Army Bob: Hunter Biden puts shoe on the other foot

by Robert M. Traxler

President Donald Trump was convicted, and it is making the progressive movement giddy. The old adage of “Beware of what you wish for as you may get it” just may apply here.

Has the door been opened to use local law against a President? Will President Biden be put on trial in Dearborn (Mich.) by a local prosecutor using tortured logic for sending arms and munitions to Israel? Will President Biden be placed on trial for violating immigration laws by a prosecutor in a city in Texas reading the law in a partisan way? 

President Trump did not put Secretary of State Clinton on trial, nor did any Republican even indict her despite her clearly violating laws. So much for the argument that President Trump will “get even” and he will prosecute his political enemies. The progressive movement is infamous for its policy of accusing others of wanting to do what they do themselves. 

The progressive movement is much more vindictive than the liberals of old, and they have opened a Pandora’s box of legal weapons against anyone who opposes them. Well, this is a two-edged sword cutting both ways, and bending the rule of law to their way of thinking, it can be bent back on them.

The main problem is that the conservative side will not just lay down and take it; we may also use the system and strike back with “lawfare” of our own.  

Many years ago while in the Army, I was sent on temporary duty to a third-world nation. It had just had a presidential election, and the loser and his family were tried and executed. I clearly remember thinking “Damn, I am glad we are above that type of thing; we are above punishing citizens who lose an election.” Well, we have sunk to a third-world standard of jurisprudence. 

The progressive movement has infected our military, which has adopted the progressive slogan of “our diversity is our strength.” Not no, but hell no; our unity, our unit cohesion is the military’s strength. Above all we are a member of a unit, regardless of who we were or where we came from.

We are now a paratrooper, infantry soldier, an aviator, a warrior, an American soldier, sailor, airman, marine, or space force member. We are proud and dedicated; regardless of political correctness of the time, we have one goal, and that is to win wars and protect our nation in the process.

To close with and kill capture or otherwise destroy the enemy by close combat fire and maneuver, not close with the enemy and interject diversity, inclusion and equity.  

The Robert Hunter Biden trial will tell us a good bit about our legal system. His guilt appears to be a slam dunk, but the progressive rule of law is predominant in the jury. The ATF Form 4473, a form Hunter Biden signed under penalty of law, states “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.”

Army Bob Traxler

Hunter Biden wrote in his book that he was drug addicted at the time he swore he was not on the ATF Form 4473. Mr. Biden’s lady friend at the time will testify that he was using drugs at the time.

Our friends in the progressive media will shout repeatedly that Robert Hunter Biden is being persecuted because he is a heroic rehabilitated drug addict and above criticism, in part because the loss of his brother drove him to drug use. Mr. Biden used drugs long before his heroic veteran brother sadly and tragically passed away. 

President Trump’s conviction will be reversed on appeal, with arguably at least eight reversible errors by the judge. A conviction was the goal of the judge, not justice. The conviction will be upheld by the New York Court of appeals, but not the Supreme Court.

We should look to the courts in the progressive States of Illinois, Maine and Colorado trying to ban President Trump from the ballot, then being overturned but SCOTUS as a guide. My opinion.

2 thoughts on “Army Bob: Hunter Biden puts shoe on the other foot”

  1. Army Bob, nicely done.

    Even Democrats know the kangaroo court in NY convicting Trump was a sham, but the court in Delaware will save Hunter. The “Progressives”, also known as Marxists, were giddy with 34 convictions.. now Trump is a felon. Oh happy day, now we can put that on his list of negatives and start to see Biden gain in the polls!
    Oh oh, Trump is getting stronger and gaining in the polls and massive contributions. Even from former Biden supporters. Biden is frail physically and a dementia patient. He should be in a nursing home. But it is decision time for the evil party, stay with Joey or select another loser to head the party. Decisions, decisions. So much to do and time is running out. Where to turn? Good luck Marxists!

    1. Robert Traxler

      Bass Man,
      Thanks for the comment. The polls will tighten as the media go’s to work, not supporting President Biden but being anti President Trump.

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