by Robert M. Traxler

A travel warning has been issued to people of color; black, brown and LBGTQ Plus, Plus, folks to stay out of Florida, it is a dangerous place for minorities.

The real dangerous threat is not violence or unjust imprisonment, it is a threat to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and its control of the Black vote. Interesting, as Mr. Derrick Johnson, president and chief executive officer of the NAACP, lives in Florida. The threat to the power of the NAACP is that Gov. Ron DeSantis received 15% of the African American vote and a whopping 57% of the Hispanic vote.  

United States Senator Tim Scott, Republican South Carolina, an African American, announced he is tossing his hat in the ring for president. Couple that with Gov. DeSantis’ showing among people of color, and it is a threat to the NAACP.

The minority vote, most notably the African American vote, has been the most loyal to the Democrats since white southerners’ loyalty to Democrats in the “solid south” during the bad old days of racism, post-Civil War to the 1980s. The loss of the lock on the African American voting block scares the crap out of the socialist/progressive movement in general, and the NAACP in particular.  

We have witnessed the vilification of any minorities daring to announce themselves as Republicans. Mr. Larry Elder, an African American, ran for governor of California and is also running for president, was called the black face of white supremacy. The smallest list in history is a list of African Americans allowed to join real, white supremacist groups; I say “real” because MAGA Republicans, all of us, have been referred to as white supremacists.

Army Bob Traxler

The goal is to guilt good folks into voting for Democrats. As President Biden stated, “if you have a problem figuring out whether you are for me or Trump then you ain’t black.” The loss of the African American vote or a large portion of the Hispanic vote would spell disaster for the socialist party, the Democrats. 

African American men are starting to object to the anti-male aspects of the new politically correct movement in the progressive/socialist party. 

Gov. DeSantis has announced he will join the crowd of Republicans running for president. I wish him luck, but unless something drastic happens, former President Donald Trump is a shoo-in for the nomination. The 5% of the most hardcore Republicans and Democrats pick the candidate, which is the result of a primary system that adds to our national divide. Moderates need not apply for any office that has a primary.

I give you one Township Trustee in Dorr who runs on being radically anti-abortion, even though township government has nothing to do with abortion? It does not matter in our area, abortion or national socialism are the acid tests of the two viable political parties’ primaries.

My opinion, you may differ.    


Robert Moras
May 25, 2023
One only has to look at the "Black" unemployment rate, as compared to that of New York and Illinois, to see that discrimination, in the work place tells a differnt story. I belive it was about 3.8% in Florida, 8.3% in New Yoek and whoppint 10.4% in Illinois. Also "Black" business entrepreneurship [n Florida far outpaces those bastions of Liberal antiracism. With the population migration to Florida, it is evident that something good and acceptable to people is happening in Florida, because of policies initiated by Desantis as Governor.
Robert M Traxler
May 26, 2023
Mr. Moras, Robert, Could not agree more, well stated, thanks.

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