Let’s discuss a nation with government health care, government-run colleges and government-run commerce and labor.

Under the banner of health care, our leaders can control our lives even more than they do now. Salty snacks, sugary treats, candy and the like will be controlled, banned, rationed or taxed. Red meat, dairy products like milk and cheese are bad for you, also politically incorrect, so bring on the taxes. All for our own good and your government displaying its love for you, in the name of health care.

Object to government total control and you are accused of wanting to see children die and deny health care to all, oh you are also a counterrevolutionary hate-filled person.

We have seen cities that ban certain types of drinks, foods and straws, or at least tax them to the point that few purchase them, all in the name of health care. The government knows what is good for you and you are going to make bad choices, so the government needs to make them for you.

According to The Washington Post, some members of Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign team have been lobbying to raise their wages so that they make the $15 hourly rate that the Vermont senator has frequently called for, both on the presidential campaign trail and in Washington D.C. Senator Sanders responded by cutting the protesters’ hours and in reality, not paying them what Senator Sanders had referred to as a human right, a $15 minimum wage.

Is this a look into the socialist mind? Do as I say, not as I do? Senator Sanders now condemns billionaires, not millionaires, as he is a multi-millionaire. Folks, you can not make this stuff up.

A Big Brother government socialist state will limit certain activity deemed as too risky; motorcycle riding, adventure sports, extreme sports, sun bathing, cutting and splitting wood, using internal combustion engines will be highly controlled or banned. Injury costs us all in health care costs, after all.

Riding a bicycle with a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, approved footwear and the like will be mandatory, for your own good. Your government loves you and they are paying your health care bills, so bring on the regulations and take away your freedom, even your freedom to be stupid.

The government control of colleges and universities will chill free speech; after all, we have seen politically incorrect speech being banned in some colleges, imagine them with no First Amendment? Imagine them with the government controlling who attends college and who stays in higher education; do not act in the proper approved, and most importantly politically correct, manner and lose funding.

Historically, socialists have degraded religion, and pure socialism bans religion. However, it will be generations before religion will be banned, the religious are just too powerful a group to take on currently.

Over time government control of education and the media will be able to ban what Karl Marx said “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.” If you attend church, you are dependent/addicted to a drug? Go figure.

One of the confirmed socialists who scribbles in this paper referred to the Bill of Rights as an add-on and not part of the original Constitution; wow, is that a full-blown attack on our founding document, or what? He wrote, oops, my bad gender references will also be prohibited the author wrote, “We should be smart about the Second Amendment, which is indeed an amendment and not part of the original Constitution” …like the 13th that abolishes slavery or the 19th that allows women the vote?

If this does not scare the hell out of you it should. The Bill of Rights protects the people from the government; for socialism to work it needs to eliminate the Bill of Rights.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” It is the last, but the most troubling of the ten amendments in the Bill of Rights for the left, and one that must be erased from history in the name of democratic socialism. Individual rights are the most terrifying for the socialists.


Yet another theory about Jeff Epstein’s death

Jeffery Epstein is dead, and questions about his demise are many, and his death a bit puzzling. Apparently, asphyxiated with a soft bed sheet tied around his neck and his feet on the floor of his cell, he could have stopped strangulation by simply standing up.

Mr. Epstein ran in some powerful circles and his death and the information that died with him had the possibility of destroying many influential people. Former President Bill Clinton is one, along with even European royalty.

We know Mr. Epstein had some sexual issues and was convicted of crimes related to pedophilia.

Web MD states “People with pedophilia have fantasies, urges, or behaviors that involve illegal sexual activity with a child or children. The children involved are generally 13 years of age or younger. The behavior includes undressing the child, encouraging the child to watch the abuser masturbate, touching or fondling the child’s genitals, and forcefully performing sexual acts on the child.”

The general consensus is that pedophilia is not curable; it may be controlled to some extent, but never cured. Having worked two cases involving people with the disorder, I agree, though I know it’s not a politically correct thing to say.

Was Mr. Epstein a horrible person? Yes he was. Did he have a mental disorder? Most agree he did. That said, his disorder may have been related to his death.

Masturbation while reliving sexual encounters with children is not uncommon in pedophiliacs as is autoeroticism. Autoeroticism in the most common form is denying the brain oxygen while masturbating; it is not common for a person to die during the act, as most either stop the strangulation before losing consciousness or have a person standing by in case they pass out. However, there have been a number of such deaths over the years, actor David Carradine among others.

The Epstein case will always remain open in the minds of many good folks, there are just too many unanswered questions. It will provide fodder for those questioning the circumstances of his death for years to come.

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