by Robert M. Traxler

The FISA court is hopping mad that the deep state folks in the FBI, CIA and National Security Agency (NSA) lied to them in the affidavit for the warrant to surveil the President Trump campaign. The court has called the FBI and intelligence agencies on the carpet to explain why they had 18 fact errors in the request.

Eighteen errors! Folks, you can’t make this stuff up. This should concern all of us, a lot; will it? Not a chance in the infernal regions, as the folks who have disdain in their hearts for our President will not even note this in passing.

The left is supporting the FISA system and the right is criticizing it; the universe is out of balance. The left called the creation Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance court a step towards fascism that would destroy our democratic form of government. The right had little problem with domestic spying on Americans, and the left was outraged; what a difference an election makes. The FISA court being used to spy on the Trump campaign after the Intelligence folks submitted an affidavit with 18 errors, a nice way of saying lies, is fine with the leftist media, really?

None of the big three in TV media even mentioned the FISA Court’s action, as of last week. The FISA court’s outrage is based on the FBI, IG report that the FISA warrant was issued and reissued, twice based on rumors and innuendo.

Very shortly after the election John Owen Brennan, a former CIA officer and later CIA director who was up to his neck in the FISA process to investigate the Trump campaign, was on MSNBC’s Morning Joe news and commentary program. Mr. Brennan was so angry his face was red and spittle was coming out of his mouth, stating President Trump was being blackmailed by the Russians and more. Watching him I got the impression he was very upset and angry, much more than a former CIA Director with nothing personal to lose should have been.

Mr. Brennan and Mr. James Comey (fired Director of the FBI) did not fair very well in the FBI Inspector General’s Report on FISA abuse. Mr. Comey even going so far as to admit the FISA Warrant was not proper and based on an affidavit with insufficient proof.

Now we must ask, where are the civil libertarians the leftists who condemn the government’s abuses of power? Where are they? Absent, without outrage; mute, quiet, silent as they detest our president and will support abuse of power if it helps degrade the President they disapprove of. Probably more than a bit disingenuous.

It is yet one more case of situational ethics, by our friends in the media and civil liberties communities. Ask yourself where is the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)? Where are the hundreds of liberal watch dog groups? Is it really OK for the government to abuse its power as long as they do not like the target of the abuse?

Apparently yes, yes, it is. Shame on them.


December 28, 2019
The Steele Dossier supported "investigation" of the Trump Campaign in 2016 makes Watergate look like a parking violation. In Watergate, the President and his men conspired and spied on the DNC by breaking into their offices one night under cover of darkness and getting caught. In the so-called "Russia Investigation" The President's Men (Obama's) and agents of The Clinton Campaign conspired to create known false evidence that they then used to obtain and renew FISA Warrants through straight-up perjury to the FISA Court on multiple occasions. These warrants were then illegally used to focus US intelligence services and national security assets on surveillance and disruption of The Trump Campaign for MONTHS at the behest of Mrs. Clinton. Worst of all, they got away with it. They did this because the left and large parts of the establishment in Washington (bureaucrats and politicians for sale & robbing us blind) think they know what is best for everyone and laws be damned. Perjury, treason and any manner of crimes or conversion of The Constitution into toilet paper can be justified to prevent the "smelly Walmart people" from upsetting the nearly out of control freight train of American self-destruction. As flawed as Trump is, I sincerely hope he is re-elected and some of these criminals finally face the justice they deserve. In spite of this almost incomprehensible breach of the campaign, Trump still defeated Mrs. Clinton. He defeated her because average working Americans (of all backgrounds, not just white ones) are sick and tired of being a distant 4th, 5th or 10th in line behind illegal immigrants, criminals and any number of interest groups or corporate donors that the left and Washington establishment seems to think are way more important. Trump simply promised to put the concerns of hard working Americans first and his actions have largely kept that promise. As for the Biden fiasco, another example of a politician on the take and the mainstream press ignoring seemingly obvious corruption. His wholly unqualified son and almost a felon (robbed the Oglala Sioux Tribe and had his conviction overturned) buddy Devon Archer getting sweet ass do-nothing jobs at Burisma making more in a month than most Americans make in a year by what appears on the surface to be a simple kickback to them of US foreign aid to Ukraine. As for Biden himself, only complete fools think he became a multi-millionaire by shrewd investment of his Senate paycheck. The left loves to label Trump as corrupt. He and his fortune may be in part the product of corruption, funky loans, tax avoidance and rule-bending like the fortunes of most large scale developers. Compared to the corruption in the US Senate and Washington as a whole I am pretty confident that The Trump Organization is a truly boring place.
Robert M Traxler
December 28, 2019
MacDougal, Thank you for the comment. You stated it much better than I did, thanks again.

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