by Robert M. Traxler
Judge Brett Kavanaugh was angry and upset when he testified; if he had been calm and quiet the media would have said he is a heartless bleep who doesn’t care as the fix is in. If he were innocent, he would have been angry and animated, he would have been more aggressive.
If Judge Kavanaugh turned water into wine it would prove he is an alcoholic who wants children to drink alcohol and become addicted to drugs, while abusing women, minorities and the poor.
The problem with this case, is that no proof exists. Please do not forget that the four “witnesses” Dr. Ford referenced by name under oath said it did not happen.
I can tell you that if you were charged with a crime you did not commit, and senators said they believe the complainant, before the first hearing was conducted, not the four witnesses who deny it happened, you would be a bit angry as well.
If the expanded FBI investigation fails to hang Judge Kavanaugh, it will be rationalized as rushed, incomplete and biased. The FBI cannot win in this; they deal in facts and evidence, and this is about feelings rather than facts, with a large dose of partisan politics tosses in for good measure.
This is all about Roe v. Wade, not a 36-year-old unprovable complaint. Some say the Civil War was about the balance of power between the Republican north and the slave holding Democratic south; this nomination has nothing to do with Judge Kavanaugh and everything to do with the balance of power.
President Donald Trump scares the hell out of the progressives who saw us rushing towards socialism while sending the American Constitution to the ash heap of history. Then President Trump was elected and put the breaks on the Supreme Court helping the socialist rush to “change.”
If we can look at the platform of the progressive left, we see a good bit of prophylactic terms with a dearth of facts, like inclusion, tolerance, change and progress.
If an ex-girlfriend or ex-wife makes a criminal complaint against your son, your brother, your grandfather, your father, we should believe them because of gender? False complaints of sexual assault are from 8% to 40% of complaints; the spread is in how they are counted. If a woman makes a complaint and it is found out in the first few hours to be based in anger over a broken relationship or some other source of anger and closed in a few hours, it may not be counted.
Please do not misunderstand: most sexual assaults are founded, and the majority of complaints are founded, but to say we must, have to, always believe women is a dangerous thing to say. All Americans, even men, are innocent until proven guilty; that is an American Constitutional right and an international human right.
To deny due process to any group is wrong, illegal and unconstitutional; today men, tomorrow, women, or other groups? In the 1960/70s the American military members were called baby killers, and mass murders, attacked and assaulted, by the anti-war folks. Most of those being assaulted had never fired a weapon in battle, but that was politically correct prejudice with no evidence or due process, but what the hell, it was prejudice against a group the left did not like nor approve of.
If you good folks on the left are unhinged over Judge Kavanaugh, please think about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg being 85 and reportedly in ill health; I wish her all the best and sincerely hope she lives to be 110, please do not mis-quote me on this. If Justice Ginsburg steps down with in the next two years our nation is in deep trouble. The fight over the current nomination will be a walk in the park compared to next to the battle for the next Justice. The folks who just may turn violent over the Kavanaugh appointment will no doubt find justification for violence over the (fill in the blanks) nomination. If President Trump nominates a woman, she will be classified as “not a real woman,” an African American will be like Justices Clarence Thomas white on the inside.
Again, this has nothing to do with qualifications and everything to do with Roe v. Wade and the balance of power.
A tongue in cheek suggestion is that President Trump should nominate Hillary Clinton, so we can see her classified e-mails and the missing documents on Benghazi.



Harry Smit
October 5, 2018
Another on the mark piece...some are still so upset after losing the election their line of thinking Sensenbilty has been are correct in thinking this appointment will will be nothing compared to Ginsburgs replacement...things have truly taken a turn .
Robert M Traxler
October 6, 2018
Mr. Smit, Harry, Thank you for the comment. The beauty of our system of government is if things swing to far right or left the people vote for things to move more to the center. Eight years of a Socialist President then the system moves us back to a Capitalist President. Thanks again.
Don't Tread On Me
October 6, 2018
It's Saturday after the senate vote to affirm Judge Kavanaugh, as they should. The smear tactics are no longer working Democrats. Get over TDS and love the positive changes. We had to live through 8 years of Marxist thought and little economic progress, few jobs, and higher taxes. Now we have the college debt bubble over our heads and will come to a head soon with all the defaults - thank you Pres. Barak (Barry) Obama. You aren't missed, we have a real leader now instead of a wannabe!
Lynn Mandaville
October 7, 2018
Good morning to you, Bob. This is a very thoughtful column. My only comment would be this, as explanation rather than excuse for some of the more extreme responses by those who opposed Justice Kavanaugh. (Please note that I acknowledge his new status on the Court without malice.) There is such deeply held and heartfelt emotion that accompanies sexual assault, especially if it has been repressed for many years, that when it finally comes out it can be explosive. Harsh behavior by those women and men is understandable, if not appropriate, or in some cases, criminal. But I feel I'm preaching to the choir. Surely you know that, too. It would be nice if the nation as a whole could accept their pain and extend sympathy rather than harsh judgment. Such an act of kindness might help temper the response to what was, certainly, an imperfect confirmation process. (It rained in the desert during the night! Glorious.)

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