Among the Founding Fathers were 14 who owned slaves; thus those who drafted, signed and published the American Constitution must be shunned and the Constitution rendered null and void.
The American Constitution did not give women the vote, it did not do many things. Many were fixed in the Bill of Rights in 1791, however the anti-Constitution people cite the facts that in the 1770s to the 1790s life was not what it is today, so the Constitution is a racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, intolerant, unfair document that should reside on the ash heap of history.
Why do we have the Bill of Rights? Because the signers of the U.S. Constitution and the voters in the 13 colonies/states wanted to limit the power of the federal government and ensure that the central government’s power was not absolute. A limited government will not work in a socialist nation; the holy grail of socialism is that the federal government is the only allowable force for good.
We, you and I, are children and the government our parents, “in loco parentis,” who are all powerful and better capable of running our lives than we are. The government can spend what you earn more efficiently, better, fairer and more justly than you can,  so we need to let them, right?
The American Constitution was a radical document that scared the crap out of the dictators and monarchs, to the point that Spain, France and England all attempted to overthrow our republic. The Whiskey Rebellion was encouraged by the Spanish; after General/President Washington marched on the rebels in Pennsylvania, the leaders fled to New Orleans and then Spanish West Florida.
To be legal and accepted, a socialist society must vastly increase the power of the federal government. That cannot be done with a radical document like the American Constitution in place, one that limits governmental power.
Is it easy for the left to amend the Constitution? No it is not, so they are trying to take the back door and destroy our founding document in a death of a thousand cuts. Could the far left get what they wanted by amending the Constitution, abolishing the Second Amendment for example? Sure, they can, but it may never stand the test of a majority in of two-thirds of the States to pass, so they use the back door and chip away our freedoms and empower the government.
The oath taken by many Americans is to the Constitution, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies; our nation is the Constitution, not an overreaching all powerful dictatorial federal government.
On the next fourth of July let’s celebrate a radical unique form of government regulated by a Constitution that limits the power of the big brother, overreaching, dictatorial, government.
Mr. Colin Kaepernick, a former NFL player, objected to the” Betsy Ross American Flag” being used on a pair of shoes; strange, since Ms. Ross was a Quaker who was anti-slavery? The argument as to why liberals do not like the Betsy Ross flag is that it has been used in demonstrations and protests by a very few on the radical right.
At least two commentators on MSNBC said Nike might as well use the Nazi Swastika as the Betsy Ross American flag.  Really? Oh, by the way, the Nazis were socialists, who allowed religion and nationalism. Yes pure socialism does not allow either, but socialists and proud of it.
So why attack the American flag? Because the flag and Constitution are intertwined; if you want to vilify the Constitution you must also vilify the flag. My mother, father and father-in-law,  along with tens of millions of other Americans, were buried in a flag-draped coffin. For the socialists to conquer our nation they must first destroy our Constitution and degrade the flag; they are working overtime to do just that.
Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont stated that the United States is the worst nation in the world? Worst? In the world? Really? The senator must say that to erase the truth and nullify our Constitution and to open the road to national socialism.


Robert M Traxler
July 12, 2019
Correction, the leaders of the Whiskey Rebellion fled to New Orleans, at the time it was called Spanish West Florida. Sorry for the mistake.
Colleen Jackson
August 9, 2019
What exactly is the Betty Ross American Flag, please? I think everything has got way out of hand with all the judging that goes on, because of where you were born & whether you fit a certain criteria. But what would I know... I'm just a old white woman!

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