Army Bob Salutesby Robert M. Traxler

Quite frankly it is hard to understand how Former Secretary of State/United States Senator Hillary Clinton found herself in a situation in which she violated a number of laws governing the use, storage, transmission and generation of classified documents.

As Secretary of State she had a staff of dozens of professional security managers at her disposal, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A simple word from her to handle the documents and they would have ensured the laws and rules were followed. Mrs. Clinton would not be in the legal trouble she finds herself in if she had just allowed her staff of professional State Department security managers to do what we pay them to do, manage security.

Those of us who have worked in a classified environment know following the law is a real pain in the fourth point of contact, rear end. In that environment you must keep document security foremost in your mind at all times; however, someone with the responsibilities of Secretary of State does not have the time to be as focused as necessary on document security. To remedy the lack of time she has to devote to security, professional security personnel are assigned to the State Department to manage the classified aspects of her job for her; she did not allow them to do their jobs. Mrs. Clinton is now facing possible felony charges and at best her judgment is in question.

By the accounts in the media of how Mrs. Clinton managed her office staff at the Department of State, she used her trusted personnel friends and not the professional career experts to advise, help and guide her. The enablers with whom she Bob Traxler_0surrounded herself did not have a clue as how to handle and process highly classified material.

No one with a basic knowledge of security would have ever even entertained the possibility of having a private server in their home, one not monitored or controlled by the Department of State. Privacy is a luxury that is surrendered when you accept a government position that requires a Top Secret Special Background Investigation clearance. We all cherish our privacy, but privacy is a casualty of exalted government office.

A thoughtless word or an unguarded email could have and indeed has gotten people killed and degraded national security. Mrs. Clinton has said she wanted to keep things like her exercise classes, hair dresser visits and the details of her daughter’s wedding private so she used her private server. It has been reported that her private server has been hacked by at least one and possibly three hostile governments — not very private.

The Secretary of State’s itinerary is classified for a very sound reason. Bad people would love to assassinate the American Secretary of State; if they know where she will be and the level of protection she has at a given time, their job is much easier. Indeed Mrs. Clinton owed it to the good people she was going to exercise with and meet with to protect their lives and not announce her presence to potential assassins armed with explosives.

A large number of people are supporting Mrs. Clinton at all costs, mostly because they feel she can win and retain the presidency for the left wing. Mrs. Clinton’s loyalists are not concerned with her ability, vanity, elitist attitude or her questionable methods of becoming one of the uber-rich. In her own words, Mrs. Clinton was “flat broke” when she left the White House; her family is now in the exalted company of the top one tenth of one percent of the richest Americans.

Most of the millions she made have been in speaking fees at colleges and universities; she was paid by mostly poor students who are going into debt to pay her fee. The Democrats are for the little guy the poor the downtrodden and hate the one percent; Mrs. Clinton is a one percent type, got to wonder how all that works?

Mrs. Clinton has condemned hedge fund managers; her son in law, her granddaughter’s father, is a hedge fund manager. Mrs. Clinton has condemned people who fly in private jets, even as she and her husband each took separate private jets to and from the same place at the same time. Mrs. Clinton rails against Wall Street as she takes many millions, bordering on a billion mostly from Wall Street. The hypocrisy is mind-boggling.

My left wing friends, just keep telling yourselves it’s all good, because she can win.

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