Army Bob SalutesPresident-elect Trump! Our nation has made a bit of history, but it will not be mentioned in the totally angry media; we will have a president who was not a politician, bureaucrat or general officer. President Trump will be a first, but the media will ignore it as they feel only a bureaucrat/politician should be their president.

Let me say up front that I owe my friend Ranger Rick an apology; we have bantered back and forth over the last few months, and he always maintained Mr. Trump would defeat Secretary Clinton. I was in the camp that believed the polls showing she would win by 50 to 70 electoral votes. I was wrong; my support was always with Mr. Trump, but I believed the polls.

Mrs. Clinton out-spent Mr. Trump by a wide margin. She owned the media, WikiLeaks showed that. She had the clandestine support of many establishment Republicans, she had all the indicators in her favor. The one special interest group she did not have in the end was the American people.

Three months ago, I scribbled a column in this august publication entitled “What will the media do if Donald Trump is elected.” In the column was a prediction that the media would blame the racist, sexist, bigoted, Islamophobic, exceptionally stupid white American men for Mrs. Clinton’s loss. We are now seeing the blame game starting with a vengeance. The socialist left cannot bring themselves to believe their philosophy is not what the American people want, so they are blaming you and me, folks who live in Hopkins, Martin, Moline, Dorr and Wayland for being ignorant and just plain old fashioned stupid.

Bob Traxler_0If history is our teacher, then we will see a full court press by the media attacking President Trump in the same way they attacked President Ronald Reagan. The media elite went after President Reagan hammer and sickle, but were shocked to see his approval numbers going up. During a round table with the three major network news anchors (we only had four networks at the time), they complained about hitting President Reagan hard time after time, and nothing seemed to stick; Reagan then became known as the Teflon President.

Now the hard part starts; just how will President Trump deal with not just a hostile media, but a media at war with our government? I will fight the urge to tell President Trump how to deal with the apoplectic media, as he has proven he can out think, out flank, out message them at every turn.

I give it two weeks from today and the establishment political and the establishment media types will move from advising President-elect Trump, he needs to do this or say that, to attacking him. The argument will be made that Mr. Trump got an enormous amount of media time, and he indeed did. However, the media coverage of the Trump campaign was in excess of 90% negative; to say the elected and non-elected elite who run our nation despise Mr. Trump would be to call the Pacific Ocean a mud puddle.

President Obama placed his legacy, his reputation and his short-term future on the line supporting Secretary Clinton and openly criticizing Mr. Trump. He repeated time and time again that Mrs. Clinton is my third term, a vote for her is a vote for me. History will forget that and he will be canonized by history.

In other columns, I mentioned how the national mood swings like a clock pendulum right to left; we have swung very far left. We have seen Ms. Amy Kerr Hardin, a liberal columnist for this august publication, objecting to free speech being limited on colleges by political correctness. Her support for the Constitution took courage and is a testament to how far the pendulum has swung left.

One of the things we will see is that President Trump is not a true full-blown conservative; he is not a true full blown anything but an American. He is someone who knows how to fix things and deal with entrenched bureaucracies.

I am sure it is no surprise to anyone that I feel we made a sound choice to be our Commander in Chief.


November 11, 2016
I really hope you're right about Pres. Elect Trump being a sound choice as Commander in Chief. I am not nearly so confident, but I'd love to be wrong in this regard.
Robert M Traxler
November 11, 2016
Mr. Basura, Thanks for the comment. We can differ on President Elect Trumps policy’s, but he appears firm on modernizing, we are using the same rifle you and I used in the dark ages and the M1A1 tank is no longer the best on the battlefield. The Aircraft are older than the folks flying them in fact their father and mothers flew them even Grandparents. We owe it to our brothers and sisters to give then the best. //s//Traxler
Free Market Man
November 11, 2016
The Republicans were always the party of "no" for good reason, President Obama and the Democrats had unworkable and expensive ideas (like Obamacare, Obamaphones, Cash for Clunkers, Solyndra, etc.), yet, no riots, protests, assassination threats. Three days into President-Elect Trump's victory, look at all the fine upstanding rioters, protesters, and assassination threats. I thought Democrats were the party of peace and civility? I guess it only works when they win, not when they lose.
John Wilkins
November 11, 2016
Free Market, Well said!
Robert M Traxler
November 11, 2016
Mr. Free Market Man, Thanks for the comment. Interesting that Senator Sanders moved Mrs. Clinton to the left and she lost a number of blue collar folks. We must wounder what would of happened if she stayed in the center?

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