by Robert M. Traxler

Being a liberal media member and politician means never having to say you are sorry for being wrong. Left wing truths need not have facts to back them up, they merely need to be something the left wants to be true. A few examples:

“Psychopaths make up about 1 percent of the general population and as much as 25 percent of the male offenders in federal correctional settings. Psychopaths are typically profoundly selfish and lack emotion.” Live science. Left wing truth is all people are good, and made bad by our capitalist system.

How we square this with the progressive belief that there are no criminals in the prison systems, only a criminal American society, is anyone’s guess. During my years in law enforcement I interviewed some very bad folks who deserve to be locked up for life; white folks, black folks, and others who made choices to do evil things. However, left-wing holy grail is that all people in prison (other than white collar criminals) are victims of a corrupt criminal justice system. It must be true, I have heard it repeated my whole life.

Western liberal guilt tells us that the United States polluting of the oceans is a horrible problem that we must fix before it is too late. Ok, do the progressive/socialists know that China, a good socialist nation, dumps 73.45 times as much crap in the oceans than the United States does? Do they know that Indonesia dumps 10.7 times as much, the Philippines, 6.3 times as much, Sri-Lanka and a lot more nations dump more than we do? Who cares, it’s the United States’ fault, right?

The United States is responsible for the world’s pollution; even the liberal “Sustainability for all” acknowledges China pollutes at twice the rate we do. Who cares? Blaming you and me is a liberal unquestioned truth.

Do you remember the absolute truth that President Donald Trump was a paid Russian agent? A liberal/progressive slam dunk, a fact that Robert Mueller would prove any day now? I tried to compile a list of pundits and politicians who guaranteed it, but gee, it is very hard to find, is that very surprising? No, they own the media and Google.

How about guns kill people, people do not kill people? As if a firearm has free will, mobility, and intelligence. It makes zero sense but who cares? It sounds good.

Prejudice is fine if it is politically correct prejudice. Judging good folks by the group is fine, if the left disapproves of the group, like 31 million Americans who are “deplorable and irredeemable.”

Old White Men are the new villains of our society; are liberal old white men evil? Is former Vice President Biden evil? Senator Bernie Sanders? They are old white males. Do all old white women only do what their husbands tell them to do? Not in our house, how about yours? Your mother and grandmother are controlled by their spouses, right? According to liberal pundits they are, they cannot think for themselves  It matters not a bit that it is wrong, it sounds good and Hillary Clinton and her supporters in the media believe it, so it can’t be wrong.

According to left-wing rhetoric, people in red states are dumb, backwards, missing teeth, married to their sisters, uneducated, speak in a drawl, are all gun-toting rednecks.  The liberal/socialists in our area are included. Folks, you can’t make this stuff up.

Mr. David Coleman, CEO of the College Boards, has stated that the SATs need to be redone to compensate for the lack of educational opportunity in the “rural areas.” City schools are of course better than our backward country schools? A liberal fact? Not true, but who cares?

I could never figure out just how if someone moves from Chicago to Dorr, their IQ drops the second they arrive? Or if someone moves from Wayland to San Francisco their IQ instantly increases? But I am now a country person so I am too dumb to understand. A liberal chiseled in stone fact, we are just dumber than rocks compared to blue state folks.

We all must be overjoyed that the socialists are nonjudgmental and always correct.


Lynn Mandaville
September 6, 2019
It would seem that Donald Trump has become one of your detested liberals, what with his disdain for facts over his desire for an alterative truth. The instances of his misleading remarks and flat out lies that have been clearly revealed for their "untruthiness" by the likes of Politifact who share the proof of his wanting the facts to match his delusions. Just look to his repeated defense of his misstatements regarding Dorian and its erroneous threat to the state of Alabama. His altered map of the storm's expected course is clear evidence of his unstable thinking.
September 6, 2019
There you go again. Wanting to speak for the left. I got as far as you saying people on the left think all psychopaths are good people. You set up strawman arguments, then counter them, as if it was somehow germane. You're on the right. Speak for the right.
Robert M Traxler
September 6, 2019
So President Trump is a paid Russian agent? Thanks for the comment.
Robert M Traxler
September 6, 2019
Mr. Basura Sir, let he is without guilt cast the first stone. Thanks for the comment.

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