The progressive long knives are oArmy Bob Salutesut and they are cutting former Democratic candidate for President, Senator, Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton into fondue cubes. Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is a bastard.

The left is working overtime to blame her for the defeat. She did not work hard enough, she targeted the wrong states with the wrong assets, and if you can believe it, they say she did not spend enough money. Mrs. Clinton, who out spent Mr. Trump almost two to one;  did have some 60 plus million left in her campaign fund. In her defense, she needed that money for celebrations and post-election payoffs and a few million for her own bank account.

The good folks on the liberal, progressive side of the divide just don’t get it. For the last four years, we have been bombarded with people telling us we are the problem, white middle class folks need to be ashamed for even being born. We are all passive aggressive and suffering from a severe case of white privilege and male privilege, we are unfair, racist, sexist, and every label they can conger up. The left is now shocked we did not vote for them, only confirming in their minds their stereotypes of our stupidity.

And what is this income inequality they yelled about, a socialist concept that is downright unAmerican? Take from the hard workers and give it to other folks because they have less?

Prejudice is a dirty word; to judge people by the group is just plain wrong. Many folks on the left are so sure their grouping of American white folks as (Mrs. Clinton said it best) a basket of deplorables and unredeemables is correct, and a perfectly honest depiction of us, so… they are puzzled most us did not vote for them? Folks you can’t make this stuff up.

The message of the Democrats was that Donald Trump is a truly horrible person and anyone who supports him is a truly deplorable person. The country is doing fine; weBob Traxler_0 simply need to move more toward socialism and everything will continue to be good. Mrs. Clinton just forgot the math; you cannot win unless you get a majority, and insulting the majority of Americans at every turn is not a good political move.

Some folks suffer from white guilt but most do not; to condemn African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, LBGT, or all left-handed, green-eyed women is wrong; to stereotype white folks as unredeemable is also wrong, but the folks in the progressive movement can’t see it and most certainly don’t believe it. The progressive folks will tell us they are the elite, the enlightened ones, but the election demonstrated they can’t count.

Now the left is shouting that Mr. Trump must, must be magnanimous in victory; he must govern as a liberal to show them how intelligent he is. After all, the majority be dammed; those on the left know what is good for us more than we do. Perhaps, my progressive friends, American everyday folks are smart enough to make our own decisions.

The American fourth estate, the self-proclaimed elite and royals, went all in for Mrs. Clinton; even a good portion of Fox News (Charles Krauthammer, George Will, Shepard Smith and a few more) were never Trump people. The media told us what to do and we did not act like good automatons and follow their orders. The vitriol in the media is loud and clear: we are stupid for not obeying them.

Mrs. Clinton lost the election, but so did the media; the king makers were stripped of their power. A given in American politics was never to anger anyone who buys ink by the barrel and video tape by the mile; Mr. Trump destroyed that assumption. Mr. Trump pointed out how rigged the media is, how unfair and egotistical they are, and they still hate him for it.

The Democrats will continue to condemn the majority of us, and not understand why the majority of us do not vote for them. The media will continue to condemn the majority of us, and not understand why the majority of us do not read or watch them.

We are a center-right nation; Presidents Clinton and Obama knew that and won twice. The Mrs. Clinton campaign apparatus full of highly paid Ivy League and media elite forgot that and lost. The United States of America has a constitution, not a manifesto.

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