by Robert M. Traxler

Innocent until proven guilty is not just an American Constitutional right, but an international basic human right.

Hate is an emotion that means different things to different folks. Those who do not hate Judge Kavanagh believe him; those who do dump all their pent-up emotions from the election on him. All women complainants are to be believed if the complaint is against a male.

Now on the face of it, that is just old-fashioned stupid, and a mind free of hate will not believe it. The mantra that Dr. Ford is to be believed because no woman would ever lie about sexual assault is not true. Physical and testimonial evidence is not needed, all that is needed is the charge, a charge so repugnant it must be believed. Let’s hope you are never charged with pedophilia or a person you care about is; if so you are guilty until you or they can prove your innocence —the charge being so horrible there is no defense, you are automatically guilty.

A person I debated politics with tells me, “Fundamentalist Christians are more dangerous than Muslim fundamentalists.” True? No, but the desire for it to be true overrides common sense. “Most African Americans in prison are victims of a racist nation.” True? No, but they want to believe it, so they do.

Some say all men are evil especially old white men. Your father is evil? your grandfather is evil? Your brother is evil? Your neighbor is evil? Heck, you are evil? Only hate could make a person believe things that do not pass the common-sense test.

Prejudice is wrong, even if the target of the prejudice is a group not politically correct. Prejudice is the act of judging people by the group. Judging people by race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual preference, age, or sex, it is all wrong.

If the argument is made that it is fine for folks to say all old white men should just shut up, substitute the ‘men’ in that statement with ‘women.’ Old white women should just shut up, old African Americans should just shut up, old gay men should just shut up, you get the drift of what I am saying. It is all prejudice and all wrong. Many folks who are progressives believe prejudging people by race if not a minority, is fine, judging people by wealth, zip code, political affiliation or occupation is fine; it is not.

Socialist history bears this out. In the French Revolution, the King was guillotined, the Queen was guillotined, their children were executed, the gardeners, kitchen staff, guards, stable boys, anyone and everyone who were involved with the Royal Family, to the tune of 500 people on one day, and more than 40,000 in total were guillotined. Hate of a non-politically correct class by Socialists rationalized this act. We should doubt a 13-year-old stable boy shoveling horse crap was a person who oppressed the masses and was a danger to the revolution and an enemy of the state.

The current class of vile people are “old white men.” Most voted for President Donald Trump, thus they are vile, haters who should “sit down and just shut up.”

The FBI will investigate Judge Kavanaugh and the allegations against him, some 37 years old and all questionable. It should be easy to work the case; no physical evidence, no crime scenes to work or analyze, it is all interviews. If the possible witnesses do not play the same game Dr. Ford did by saying I will not answer questions until weeks later, it should be a snap to work. The investigation will need a few hundred special agents to interview the classmates, friends, family and neighbors of Judge Kavanagh and Dr. Ford, but it will not be a complicated process — merely large.

If the FBI finds no additional evidence, the anti-folks will say sure, they work for President Trump and Trump had the Deputy Attorney General come to the White House to intimidate him; the investigation was rigged. The time frame was too short for a proper investigation, or the FBI is run by old white men, so what do you expect. The folks so full of hate for the President will dismiss the facts and truth, as it is not the politically correct outcome they believe to their core is true.

Bill Maher on HBO criticized Senator Lindsey Graham Friday for his defense of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, saying the South Carolina Republican Senator was missing “the stabilizing influence of his dead boyfriend.” He was referring to the late Sen. John McCain, his audience erupted with laughter.


Harry Smit
September 29, 2018
Army Bob Once again a excellent article .. I can not find any areas to disagree with....this is scary...either I'm leaning to your line of thinking or scarier yet ...... you are leaning to mine.
Robert M Traxler
September 30, 2018
Mr. Smit, Thank you for the comment. A favorite saying of mine is” the truest test of a person’s intelligence is how much they agree with you”. Perhaps we are both getting a bit smarter? Thanks again.
September 29, 2018
I don't hate old white men. Some of my best friends are old white men.
Robert M Traxler
September 30, 2018
Mr. Basura, Thank you for the comment. As an old white man it is good you do not hate yourself. A number of folks fired up over Judge Kavanaugh do hold you in disdain because of your race, age and gender, intolerance? Not when used by the progressives. Thanks again.
Lynn Mandaville
September 29, 2018
Old, white men are the flavor of the week, fairly or not. Mostly not. But all the other groups you have mentioned have been told for a much longer time to "just shut up" by a society largely controlled by men, old and young. It is only natural - though wrong - that they should now be the target to be reviled by a lot of people who are "mad as hell and are not going to take it anymore." What we saw on Thursday and Friday was a whole lot more than hearings about sexual allegations against the nominee by a woman who, initially, wanted to remain anonymous. What we saw was the violent chemical reaction of incompatible elements, and the hearings were merely the catalyst that brought about the cataclysm. The inability of opposing sides to listen and really hear one another, then to seek mutually satisfactory results for all, has become a festering zit that has exploded its toxins into the daily lives of Americans. It will take an ocean of Clearasil to cleanse this acne of intolerance from the complexion of our country.
Robert M Traxler
September 30, 2018
Mrs. Mandaville 41 degrees this AM the great South West is looking better every day. “It will take an ocean of Clearasil to cleanse this acne of intolerance from the complexion of our country.” Intolerance has come to be disagreeing with the left, it is one of those prophylactic terms that is whatever folks want it to be. Along with inclusion. Thank you for the comment.
Lynn Mandaville
September 30, 2018
Mr. Bob, I sure do look forward to our give and take these days. It is becoming clearer and clearer that when two people communicate without the inflammatory rhetoric they have more in common than in difference. By intolerance I refer to peoples' seeming deliberate failure to listen to each other. Really listen. I dare say it's what you and I are learning to do through this imperfect medium without a face to face advantage. I think good people across the entire spectrum of opinion have lost the ability or the willingness to take time to read or hear between the lines for true meaning. They fail to request clarification without sounding offensive or defensive. The right has no sole claim to this kind of intolerance. Many, many on the left are also no longer availing themselves of compassionate listening. Inclusion is more than just words. Inclusion is that act of taking time to understand. I keep up on the advance of autumn in MI. I miss the colors but not the cold. If you are ever in my neck of the woods I welcome you to my home. We'll give you the nickel tour and make you feel at home. Are you a coffee drinker? Of course you are. You're a military man! Peace.
Robert M Traxler
October 2, 2018
Mrs. Mandaville Lynn, Agree, the problem is we have lost the ability to disagree without over the top anger. Disagreement has come down to name calling and charges of hate or disloyalty. I firmly believe if we stopped the stereotyping of those who see an issue differently, it would help. Abortion is the keystone of hate, very few folks exist that are pro-abortion on the right and very few exist on the left who are anti-abortion. This whole thing with Judge Kavanaugh boils down to abortion with the buckets full of money it brings. Abortion is an issue akin to slavery in the 1860's no gray areas allowed pro or anti after, 640,000/750,000 dead it's aftermath still an issue. If in your neck of the woods, coffee would be great, lived in 20% of the States but never spent much time in The Grand Canyon State. Thanks for the comment, enjoy the beauty of the desert.
Don't Tread On Me
October 3, 2018
As a measure of the horror of abortion, 54,000,000 babies have been aborted since 1973. Imagine killing off 1/6 of the population of the U.S.! Think how many potential workers and taxpayers have been murdered in the womb. Mind numbing isn't it?

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