Army Bob: History tells us the 3rd jihad movement has begun

Army Bob: History tells us the 3rd jihad movement has begun

Army Bob SalutesOne of the things our political class and media class have been very good at is focusing on small terrorist groups: Al Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, Dash, PLO, Al- Shabaab, this or that “front.” The reason they do that is to be politically correct.

The common thread found in terrorism is one of religion, but our current administration and Hillary Clinton’s campaign will not admit that. Why? Because it fits the narrative that the war on terror is won, or at least the terrorists are “on the run.” To them terrorism is a small problem, not a worldwide religious movement involving most of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims.

Mrs. Clinton’s surrogates are saying that terrorism in the United States is proof positive we are winning the worldwide war on terror. To say we are winning flies in the face of common sense, but it fits the politically correct short-term view of the long-term, complex war on terror. We have allowed the Caliphate to grow and prosper in Syria/Iraq/Libya/Somalia and five other nations.

Every day that passes, the threat of worldwide terror grows from a few fundamentalists in 1999 to controlling an area larger than the state of Michigan today. They have more than 180,000 hard core trained “Warriors of God,” religious zealots, with more being trained and deploying worldwide each and every day. Politically correct numbers are 31,000, but that only counts those currently just in Iraq and Syria. Thousands of hard-core jihadists have graduated from the college of hate: hate for western culture, hate for Christians, Buddhists and Jews, hate for any and all society that is not properly Islamic. Upon graduation they disperse worldwide and await the Grand Mufti’s call to jihad.

The world has 1.6 billion Muslims, and few are terrorists; however, most support terrorist acts either directly or indirectly. That is a harsh, but true statement. According to Al Jazeera, an Islamic-based network, more than 80% of Muslims support terrorist acts; please note that very few are American Muslims. History has proven over 1,394 years that the first jihad, arguablyBob Traxler_0, (622-750) and second Jihad (1071-1492) ended after crushing defeats. We had the opportunity to crush what Islamists are now calling the Third Jihad, but American political correctness prevented us from doing it.

When the Third Jihad moved from Syria to Iraq during President Obama’s administration, the western world along with Muslim allies could have crushed it with an Armored Brigade Task Force of 4,000 troops. We did not because of a campaign promise to end the war.

We all have a problem understanding the mindset of the Mujahedeen, the Warriors of God. We all look at these folks using our western Judeo-Christian ethic. The media trumpets the death of a few leaders by drone strikes and tell us we are winning; not true — their deaths are looked at by the Jihadists as Americans look at the death of Revolutionary War spy Nathan Hale. We honor his death; every leader of the Third Jihad we kill by drone strike is celebrated and tens of thousands are eager to take his place. This pinprick approach is counterproductive.

We need to look to the Second Battle of Fallujah to understand the mindset of the Jihadist soldier. The heroic conduct of American Marines, Soldiers and British forces in that battle is legendary. History will remember their tenacity and valor as soon as political correctness will allow history be properly written.

The lesson to learn from Fallujah is that “Foreign Fighters,” the Mujahedeen, welcomed death; few surrendered as a glorious death in the service of Allah assured passage to heaven and an eternity of extreme sexual pleasure.

Once again we need to defeat the Third Jihad; we need to destroy it, not merely decimate it (one in ten) but erase it from the earth. The west must defeat this Jihad in the same way Polish King John Sobieski and French and Spanish forces annihilated Islamic forces in the Second Jihad. Hundreds of millions of Muslims are seeing the Islamic Warriors as invincible and winning, and winning big.

We need to wake up and smell the Cordite; the Third Jihad is just getting started and history tells us if not brutally destroyed it will last hundreds of years.


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