Secretary of State JohArmy Bob Salutesn Kerry has announced that “some” of the more than 100 billion dollars in seized funds we gave back (plus generous interest) to the Islamic Republic of Iran will be used by them to finance terrorism.

When we look at even a small portion of the money, let’s say 10 percent or ten billion, that is enough to fully finance their now clandestine atomic weapons program for a number of years. Ten billion will allow them to equip a full armored division or finance more than 8,230 terrorist attacks on the 911 scale.

The 10 billion, a small portion of the funds, will cover the cost of more than 17,000,000 AK-47 or AK-74 rifles, and 10,000,000,000 rounds of ammunition. We all must ask ourselves what part of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s constitution is hard to understand, a document that requires them to directly or indirectly kill us. The death of infidels through terrorism or direct attack and the spreading of Islam are as integral a part of their constitution as free speech or the right to bear arms is a part of the American Constitution.

The Iranian constitution is not based on the Holy Koran in the way our Constitution is based on the Judeo/Christian ethic, and the code of Hammurabi and English common Law; it is word for word part of the Iranian constitution.

For every action there is a reaction. The American government was a reluctant supporter of the Shah of Iran and did not support his remaining in office. President Carter and the liberals/progressives in our government at the time welcomed the Islamic revolution in Iran in the same way Secretary ClintBob Traxler_0on and President Obama welcomed the Arab Spring and the radical governments that resulted. The Islamic radicals overthrew the Shah (a dictatorial leader) and welcomed the revolutions new Islamic leadership. Then the Iranians attacked the American embassy, imprisoned and tortured more than 60 American diplomats and military personnel for 444 days.

Iran went out of its way to publicly humiliate the American president and our nation. Their stated goal was to get street creds in the Islamic world and announce to the world they are the new leaders of the Islamic fundamentalist religious movement. Iran has not changed. Indeed, the people responsible for the unlawful confinement and torture of Americans, who had diplomatic immunity by the way, are now running the Islamic Republic of Iran.

We have a tendency to think all governments have the same restrictions and ethics as our constitutional, free enterprise democracy; they do not. The system of checks and balances, the triad of our government, executive, legislative and judicial, is not the norm throughout the world. In the Islamic republic of Iran the religious leader can trump any branch of the government in any and every action they take.

The agreements the government of Iran made with Secretary Kerry can be nullified by an order from Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the religious leader who is appointed by a group of religious experts. Iran can just disregard the agreement made with the godless infidels, citing “Allah’s will” as their authority.

President William Clinton gave the North Korean two billion dollars to end its nuclear weapons program, trusting in the United Nations to enforce the agreement, and North Korea used the 2 billion to build a number of nuclear weapons. President Obama has released more than $100 billion to the Iranian government to end its nuclear weapons program. Want to guess on what they build with it?

Precisely why two of the two last Democratic presidents have funded our enemies’ nuclear weapons programs must be above my pay grade to understand.

Just as soon as Iran sells the billions of barrels of crude oil they have stored in ships and in storage tanks and gets their economy repaired, they will follow their constitution and attack the Great Satan. $100 billion plus the billions they will gain selling their crude oil will fund a lot of damage to our nation and our way of life and help destabilize the world.

Is returning one hundred plus billion dollars to Iran a good idea? You decide.

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