Army Bob SalutesIn this column I have railed against prejudice in all its forms; to prejudge anyone, to judge anyone by the group is just plain wrong. Unfortunately we have politically correct prejudice and the majority in the media see no harm in it.

To prejudge all law enforcement officers as racists, (whatever that term truly means any more, who knows?), because of the actions or even the perceived actions of a very few police officers is considered perfectly acceptable. The cheer heard at Black Lives Matter rallies “Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon” is not considered by the elitists in the media as prejudice or racism; got to wonder how that works.

The Black Lives Matter rallies have hundreds to thousands of protesters who quote the words of the assassin of two Police Officers, Ismaaiyl Brinsley. Mr. Brinsley posted on social media before his assassination of two minority New York City Police Officers that he was going to put “Pigs in a blanket,” meaning a body bag.

Those in the media have no problem condemning all Tea Party folks as racists because of the actions of less than .02% of the people at their rallies, who have signs depicting President Obama with a Hitler mustache or putting his face on a monkey’s body. To pre-judge millions of people who call themselves Tea Party supporters because of the actions of less than a dozen radicals is perfectly acceptable in the eyes of the media.

The media will ignore hundreds of Black Lives Matter protesters calling for the deaths of perfectly innocent police officers because it fits the narrative thBob Traxler_0e media supports. This practice of pre-judging Tea Party members by the group is irrational and just plain wrong in the eyes of a logical person; however the media has the luxury of being unreasonable at its pleasure. The media gets to define logic, rationality and right and wrong.

Mr. Martin O’Malley, the former Governor of Maryland and candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States, was forced to apologize for his racist, bigoted, intolerant statement: Governor O’Malley was called a racist pig for the vile statement that “all lives matter.” Let’s talk tolerance, harmony and acceptance; why in the world would a person any person need to ask for forgiveness for saying all lives matter? Governor O’Malley is being attacked for a perfectly acceptable and inclusive statement; this assault on him is an example of politically correct and the progressive thought police in action.

The term racist at one time was a horrible, vile title that was reserved for the worst among us; today it has very little meaning. President Obama was called a racist for referring to criminals who burned, robbed and looted in Baltimore as thugs. Anyone who would dare call for a return to the welfare reforms designed and instituted by President Clinton is also called a racist. We have lost the word prejudice in our vocabulary and everything automatically jumps to racist.

It is perfectly politically correct to use the same term we use for a member of the Ku Klux Klan as we do for a President who was referred to as the first black President, President Clinton, and also President Obama; the term racist. We as a nation need to rediscover a few words less inflammatory than racist; prejudice, bigoted even intolerant, and I am sure the wordsmiths in the media could find a few more.

Exactly how we find ourselves in the position of being 100 percent in sync with the most radical African Americans or being labeled as a racist is a question above my pay grade. We as a nation need to find a way to differentiate between honest disagreements with the liberal progressive view on race and extremely, irrationally hateful people like we find in the Klan.

Come on folks, are Governor O’Malley, President Clinton and President Obama and all Tea Party supporters truly racists? I think not. 75% of the Tea Party, a clear majority, supported Mr. Herman Cain, an African American, in the last Republican primary. Growing up in the 1960s Deep South, I knew racists; they may have lynched Mr. Cain, but they never would have supported him for President.

Blue lives matter, Black lives matter, all lives do truly matter — to say they do not, is prejudice in its most basic form.

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