by Robert M. Traxler

Hurricane Helene joins the long list as of one of the most destructive storms in our history. We witness greater damage from hurricanes as our numbers grow in coastal areas at a rate of three times that of most other areas.
The death toll from Helene stands at 150 and is increasing, and thousands are homeless, and millions are without basic needs. Even the best prepared government and private agencies will take days to reach many people; roads are out, bridges are out, stores are closed or sold out, water distribution and basic sanitation is nonexistent. People are suffering and angry at our governments, a normal reaction to lash out when a disaster happens.
However in this disaster, as in most others, we as Americans live in a society that was born in the spirt of individuality, fail to prepare for basic emergencies. This brings up the subject of basic disaster preparedness; not shelters designed to survive a nuclear war costing hundreds of thousands, but a prepping kit costing a few hundred dollars designed to last a few days or even a few weeks.
In a disaster situation our needs are found in five general categories: water, food, shelter, medical and security, and the priority of each is dependent on your need at the time. We can survive one to three days without water and weeks without food; medical, shelter and security are dependent on your needs and the conditions at the time.
A good way to prepare for an emergency is to tackle an area in priority each month, water being the most basic item for survival should be first. Most folks will go to Costco and purchase a case of bottled water. It is a great thing to do, but a person needs from one to five gallons of water a day, that’s a lot of bottles. A water purification system that fits in a kitchen drawer like a LifeStraw costs $20 for two on Amazon (a primary and a backup) and each filters hundreds of gallons of water.
Food is an item that can be purchased in convenient kits costing hundreds for a family. They are great, however, a caution: look at the number of calories listed per day as many have starvation level calories per day.
A good way to prepare for emergency food is to purchase a five-gallon bucket or two and put a few pounds of rice, beans, freeze dried fruit and dried soups in them and store them in an area where they are climate controlled like a closet, or purchase a container designed to fit under a bed for storage. As long as the container will keep the dried food dry and not allow insects to enter, it is fine. Stored properly the food in your kit will last for many years.
While you are at a store looking at food items, do not forget matches or a lighter. We can cook in an open fire or in a grill using wood picked up from the ground, or better yet a gas/solid fuel camping stove costing under $20, some even less on Amazon. A week’s worth of cooking fuel costing under $20 will set you up.

It is a good idea to keep a few weeks of vital medications on hand and a first aid kit. Whole body wipes can keep you clean and healthy and cost under $10 for a good amount of them.
Shelter is a bit trickier. A propane heater for indoor use can be purchased for under $100, and many folks have a fireplace, and need only to store a few days’ worth of dry firewood.
Security in a short-term emergency is not immediately critical. However, the longer the emergency lasts, security becomes important as people become desperate.
A survival crank/battery radio is a good idea. Information is vital for our peace of mind, and the cost as little as $19 on Amazon, and some can charge a cell phone. In storage they last five years before the internal batteries go bad.
The bottom line is that a few dollars spent every month to establish your emergency supplies will keep you and yours safe in an emergency. My opinion.
The Biden/Harris Administration gives billions of dollars to countries all over the world, including those that hate us and vow our destruction. But today I heard the government agencies that exist for the sole purpose to help in emergencies are either out of money or close to the bottom of the money barrel.
When your hate for one person is greater than your love of country, maybe you are the problem. After almost four years of misery due to this administration’s incompetence; inflation, high fuel prices, high home loan interest, two ongoing wars, and closer to WW III than ever, yet Harris/Walz insists it can make miraculous changes without so much as solid proposals to do so. And you want four more years of this crap?
The problem is staring at you looking in the mirror.
Elections have consequences, and we have chosen poorly in 2020 and are reaping what we have sown! Wake up.
Thanks for the comment, Bass Man, a nuclear exchange or an EMP attack, or natural occurrence of an EMP (mass solar ejection) is a different level of prepping. The world is a more dangerous place today and a bit of preparation is not a bad thing to do. Thanks again.
A brief reply to Bass Man:
It would behoove you to remember that since before Donald Trump took office (by the peaceful transfer of power, I might add) he has been spewing the implication that he (alone??) can solve all of America’s problems, while at the same time offering not one concrete, specific plan as to how he (alone??) is going to achieve such a state of American bliss.
What makes any of us believe that he is any closer to such a state now, especially after all he could offer during the recent debate with Kamala Harris was “the concept of a plan?”