by Robert M. Traxler

Our friends in the Democrat Party are parroting the line that the swamp President Donald Trump needs to drain is found at the corner of Wall and Broad Streets in New York City. Washington D.C. is just fine; the real concern of thinking people should be Wall Street.

Classic “change the subject” move; the drain the swamp movement predisposes the government needs to be examined by the people; heresy in the eyes of those who believe in the sanctity and supremacy of government.

The Democrats/media conveniently forget that their presidential candidate outspent President Trump by nearly two to one; a large portion of the funds they raised came from Wall Street. Super Pacs gave Mrs. Clinton $217 million and Mr. Trump $82 million. Mrs. Clinton raised $1.4 billion, Mr. Trump $954 million. Mrs. Clinton showed proper consideration (paid inducements/bribes) to the powerful in the media and Washington cabal, the friends and family members of the powerful who nod, nod wink, wink operated consulting and media firms. The proper firms were hired by Mrs. Clinton and received enough to live well until the next election.

President Trump did not play by the rules; he did not hire the ‘proper’ consultants, caterers and advisors, or pay the proper folks for services. The establishment in Washington, Republican and Democrat, are plain old fashioned pissed off that he did not pay the proper amount of tribute to the political royal families.

If the media was not complicit in this sham, they would examine the way the elected officials’ spouses and family members are hired and paid. One of the classic examples was a media firm paying a candidate’s and former President’s daughter (Chelsea) millions for what was, in reality, doing very little for a short period of time.

The pay-to-play game is rampant in the media; candidate Trump did not purchase the amount of radio and television time normally paid for by a major party candidate and the media hates him for it. If a candidate doesn’t purchase the proper amount of television time, the proper pundits and analysts lose a large portion of income. For the media and pundits, the election campaigns are like Christmas is to retailers: a large portion of income is received in a short period of time.

The Democrat National Committee is re-evaluating what they did wrong in the last election; a normal process is for the organizations to assess the reasons why, what in the Army we called an after-action review. The latest approach is that the Democrat Party members forgot they are a national party and not a party of special interests.

Quite frankly as I watched Mrs. Clinton degrade white men and to some extent white women, as being “privileged,” I was surprised why stereotyping well over half of the American people as among other things deplorable and unredeemable was a good idea? The Democrats spent an enormous amount of time courting the LBGT or LBGTQ community; not a bad thing at all, but even the most supportive publication put their number at 2% to 3% and not all are of voting age or citizens.

The Democrats used to be the party of choice of the trade union blue color working Americans (a group Mr. Trump did well with); they evolved into a party of race, gender, sexual orientation, illegal immigration, Socialists and a few other groups. The national elections are not as true an indicator of the lack of support for the Democrat party as the state and local elections are. Republicans did better at the local and state levels than the national level.

As a good Republican, I sure hope the Democrats do not learn to count and continue to degrade most Americans as being disgracefully privileged, deplorables and unredeemables.

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