by Robert M. Traxler

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi made the following statement in referring to President Donald Trump’s nominating Judge Neil Gorsuch for the vacancy on the United States Supreme Court: “If you breathe air, drink water, eat food, take medicine, or in any other way interact with the courts, this is a very bad decision.”

What? Mrs. Pelosi is a multi-millionaire from San Francisco who runs with a crowd of other uber-rich folks; she constantly says industrial strength stupid things but keeps getting elected as the Democrats minority leader. Her election and re-election begs the question, why?

Mrs. Pelosi has been the leader of the Democrats who saw the majority in the House lost to the Republicans and the American left losing ground for election after election. She is old and more than a bit strange, so why is she given the leadership even after she has failed? She got it the old fashion way, she bought it. She has used her personal wealth and the many millions given her by the wealthy Knob Hill class in San Francisco to purchase her election as minority Leader.

Mrs. Pelosi has given over half a billion to the house Democrats over the years who elect her leader. Some Democrats got many millions, some in safe districts received only a measly few hundred thousand.

Minority leader Pelosi was counting on Mrs. Clinton to give her the House Majority leader’s gavel; she raised an obscene amount of money for Mrs. Clinton, who outspent President Trump by nearly three to one. She funded House Democrats at a record level and got skunked for her millions.

Some of her notable quotes:

“But we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”
“Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs.”
“Wall Street comes out en masse with its money against House Democrats every election.”

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is wide spread on the left. The left, knowing that the President was going to announce his nominee for the Supreme Court, had demonstrations preplanned and paid for with signs condemning the nominee as a racist, sexist, homophobic nativist, who will reinstate the institution of slavery, and deny women the right to vote or to receive health care. They planned all this even before they knew who the nominee was. President Trump wants a justice on our nation’s highest court who will force children to drink poisoned water, breath poisoned air and eat tainted food. Only a truly deranged person will believe that garbage, but the Hillary Clinton left firmly believes it. Hate blinds otherwise good folks, who blindly accept damned lies because they want to.

The left and media, mostly interchangeable titles, will tell us that President Trump has discriminated against people on the basis of religion with his “Muslim Ban.” The executive order on immigration President Trump signed says nothing concerning religion and bans all people from unstable countries with a history of terrorism. If you are a Buddhist, Christian, Jew or Druid from Syria or Afghanistan and 5 other countries you’re temporarily denied entry until you can be fully vetted. Every citizen of the seven nations named in the ban are banned, not just Muslims. 80% of the world’s Muslims are welcome to visit the United States, and that’s one billion, two hundred eighty million people. The media/left calls that a ban on all Muslims.

The good folks in the media will do what they always do, knowing full well the Executive Order does not ban Muslims. They will say, …according to Joe or Jane Pumphandle, the ban is based on religion, or some say the ban in effect is designed to ban all Muslims. If you or I were banned on visiting a county because we were Americans would that be a ban on Christians? TDS is a vile disease that blinds folks with true hate, a strong statement, but how else could otherwise normal people actually believe that 49% of American voters want manically to poison our children?

Hate blinds, absolute hate blinds absolutely.


March 3, 2017
Jeff Sessiions caught lying under oath to congress. Defend him? No, of course not. T ime to attack Nancy Pelosi. SAD!!!
Robert M Traxler
March 3, 2017
Mr Basura Sir, Thank you for the comment. Nothing in the column to find fault with so you find a completely different subject to attack. Just what one has to do with the other puzzles me. That Sir is indeed very sad. Thanks again for the comment.

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