by Robert M. Traxler

The majority of the liberal or socialist party were against the “unending, undeclared wars” in several countries; they marched and protested our military actions worldwide and clamored for its end. That is, until President Trump announced he was going to remove American military forces from Syria. House Majority Leader Nancey Pelosi called the ending of our direct involvement in Syria “a Christmas gift to Vladimir Putin.” Other leaders of the left-wing party called it “irresponsible” and “hasty.” Folks, you can’t make this stuff up.
One of the many left-wing counters to Fox news, MSNBC, is apoplectic over the withdrawal of our forces deployed in Syria. Rachel Maddow, a person known for her anti-military stand, railed about the President only removing the forces from Syria “to distract the public,” forgetting candidate Trump’s pledge to do what he did.
Among the phalanx of normally pre-Trump anti-military media is Joe Scarborough, or “Morning Joe,” who stated with more than a small bit of anger that President Trump was a “quivering coward.” Mr. Morning Joe went on to state that the President does not understand we must fight “enemies like ISIS abroad so we do not have to fight them in our schools, churches and airports.”
The American left before Trump roundly rejected the concept of fighting terrorists abroad so we do not need to fight them at home as just a downright stupid concept with no proof.
The liberal party was against the FBI and CIA withholding highly classified documents from Congress when the Congress was investigating anything, no matter how sensitive. The left is now in favor of government investigative agencies withholding documents when it comes to ascertaining if the FBI and CIA worked with the Democrats to derail the President’s campaign. If you are not terrified over the use of federal investigative and intelligence agencies to influence a national election and the attempts to hide it, you should be.
The American left of old denounced the “Red Scare mindset” as an overreaction of the war mongering right; now the left is seething with anger over anything Russian.
In the left’s defense, they were enamored with the Socialist USSR and not so much with the capitalist Russian Federation.

President Trump advocates in favor of criminal justice reform, a subject near and dear to the left. The left-wing media (most of the media) should be cheering, but they are not. The New York Times called The First Step Act Program a ruse, as it does not reduce the sentences for the most serious/violent criminals.
The First Step Act offers inmates a reduced sentence if they participate in job training and education, expanding the use of home detention and post-release transitional programs. So, what’s not to like, other than President Trump introduced the program?
According to Keith Wattley, who wrote in the New York Times, it is unjust as it does nothing for the most violent criminals. What? It helps the vast majority of criminals, a plan I disagree with by the way. We tried this same thing in the 1970s/’80s and found it a waste of time and money, but the real problem is that President Trump is advocating for a change to the system, so the left objects to it. If nothing else, we do not read, hear or see much coverage of this law, as the left would need to say something complimentary to our President.
The left-wing party has moved even further left, thanks to the disdain they hold for President Trump, a bad move in my eyes, as the United States is a center right nation. Socialists openly joining the Democratic Party is proof of the stampede of the left towards socialism, even proudly calling radical socialist Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez the new face of the party.
Time will tell if the American people truly want a more socialist nation. Socialism has never worked for long, failing in the largest nation in the world (the USSR) and even in small social collectives in our area.
Army Bob
This is so true the Democrats are so confused they have no idea where they are headed.
There is a group of Leaders in the Party who are convincing their followers that there is Democratic Socialism.
There goal is to turn this Country to Socialism, but they have like many failed to see the gradual increase in the Islamic movement.
Socialism may be here in the next few years. Than a few years later it will be a race to see who conquers us frist China, or the Islamic extremists.
Once again my money is on China
Mr. Smit,
Harry, a joke during the Korean War was “hey Sarge how many hordes are in a Chinese rifle squad?” We have trouble wrapping our minds around the numbers when it comes to the Chinese.
Thanks for the comment.
There have been a lot of changes. I note too the the Republican Party once called itself the Party of Family Values. But that was before Trump. There were Republicans that called themselves Deficit Hawks. Now, not so much. Fiscal conservatives? Missing in action. Those worried about the National Debt don’t seem so worried anymore. Feeling threatened by Russia? No, no Putin is our friend. We have lots of friends. Putin, Kim Jong Un (Did Donald really say he fell In love with him?) Duterte. Goodness. And prison reform – isn’t it interesting how the GOP is all pro-prison reform lately?
Mr. Basura,
Thank you for making my point. President Trump is a transformational President. Please feel free to opine about how he has changed the Republican Party as well.
Trump not only changed the republican party now he trying to change the ten commandments. Half way through already.Just by example.
Oh, and don’t forget those tariffs that Trump loves so much. Free Market Man has been gone from these pages since Trump’s tariffs. Maybe he’s a soybean farmer. Maybe he’s changed his tune on free markets.
Actually, Free Market’s e-mail apparatus failed and he came back as Don’t Tread on Me.
I’m sure the former free market man must hate those tariffs.
Mr. Basura,
If the former Free Market Man hates them do you love them? Do you give President Trump credit?
I didn’t take a position on tariffs. I pointed out a glaring inconsistency.. I said Free Market Man/Don’t Tread has been outspoken about free markets, but has yet to decry Trump’s t’ariffs.
Free markets are only “free markets” when they are fair markets, where both parties involved mutually benefit from market activity. President Trump understands that, whereas Presidents Clinton, Bush and
Obama never did, they were complicit in stupid trade agreements.
Trump, contrary to wrongheaded Democrats, Liberals, Statists and Remocrats is doing what no other politician has done – doing what he said he would do. True to his word, he is getting things done. Thank God we have Trump instead of lying Clinton. She is the one that should be investigated for destroying evidence and classified information.