by Robert M. Traxler

An attack drone explodes over the Russian Federation Capital, the Kremlin. The Russians are saying it is an attack by the Ukraine against Mother Russia; the Ukraine is saying they did not launch the attack. One more time in this war we have more questions than answers; the Nord Stream pipeline attackers are still unknown, even after we were promised the results of an investigation into the attack would be forthcoming. 

The first causality of war is always the truth, and this war is no different. Looking at why the Ukraine would or even could attack that deep into Russia, we must ask, why would they do something that is of no military value and would galvanize the Russian people against them?

President Vladimir Putin has an 87% approval rating in Russia; he does not need the added popularity an attack on the Russian homeland would provide, unless he is contemplating an escalation of the war, and the resulting mass casualties among the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The use of mass causality weapons, nuclear, biological, or radiological, would not be accepted without the tacit approval of the average Boris and Natasha. To galvanize the average Russian, the leaders need to up the hatred of the Ukraine even more. They have maintained that the Ukraine is a Nazi, Fascist, criminal nation that attacked the sacred ground of Mother Russia. As in the Great Patriotic War, the Russian term for World War Two, they are defending against an unprovoked attack by an evil enemy. 

A good question to ask is whether this was a decapitation attack against President Putin as our media have called it? Both MSNBC and Fox News parroted almost the exact words; why was the drone detonated over the Kremlin dome and not outside President Putin’s bedroom? Unfortunately, we may not know who and why until decades after this war ends.

On a different subject, President Biden announced that he is sending regular army forces to the southern border, good for him. We must ask why when President Trump did the same thing, it was called a racist operation? MSNBC is maintaining that it is different, as the troops are in a support role and not armed. Well, they will be armed per the Pentagon, and the troops sent by President Trump were in support of the federal law enforcement operation. Military doctrine has maintained for decades that federal troops sent to aid a law enforcement operation are best used to free up sworn police officers to enforce the law. 

Army Bob Traxler

As this column predicted, our President would suddenly discover the problem at the southern border, and act as the election nears. The holy grail for three years now has been that the borders are secure and illegal immigration is not a problem. The polls differ, so he is acting to remove an issue that folks feel can best be handled by the Republicans. 

Please remember anything that is wrong with the incorrectly perceived border problem, according to Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC, is President Trump’s fault. As to why President Biden is reinstating President Trump’s policies, even constructing portions of the dreaded wall, goes to the forward thinking of our current President. 

As predicted, the administration and their willing accomplices in the media have discovered the immigration problems; the inflation rate and crime rate will be discovered next, and all blamed on President Trump and 74 million MAGA Republicans. My opinion. 


Mike Stanislaus
May 6, 2023
Mr Traxler you should know by now that nobody calls it "the Ukraine" anymore. Using "the" in front of the name offends Ukrainians because it implies it is somehow a non-sovereign part of some other country like "the midwest" or "the alps". There are no journalists calling it "the Ukraine" anymore.
Robert M Traxler
May 7, 2023
Mr. Stanislaus, Thank you for the comment. Never read that one before, do we not live in the the United States? Is it not the Netherlands? However, some folks in Ukraine do not like it, I'll try to remember to drop the, the. Thanks again.

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