, liver) by an M-16 could keep fighting, if they didn't bleed to death. You get hit by a .308, it had more power and mass to be a more effective killing weapon. The military needed a lighter, higher rate of fire weapon for jungle warfare and Vietnam, and the M-16 was their choice. The best weapon in a small area is a shotgun with buckshot. The 17 killed count in FL would have been much higher if a shotgun would have been unleashed. Many pump shotguns were employed in Vietnam for close range support also. However, the most deaths by far are from handguns. And weekly death toll in Chicago falls heavily upon the African-American community. Killings average 11-12 per week (2017 count)! This is in a city that doesn't allow handguns within city limits. But since they aren't mainly school kids/teachers being slaughtered, they evidently don't count for much by media standards. Also, President Obama would mention all the schools and movie theatres being attacked by those using "assault weapons" but never mentioned the weekly slaughter of African Americans in his old home town by handguns. We protect airports, train stations, courts, politicians, famous people with police and protective guards but leave our young open for slaughter. This is not going to stop when and until force is met with force. Soft targets (Gun Free Zones) are easy to attack because of no opposition. More good guys with guns means the cowards will not strike a "hardened" target. It is a sad time in the history of our country when children cannot feel safe in school. But we have nobody but ourselves to blame with the culture we have, with violent movies and TV programs, God ridiculed and taken out of the schools, "if it feels good, do it" thinking, and single parent families. Young men need loving, responsible fathers and male figures to model into adulthood.
robert beck
April 3, 2018
I guess I have never heard the term mass killing used to describe two people being shot. Mass killings are when 8 or more individuals are shot. You can fudge facts as you desire to CYA. KIllings such as the recent school incidents , the Las Vegas incident and similar shootings are done with semi-automatic rifles with high capacity magazines. Can't argue with the truith but you sure can find a way to slant it.
Free Market Man
April 4, 2018
Mr. Beck, Since you are the arbiter of what the maximum capacity of what a detachable magazine should hold, please let us know what that number is. Limiting capacity is overcome very easily by multiple magazines taped end to end, flip it over, insert, pull the bolt and you're in business again. Or just insert another full magazine. The time it takes to change is minimal. And in that interval, the potential victims will be so scared and nobody will try to physically attack the shooter. More people will be shot. When will officials get serious and let those with carry permits defend themselves in those areas now prohibiting firearms? "Gun Free Zone" signs do nothing, it just emboldens those wishing to do harm.
robert beck
April 4, 2018
Everybody is entitled to an opinion. You make good points about victims being so scared they can't attack a shooter. Without training I'm not sure how a person with a gun would respond. Lots of good information here and I enjoyed the exchange . I have never seen a 30-06 sold at Dick's or Al&Bobs with a magazine that holds more than 6 cartridges. That would serve as a definition of a sporting magazine. The Model 12 Winchester would hold 6 in the magazine and 1 in the chamber. Don't know of another sporting shotgun the held more than 7 cartridges. You may know of other that were different. The school and other mass killings are done with legal semi-automatic weapons with legal high capacity magazines. You can;'t deny that no matter what else you say.
Robert M Traxler
April 5, 2018
Mr. Beck, Sir, A "sporting" rifle or shotgun is the same as a military type, the Remington model 870 or12 and Mossburg 500 have been in use by the U.S. military going back to 1917 and are still in use today, both are pump action shotguns. The Remington 700 rifle a very popular hunting rifle has been in continues use by our military since 1968 or earlier. An extended magazine can be added to most weapons with little or no modification, the difference between "sporting" and non-sporting is mostly cosmetic. The military 870 and 500 shotguns function exactly like the civilian models but with a heat shield over the top of the barrel and in some very old models a bayonet stud. The BAR, Browning Automatic Rifle in 30.06 comes in a model with a 10 Round magazine it is for sale over the counter at many gun stores. I also enjoy the exchange.

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