by Robert M. Traxler

So, what does “Reimagine Law Enforcement” even mean?

Vice President Kamala Harris has called for it a number of times over the years, one of the few things she is consistent about. The theory is to replace law enforcement officers with social workers and help criminals, not punish them. The reimagine folks will tell us that criminals are victims of a criminal capitalist nation, a nation that is racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, pro-Jewish, anti-anything not straight white male, also straight black male, when it fits the narrative.

Vice President Harris has said that more cops on the street do not work, quite the opposite, more cops mean more crime, so it must be true. Her words are online and the holy gospel to the progressive open borders lobby, river to the sea (anti-Israel) folks and the people who want to render the Bill of Rights to the trash heap of history, unless they can use it to further their movement to national socialism. 

Let’s take a look at the history of law enforcement from Sept. 19, 1829, when Sir Robert Peel started the London Metropolitan Police, the first-time factual records were kept, and when modern criminology was born.  If law enforcement is concentrated in a high crime area of any society, the number of reported crimes goes up as more crimes are reported and investigated.

As criminals are arrested, crime goes down over time; however, the saying figures don’t lie, liars figure, is at work here. Crime indeed goes up in the short run, but goes down in the long run. Vice President Harris and the progressive socialists are correct for a short bit of time, however, over the long run they are wrong. 

Over the past three years of progressive governments reimagining the criminal justice system, we have seen the liars figure; once again crime has been redefined to reduce charges to non-reportable crimes, and thus giving the appearance of cutting crime. Actions such as not reporting the immigration status of offenders allow the liars to produce figures saying immigrant crimes are going down, even as “migrant” numbers skyrocket. This system can only be used with the willing accomplices in the media who know it is a lie, but a politically correct lie, so they willingly parrot it and degrade anyone who does not march to the socialist party tune.  

Here we go again; Vice President Harris is not and was never the “Border Czar?” Who are you going to believe, the media or your lying eyes and ears? She was placed in charge of the border and immigration, but was never formally appointed using the title of “czar.” Liars figuring again, word smithing her appointment in writing as the person in charge of the border. 

Vice President Harris never called for open borders, per the media and her campaign. It was Republicans who are against controlling the massive immigration. The media conveniently leaves out the fact that the “bipartisan bill” defeated by Republicans would allow well in excess of 1,000,000 additional immigrants per year, darn near twice the population of one state, and depending on how we read the bill’s loopholes, as many as 1,800,000 additional per year.    

An example of media bias was Facebook flagging photos of the President Trump assignation attempt as doctored and kept them flagged until a few hundred thousand people complained, and Congress questioned their warning that the photos were doctored.  

Army Bob Traxler

The new charge against Republicans is that we are weird; one must assume anyone who believes in the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights, is weird and just plain stupid. Any American who believes in capitalism is racist, sexist, bigoted, weird and anti-American. Go figure. 

We have only seen the start of the media’s contortions of the facts and truth in support of Vice President Harris and the national socialist, progressive socialist movement. Socialist movements historically are not censored by the government, because the media willingly censors itself in support of a system of government that has always failed over time.

My opinion.  


Bass Man
August 8, 2024
The Harris/Walz ticket is a train wreck, an abomination to everything that is good and right about America and Americans. They believe in 100% government control of everything from womb to the tomb. These folks are self serving and delusional, just like Biden. If you want safety and security, you must be willing to stand up to Marxists and anti-capitalists and expose them for what they are. If we have 4 more years of Democrats in charge, there will be no country to save.
Jake Gless
August 9, 2024
“Self-serving and delusional” is when the dotard demagogue calls an “emergency presser” to—checks notes—ramble nonsensically about how: 1.) It’s not fair that he can’t run against Biden anymore, and 2.) his crowds are bigger than Harris’s and MLK’s crowds. You’re in a cult.
August 8, 2024
This is such bs. You should be ashamed of yourself.
A Reader
August 8, 2024
When talking about criminals, let's not forget the most famous felon of all, Donald the orange faced liar.
Bass Man
August 12, 2024
Jake, my Marxist Friend, The main thing Marxist Democrats scream about, other than unlimited abortion, is Threats to Democracy. Biden received 14,000,000+ votes in the primary. Cackling Kamala received 0. Then the coup happened and democracy be damned... Kamala was anointed! Sounds like the USSR style of government... not democracy. But such are the Marxists among us that insist on calling themselves Democrats!
Lynn Mandaville
August 15, 2024
Bass Man, I honestly don't know how anyone considers Harris's candidacy a coup. Democrats came to the reasonable conclusion that Joe Biden was not going to be a successful candidate for president. They huddled up and persuaded Joe as to what was good for the party and the country, which was to announce that Joe would not seek re-election. By default Kamala Harris became the viable candidate. The Republican Party could have done the same thing. They could have approached Mr. Trump, and still could, with the same prospect for running a successful candidate in November. If, in such a scenario, members of the Republican Party were successful in persuading Trump to step away from his candidacy, would you likewise call that a coup? What seems to rub Republicans the wrong way is that now, by comparison, their candidate has become the doddering old man. Where before Biden made him appear to have energy and stamina, he now has been likened to Elvis in his last few years. And though Joe clearly was having what might delicately be called "senior moments" during the disastrous debate, it is now more evident that Trump is having more frequent, and more bizarre, lapses himself. It was not a coup that you saw, Bass Man. What you saw is politics in motion, where what is expedient for a successful election is what gets done, most of the time. I believe Nikka Haley was quite accurate in her most recent comments about Republicans' chances to regain the Presidency - and in the down-ballot elections. Republicans, and specifically Mr. Trump, need to quit the whining and name calling and get down to some serious policy and program talking. Or as my dear old dad would say, "s**t or get off the pot."

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