by Robert M. Traxler

To Quote Wikipedia, the below is a direct quote and not my words:

“Many Native American tribes practiced some form of slavery before the European introduction of African slavery into North America.

Native American groups often enslaved war captives whom they primarily used for small-scale labor. Others however, were used in ritual sacrifice, usually involving torture as part of religious rites, and these sometimes involved ritual cannibalism.” — Wikipedia.

Native Americans held African Americans in slavery, and some tribes’ slaves numbered in the hundreds. The politically correct folks will cite the fact that some (very few) African Americans were integrated into the tribe; did that happen yes, was it widespread, no.

Do we judge all current Native Americans on the practices of their ancestors? I sure hope not; it would be unfair and unjust. It would be unfair and unjust to punish any group on acts they had no control over. The sins of the father should not be visited on the son or great, great grandson. Please be advised I do understand Native Americans were treated horribly in the past.

As we are pushing for the destruction of “politically incorrect” monuments and memorials to folks who were not perfect? Let’s look at others who are imperfect icons of the left and right.

My father had a saying, “The only perfect person was crucified;” no one person or group will stand up under the standard that only the perfect need apply for admiration.

The Doctor Reverend Martin Luther King had problems with fidelity; he was an imperfect man, a great man, but an imperfect man. Perhaps we should celebrate the contributions made and not the flaws we find in folks, judging people by 2018 standards? The entire Kennedy legacy has flaws; heck, you have flaws and I have flaws. If perfection is the standard we will have no one to look up to on the left or right.

I compiled a listing of left wing icons and the problems they had with sexism, racism, homophobia, affiliations with the National Socialist movement, the Fascist ideology, capitalism and the Russians; but I do not want to go tit for tat here, but to ask folks to view all people within the society they were in at the time.

The medical practice of bleeding people to “remove the bad humors” renders all doctors of bygone eras barbaric butchers. The doctors were taught bleeding was necessary indeed patients requested the treatment, they felt it was correct. Most doctors did a lot more good than harm, but we tend to dwell on the bad.

The science teachers who said from the time of “Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution” to the advent of DNA mapping that anyone who denied man evolved from the monkey was a laughable fool, a flat earther. We will find the missing link any day now to prove Darwin’s theory — all were wrong but they believed they were correct. Do we need to degrade all teachers who followed the science as they knew it? Most of those folks did a lot more good than bad in teaching science; it would be old fashioned wrong to degrade a life’s work on a few wrong acts or beliefs.  

No, my left wing friends, beware of what you wish for, for you may get it. If the test for greatness is perfection we will have no great people. I have even read about folks degrading Saint Teresa (Mother Teresa) because she spent time fund raising and not healing the sick. The funds she raised saved lives lots of lives, but if you want to toss stones at folks you will find something imperfect about anyone and everyone.

Our Founding Fathers were great men, flawed sure enough, but great. If you do not like President Trump, fine, but why degrade those long-dead Founding Fathers and other Americans to paint our nation as a horrible place just to get back at the President or degrade our nation?

The anti-American, anti-Founding Fathers movement only became hyperactive with President Trump’s election. If you can find a historically perfect nation or person, please let me know.

1 Comment

Free Market Man
April 30, 2018
The joke is the statues they want torn down, specifically Confederate statues, the South was overwhelmingly Democrat. The Left does not know history and are blind to it. You are so correct, there are no perfect people alive on earth, but changing history to your liking is the trend amongst Lefty Democrats (but all Democrats now are out of control nuts). Their hate of Trump brings them to attacking history and trying to change it. Since Russia, Russia, Russia doesn't exist, they have to attack something.

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