by Robert M. Traxler

The Institute for the Study of War reported Wednesday, Aug. 21, on its website, “Russia conducted one of the largest combined series of drone and missile strikes against Ukrainian critical infrastructure to date on Aug. 26.”  Anything in our media on this?

Not surprising; the Russian aggressors making gains is bad news, and bad news is not allowed in our media until after the election. The Ukrainians also reported that they used American made F-16s to shoot down UAVs and missiles. Our media has not even stated that Ukraine has received the F-16 Fighting Falcons we promised two years ago. 

Our media is 95% behind the rush to a national socialist government, a socialist nation with nationalism allowed. During the Democratic National Committee’s show in Chicago, they bragged that they had more American flags than the Republican National Committee’s show did. Socialists who wrap themselves in the flag? Perhaps they should tread carefully in that concept.  

“Kraft Durch Freude” roughly translates into hope and joy, a slogan used by the German National Socialist Party, and a few days ago by the Democratic National Committee during their prime-time show (‘show,’ as it did not do anything but spray hate for former President Trump). Do they have a computer? A history book?

One would think they googled the slogan, as the Republicans should have checked the “America First” slogan, used by Charles Lindberg and the antiwar folks leading up to World War Two before it was used by the President Trump campaign. Most folks believe history starts the day they were born, and do not learn.

The Israelis are continuing their massive operation in Gaza. Do you see much about it in our media? The media do not want to fire up the ‘river to the sea’ folks as it will hurt the Democrats, so the news is censored, just as was the bad news embarrassing to President Biden during the last election.

Army Bob Traxler

Even Mark Zuckerberg, the billionaire owner of Facebook, has said that after being subpoenaed by a United States House of Representatives, they did censor content concerning President Biden’s family during the 2020 election at the request of the FBI, CIA and Democratic Party. But not to worry, they have fixed the practice.

Really? Then how did Facebook call the photos of President Trump with blood on his face doctored?  Oh yeah, they apologized for that one as well; funny how the error only affects conservative candidates.

Folks who maintain that the COVID virus was released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology are still censored. We must believe that with thousands of “wet markets” in Asia and on the Asian subcontinent, COVID just happened to “naturally occur” a few miles from a lab doing research into COVID. Are we that stupid? Apparently, the media feels you are. My opinion


Virgil R Gleason
August 29, 2024
Sold the TV's 10+ years ago. NPR, and UTUBE are free. Why pay over $100 a month to pollute, ourselves and our children?
August 29, 2024
I’m getting sick of all the political comments in this paper!! It used to be a paper about what things are happening in our town!! What is happening with sports etc. at the school and good old fashion city news!! Maybe we should have a separate paper for political comments!!!You should be ashamed Dave….
John Wilkens
August 30, 2024
Winnie, it's sometimes hard to read and accept the truth. You do have a choice..........Cheers!!
Bass Man
August 30, 2024
I guess Winnie only likes Marxist point of views? Winnie, Dave has had opinion writers, including himself, since I've been viewing TB. Did you just start reading TB?
Robert Traxler
August 30, 2024
Winnie, Thanks for your comment. The Army Bob column has been printed every week for the last nearly 11 years. In years past the paper had the Editors comments and four political commentators. To the editors credit he balances his leftest editorials with right wing comments from this column. Thanks again for your comment.

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