The call for gun conArmy Bob Salutestrol is once again loud and not so clear. The liberal media has its panties in a bunch once again and is making calls for more laws.

The mantra “common sense gun control” is overused every time something like the murders in Oregon happens. Banning all firearms will not completely end violent people from using firearms as their tool; it may reduce the number, I doubt it, but it will not eliminate it.

Politically the absolute worst thing an elected official can ever say is, there is nothing I can do about it, so after something like Oregon happens a new batch of laws are passed. Symbolism over substance, the mating call of the American left, will reign once again and a new law will be passed; it will be redundant and change nothing, but politicians will proclaim they have reacted and done something.

Gun control is at the heart of the constitutional crisis we are finding ourselves in. The left will say no other developed nation has as liberal gun control laws as the United States. They will maintain we need “common sense gun controls,” a very gutless and cowardly mantra as it says nothing and stands for nothing. The goal is to get the American public to agree with the general concept of firearms control and then use the broad general agreement to place the American Constitution in the shredder.

The gun control debate should be: do we as a nation want to change the Constitution? However, the gun control advocates know that is a loser for them so they attempt to back-door the American constitutional process. Using the courts and the media they attempt drive the costs of weapons and ammunition so high the average working stiff can’t afford them. Law suits against the manufacturers of arms and ammunition are designed to drive the manufacturers out of bBob Traxler_0usiness, or raise the cost of firearms to levels where only criminals and the uber-rich can afford them.

The expansion of concealed carry laws to every state in our union was predicted to result in a blood bath and a society like the “wild west,” with shootouts a common occurrence. Our friends on the left just have a problem getting it right; the Wild West existed in the minds of penny novelists but not in reality. New York City was a more dangerous place to be because of gun violence than the “Wild West “during that period. In places where concealed carry was passed gun violence has decreased. Is a criminal more likely or less likely to try and rob someone who might be armed?

The founders of our nation placed the Second Amendment in the Constitution to protect the people from an over-reaching government, not so we can hunt or target shoot. The concept of the American people not being subjugated by the government is alien to the Progressive/Socialist left. The left feel the government should and indeed has a right to subjugate the people for our own good. The government is the only force for good and we all need to bend a knee in reverence to the power of a benevolent government.

The fact that gun violence is more common in the cities with the strongest gun control laws is always rationalized away by our friends on the left. The argument that criminals in Washington D.C. or Chicago get weapons from Virginia or Illinois gun stores may be true, but if we banned guns in those two states the argument would then be they get them from Wisconsin or North Carolina. If we banned guns in the United States, the argument would be they get them from other nations who smuggle them in from illicit overseas manufacturers.

If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns; a mantra of the gun advocates scoffed at and laughed at by the anti-gun folks, but a totally true statement. Automatic weapons are manufactured in the Middle East using simple machines and tools commonly found in any auto shop or metal working hobbyist’s garage. In World War II Philippine guerillas made weapons from gas pipe, roofing nails and curtain rods. As long as a markets exists for a product, even an illegal product, someone will fill the need. The massive amount of illegal drugs arriving by the ton every day from overseas should teach us something about the power of supply and demand.

The American Constitution and the Supreme Court rulings upholding the Second Amendment make total gun control very unlikely. Certainty the American people will not accept a radical change to a document that millions of us took an oath to support and defend. But hope reigns for those who make a living advocating for gun control and it is a good wedge issue for the Progressive/Socialists. Gun control has been an issue since the drafting of our Constitution, and it will be for as long as we have a nation and a constitution.

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