“If the Palestinians lay down their weapons, there will be peace. If the Israelis lay down their weapons, there will be a massacre.” — Golda Meir.
by Robert M. Traxler

Israeli Intelligence, a world class agency, missed the attack on Israel itself by the members of various Arab militant groups. The Israeli dead were still being counted when members of “the posse,” a radical progressive coalition in our Congress, called for Israel not to overreact and attack civilians in the areas from which the attacks were launched.
Bringing a war to the doorsteps of the civilian population is not an uncommon thing; in World War II we said that we were making war on Adloph Hitler not the German people. Only when we figured out that 98% of the German people back the Nazis and we made war on the people did the war end. In the American Civil War, it was not until the people of the South suffered because of the blockade of food, medicine and manufactured goods that the North started to win. Indeed, military history is full of examples of a military needing civilians to back up the military providing vital supplies.
The Carthaginian General Hannibal occupied portions of the Italian peninsula for more than a decade and was never defeated in battle, but was never able to defeat the Roman people and take the city of Rome by force of arms. Hannibal was ultimately defeated when a Roman Army laid siege to Carthage and the people of his homeland were defeated.
Hamas and the other militant groups were able to execute one of the most horrendous surprise attacks on a civilian population in modern history. The entire civilian population of the areas the attacks were launched from were complacent. An armed force does not stage more than 2,000 rockets without people knowing. The rockets used are not “smart munitions;” however, most exploded in Israeli civilian neighborhoods by design.
The reports of civilians being butchered by the attackers have been confirmed (the first causality of war is always the truth). The horrible stories of entire families, men women and children, being murdered in their homes have been confirmed by the international press, a group normally full supporters of Hamas and extreme anti-Israel in their beliefs.
The barbarity of the attacks on civilians was too much for even the progressive media. Confirmed reports of children being held as hostages and used as shields against Israeli counter attacks are confirmed. However, even this tactic will be rationalized by the antisemites on the extreme American left and right as justified to counter Israeli aggression.
The leaders of Hamas, Hezbollah, the PLO and other Arab nationalist groups were hosted in the Russian Federation in recent months; it would be logical to assume that the Russians, in a coalition with Iran, clandestinely provided rockets and other logistical support to Hamas and Hezbollah to divert our attention from the war on the Ukraine. If the American people are focused on the war in Israel, we will forget the Russians attacking Ukraine; President Putin is a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them, and to not create a diversion would be political/military malpractice.

The media and some in our government have no problem calling those of us who support President Trump for reelection Nazis, but they call Hamas and Hezbollah, two political groups that pride themselves on murdering Jewish people, militia. Make any sense? No but who cares, it fits their prejudice.
Much is being debated about President Biden and Democrats releasing billions to Iran, a nation that has a clause in their constitution stating that they must support all Islamic terrorist operations. The press and the progressives will tell us the billions will not be used for anything but humanitarian expenses. Let’s put this in simple terms: when a pot of money is given to a drug addict or alcoholic and told not to use it to get intoxicated, they use it for food, housing, and other items, freeing funds to purchase intoxicants.
The Iranians are assisting Hezbollah and Hamas, and even some in the progressive media admit it. A reasonable and prudent person must ask just why our government is hell bent on allowing, even assisting, Iran in producing nuclear weapons and providing funds that indirectly support terrorists. Time to bring sanity back to our government.
Give it a week two at the most and the progressive media will be wall to wall condemning Israel for “atrocities” in the west bank area. My opinion.