by Robert M. Traxler

A Gallup poll conducted Feb. 1, 2023, found that 49% of Democrats support the “Palestinians” and 38% support Israel. The numbers seem hard to believe, so I double checked it.

The logical question is why? Well, if we think it over, the current politically correct mortal sin is “White Privilege,” and Israelis are stereotyped as white and rich. Given that, the politically correct god preaches they must hate Israel, and Israelis cannot be victims.

It doesn’t pass the common sense test, no, but who cares? Babies with their throats slit and decapitated, entire families murdered in their homes, mothers zip tied to their children and set on fire while still alive are not victims. Hate can blind a true believer. 

Now the poll cited is before the Oct. 7 attack on Israel, so today the numbers would be different; however, the underlying hatred for Israel is still there and will return when it is allowed. The politically correct influencers in our media and education system are starting to allow that hate to return and it is being more open as every day passes.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu played our President like a flute. The Israeli Defense Force took its time, the time necessary to prepare the battlefield and properly train and equip its reserve forces, not charging into Gaza in force, a sound tactical course of action. Our President and media are saying that the delay was a humanitarian move to allow noncombatants to clear out of the battle area in Gaza and trade hostages for time.  

If, and it is a big if, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has an effective blockade of northern Gaza, the Hamas forces are getting weaker and the IDF is getting stronger. The amount of logistics it takes to maintain the terrorist force in Gaza is huge; the Hamas forces cannot eat rocket propelled grenades (RPG-7) or wipe their butts with a Qassam rocket; they cannot grow food or harvest food in the city, so every day they consume supplies they cannot replace and grow weaker. 

The atrocities of Oct. 7 are fading in our minds and are being forgotten by our mostly pro-Hamas/Palestinian, anti-Israel media and among some in academia. The fate of the Palestinian people is replacing the atrocities of Hamas against Israel as predicted in this column, let’s hope that the IDF does not bow to American popular opinion and attack Gaza en masse to placate the American progressive movement and end the battle prematurely.  

The big question is, will Islamic states like Iran or Yemen or even Egypt join in the war when Israel goes into Gaza? Most of Hamas are Sunni Muslims of the Wahhabi faction, and a pending treaty between mostly Sunni Saudi Arabia and Israel has the majority of the members of Hamas who are radical believers very angry. 

Army Bob Traxler

The pro-Hamas students protesting in our nation need to look at the Hamas founding documents that will not accept peace with Israel or with any Jews still in the Mid-East. Wahhabi Muslims would stone or beat the young women protesting for them in our nation for not being properly attired and for being in public without a male relative as a chaperone.

White privileged themselves, American protesters somehow forget the people they are protesting are themselves. The Wahhabis are not inclusive, nor believers in equality. Indeed, they would murder or punish LBGTQ++ folks without a second thought. The Wahhabis do not believe in equality for women or darn near any politically correct concept, but the protesters don’t care about the facts, it is about politically correct feelings and white hate.

It is interesting that the progressives will say we need to give land back to the native folks who were living in it first. OK, the Jews were in the Middle East some 2000 years before the Muslim religion was formed by Mohammed. Christians were in the area nearly 630 years before the Muslim religion was formed. The history and timeline do not matter. What matters is the self-hate we find in the “educated elite” attending and teaching in our colleges and universities. 

The Israel Defense Force (IDF) operation in Gaza will be long and bloody; however, time favors Israel. My opinion. 


Bass Man
November 2, 2023
Amazing how the colleges our tax dollars support are protesting in support of Hamas and chanting hate against Jews and posting Nazi symbols. The hate is palpable. I thought all colleges are politically correct. Evidently only for evil. Grads don't want jobs or only jobs that they can control the hours and/or work at home. Israel was invaded and indiscriminate killing, raping, beheading began. Israel has every right to do whatever they want with this vermin. When Israel gave Gaza back in 2007 I thought they will regret it. Sadly, I was right.
Robert Traxler
November 2, 2023
Mr. Bass Man, Thanks for the comment, I agree.
November 2, 2023
It is more than evident now that the far left in this country is a bastion of 90% of its antisemitism. I will give the other 10% to moonbat right wingers. I never thought I would see Jewish people attacked and assaulted in the modern day USA in broad daylight. Hear professors say that they were "thrilled" by the murder of Jews, even children. Sickening. The far left in this country should know where else such things happened. They happened in Nazi Germany in the 1930's. How does a civilized country come to mass murder? By allowing such hatred. The Israelis aren't angels. Nobody that runs any country in that part of the world can be. The loss of life on both sides is obviously senseless. Nonetheless, a distinction exists between deliberate murder of civilians and deaths caused by cowards using the people they are supposed to love as human shields.
Robert M Traxler
November 3, 2023
MacDougal, The plan for the "Final Solution," the Endlosung der Judenfrage extermination of all Jewish folks, was formed in a conference in Wannsee Germany. It was attended by a large number of the "educated elite," many with Doctorate degrees. The burning of books in Germany was mostly on colleges and done by the students under the supervision of professors. They burned books written by Jews, capitalists and communists . The progressives tell us to study history; perhaps they need to look into the rise of the Nazis and the role of colleges and universities in the rise of the National Socialist movement. Thanks for the comment.
Jake Gless
November 4, 2023
PERHAPS you can enlighten us as to the role of colleges and universities in the rise of the Nazis, Army Bob? Or are you simply fabricating upside-down alternative realities in your imagination and pretending they’re true again? I have a friend whose mother was in a concentration camp. The Nazis came and took away their whole school. She was in the same concentration camp as her sister for two years and didn’t know it. Never saw her parents again. Please enlighten us, Army Bob, as to the role you think academia played in the rise of Nazis.
Robert Traxler
November 4, 2023
Mr. GLESS, Next weeks column, thanks for the idea.
November 5, 2023
Or perhaps the one with the "gotcha" question could do a three-second search? Note that I chose a left-of-center source.
Jake Gless
November 6, 2023
I dunno “DC,” I watched Ken Burns’ documentary on America during the Holocaust a couple years back and that might have been justalilbit more in-depth than the summary you’ve linked. Educate me, “DC”: Tell me how you attach America’s pro-Nazi “America First” movement during WWII to college lefties.
David the Jewish advocater
November 2, 2023
For some of the selfhaters....Forgive them for they know not what they do. My opinion, my choice.

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