Trumpocalypse:’ is a term that has been coined by those on the left who are becoming “preppers,” people who prepare for a worst-case scenario, which they believe will come because President Trump is so dangerous.

Prepping (preparing for disaster) has been around since the dawn of recorded time; doomsday cults predicting the end of the world for various reasons are found in most nations on every continent. Hardened bunkers stocked with food water and medical supplies and weapons did not start with the beginning of the atomic age or with President Trump. References to preppers go back to the Assyrians in 2800 BC; the Romans practiced preparing as early as 643 BC. Most of the world’s religions have a reference to survivalists or Armageddon.

The good folks on the liberal side of the argument want to prepare for a disaster — good for them. Homeland Security/FEMA under President Obama recommended every American family maintain a 72-hour to a 14-day emergency kit. Food, water, basic medical supplies, prescription medicines, batteries and the like.

President Trump, President Obama, and every leader of our nation have caused people to hope for the best but plan for the worst. Nothing new or radical in disaster preparedness in our country or any country. The progressive/socialist movement has discovered prepping with President Trump’s inauguration as if it is a new radical way to protest our 45th president. The left, which mocked, ridiculed and condemned preppers in the past are now are building shelters.

We are now back to a place in our history like President Reagan’s; President Trump will be blamed for every sin in the book. A term coined along with Trumpocalypse is “Trumpnado,” a term developed as a marketing tool to sell tornado shelters to the left. As President Reagan was blamed by the liberals for a tsunami that killed tens of thousands, President Trump will be blamed for every natural disaster worldwide.

The media/left was angry with President Reagan; they are deranged and irrationally unhinged with President Trump. Stand by and prepare for the irrational being rational in the future. If you have a flat tire, it is Trump’s fault; the roads are a mess and he flattened your tire. An airplane crashes, because he did not spend enough federal funds on aviation safety. A hurricane strikes when or wherever, which he caused to happen by relaxing environmental enforcement standards. Terrorists attack, he is to blame for requiring extreme vetting of refugees from countries that harbor radicals and for calling Islamic radical terrorists what they are.

Right wing media sites are reporting the left are purchasing firearms at an accelerated rate; I can find no proof of this at all. Federal firearms documents don’t require you to divulge your political views, so it is impossible to track political affiliation. If it is true, however, welcome to left joining the right in exercising their constitutional rights. If the left is arming to protect themselves from an over-reaching government it is their constitutional right, good for them.

In the next four to eight years the media will discover just how dangerous and violent a place the world is. Islamic radicals in ISIS/ISIL murdering raping, incinerating, beheading, drowning or enslaving Christians/gays/lesbians/women in nine nations will be treated as a newly discovered practice and blamed on President Trump’s intolerance. The media and Hollywood will discover man’s inhumanity to man (or do we need to say person’s inhumanity to persons?), blaming it all on President Trump.

If nothing else the next four to eight years will be entertaining for those of us who will watch the left becoming even more irrational. A good example was an anti-Trump demonstration at JFK Airport with “hundreds of demonstrators.” That’s less than .0001% of the population, statistically


Bob Moras
February 3, 2017
"If nothing else the next four to eight years will be entertaining for those of us who will watch the left becoming even more irrational. A good example was an anti-Trump demonstration at JFK Airport with “hundreds of demonstrators.” I was going to ask how they could possibly get more irrational, until the riots in Berkeley. It appears that the Democratic Party and liberal/progressive movement have become the anarchists and fascists they so abhor. I thought they were all about free speech and expression. I guess that only applies if you are willing to dress as a vagina and shout out a profanity laced message attuned to their beliefs. Or shout out mistruths about a "Muslim Ban". I really can't understand how anyone could now identify as a Democrat and/or a progressive, where ludicrous costumes and stomping on a person's right of free speech has become the norm.
Robert M Traxler
February 3, 2017
Mr. Moras, Bob, Thank you for the comment. JFK is an example as is UC Berkeley and NYU.

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