by Robert M. Traxler

Let’s talk about Attorney GeArmy Bob Salutesneral Loretta Lynch’s meeting with former President Bill Clinton.

According to the media it was a chance meeting at a private portion of an airfield in a private jet; if a public official wished to have “plausible deniability” this would be a good way to do it. The Attorney General stated that she only talked about grandchildren and President Clinton’s recent golf outing. She may very well have, but her husband was present and she did not say what her spouse and the former President spoke of in or out of her presence.

As I have written in this column before, I spent three years in Washington during my Army career and became familiar with Washington speak. Attorney General Lynch has said and can say she and President Clinton did not discuss the FBI investigations concerning Secretary Clinton’s emails or the investigation into pay to play with the Clinton’s Foundation. Our friends in the media need to ask if her spouse and President Clinton discussed those two investigations, but that is not how the game is played. The media is complicit in covering up crimes conducted by the rich and powerful left wing protected class so they will not ask.

When President Obama says no one in his White House ever spoke with or influenced the Department of Justice (DOJ) concerning the two investigations that is probably true. The White House would send a trusted minion, an outsider with a list of questions and orders who would report back to the President’s staff with the answers to the questions and that the “White House” directives were delivered to the DOJ. The process gives the President and his entire staff the ability to deny culpability, as no one from the White House was at the meeting.

President Clinton famously said he did not have sex with Ms. Lewinsky; the plausible denial was that the sex was oral and not considered “sex.” The same game is played to get around the conflict of interest and undue influence aspects of the DOJ investigations concerning President and Mrs. Clinton.

If anyone believes the conversation between President Clinton and Attorney General Lynch was a chance meeting, you probably believe in the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. President Clinton, a master at Washington speak, gave marching orBob Traxler_0ders to the Justice Department on what to do or not do in reference to the two investigations at the meeting.

If you listen carefully to the President’s words on the ongoing DOJ investigations, he states no one from his administration ever spoke with anyone from DOJ on this matter, or has ever influenced  anyone from DOJ in this matter. Most likely 100% true in the mind of a bureaucrat who speaks Washington. The minions not officially from the executive branch speak to the minions who are not officially from DOJ and the coordinating orders and directives are delivered.

The entire story of the “chance meeting” was discovered by a local reporter, not the establishment media that closely follows the former President and the Attorney General. The local reporter also reported he contacted every feasible golf course President Clinton could have played in the greater Phoenix area, and none said he played their course. Please keep in mind the temperature that week was a 115 plus degrees, not ideal golf weather.

Will a reasonable and prudent person truly believe a chance meeting occurred just days before Secretary Clinton was questioned by the Federal Bureau of Investigation? The answer is yes, if you are a true believer in the sanctity of the Clinton dynasty, or you worship at the altar of the National Socialist doctrine.

If you are fed up with the games and double speak by Washington elite, Mr. Trump is your candidate. He is a plain-spoken outsider who does not speak Washington.

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