Democrats are saying that tArmy Bob Saluteshe posting of the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) 20,000 hacked e-mails on WikiLeaks could have been a Russian Federation intelligence operation designed to damage Mrs. Clinton. The DNC is saying the hack and posting on WikiLeaks were designed to help Donald Trump. Mr. Trump has said he is open to negotiating with the Russians and indeed opening Russian markets to American products would be a stimulus to our long stagnant economy.

The real problem with the Democrats’ theory that the Russian intelligence agencies hacked the DNC is that it is untrue and simply not a proven fact. However, our friends in the media just do not care if it is true or not as it serves their purpose of supporting Secretary Clinton.

Let’s look at this through the eyes of a Russian Federation intelligence operation. Hacking into tens of thousands of emails from the rich and powerful media, political and donor class supporting the Democratic Party would be a Russian intelligence gold mine.

Secretary Clinton is famous (or do I need to say infamous) for posting Top Secret Special Background Investigation documents on her private email as are dozens of her minions. Hacking into the DNC private email account would be an intelligence bonanza. To publicly announce they are reading the DNC’s mail would close the door on an extremely valuable intelligence source and would be an idiotic thing to do.

Not only Secretary Clinton and her personal staff, but also many senators, representatives, governors, and cabinet level people, even White House staff, post on the DNC’s account. A few unguarded words will paint a crystal clear Bob Traxler_0picture of highly classified operations after careful analysis.

The Russians are not stupid or sloppy, they are the best in the world at gathering and analyzing raw data and turning it into highly valuable intelligence. Only our media in cahoots with the DNC and the Clinton campaign would have the chutzpah to try to sell this fairy tale, this fantasy to the American people.

The American people are not as stupid as the DNC and the media believe we are. The average American will see the argument that the Russians are behind this and supporting the Republicans as illogical and old fashioned stupid. The Soviet Union fell apart during the administrations of two Republican presidents, George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan. The Russians have no love for the party of the conservative Americans and love the movement towards socialism the Democrats represent. The Russians know firsthand the disaster that is socialism after 65 horrible years of a Socialist government they have moved to a free enterprise economic system.

The Russian SRV (State intelligence that replaced the KGB) and the GRU (Military Intelligence) would gladly help us move to socialism. To say they knowingly disclosed that they had tapped into the DNC email account to help the Republicans is downright dumb. We also need to ask if they did tap into the DNC’s email, how did they not tap into Mrs. Clinton’s private server and her email?

The press reports are saying that people with “ties to Russia” gave the emails to WikiLeaks. I can find no one who states that they know for sure who gave the emails to WikiLeaks or how they were obtained. Folks this is called spin; the e-mails are a major problem for the DN, so they are spinning like a top to transfer the story to blame Mr. Trump.

The left-wing media and the DNC just may pull off this classic example of spin. Following this story, I have found one, count them one, reporter who asked how a DNC official knows the hack was accomplished be the Russians. The DNC official answer was “We do not know, but reports say it was the Russians and I believe them.”

Unconfirmed reports are all the proof the arbiters of the truth and facts in our media need to report it as a gold plated fact. God help us, we will have months of industrial strength stupid left-wing media spin before the election is over.

Time for an outsider, time for a non-professional politician, time for President Trump.

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