While speaking to Paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division, the “All-America Division,” in The Commonwealth of Poland, President Joe Biden March 25 handed President Vladimir Putin the best propaganda victory possible.
In a gaffe, he told the paratroopers that they would see for themselves the carnage inflicted in Ukraine by the Russian forces. Putin pounced on the unintentional gaffe, and is using it to rally the Russian people. He said that the Americans are preparing to invade Russia and they need to rally behind him and the Russian troops, purging Fascist Nazis from Ukraine.
It worked — Putin has an 86% approval rating. To be fair, the staff in the White House back-peddled our President’s remarks, and his saying we need to remove Putin from power. Indeed, the President even later denied that either statement was ever made.
Biden is our President and Commander in Chief; however, his age is showing. Both gaffes were made after a long, tiring trip to Poland, and both in the evening hours. Pushing 80, the President has lost a step or two and as with darn near all octogenarians, he requires much more rest than a younger person. The media has rationalized Biden’s gaffes, but the belligerent leaders of the world see them as policy, or use them to rally anti-American/Ukarianin hate.
Putin and the Russian media have maintained that the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine as a pre-emptive strike to halt an invasion by the Fascist Nazis running Ukraine, and their use of nuclear weapons. History teaches that Ukraine gave up all nukes in 1994 after they became an independent nation, receiving written assurances from the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Russian Federation, contained in the Budapest Memorandum, that they would ensure Ukraine’s sovereignty.
No nation with nukes will ever give them up after Muammar Al-Qadhdhafi in Libya gave his up for reassurances of his safety, and we subsequently had him killed. Now Ukraine gave theirs up for reassurances from President Bill Clinton and our government for protection, and Ukraine is now being invaded.
Ever hear of the Budapest Memorandum? No? Our government and media both conveniently forget to mention it; we should ask, why?
The Russian Federation is mobilizing its second-tier reserve forces, units that will take weeks if not months to train and equip to a minimal level of combat readiness. Mobilizing these forces tells us that they are in this for the long run; Putin may be using the mobilization of reserves as a bargaining tool to signal his willingness to win at all costs, but no matter, it is a historically significant action.
According to Izestia, a news outlet in Russia, the countries of Chechnya, Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, and Estonia are “unfriendly countries. ” Finland is rapidly becoming the subject of Russian media’s disdain, as with all media in a socialist nation, they are eager agents of the government, so all those named nations should be concerned as Russia is building a case against them.

Russia has insisted it is pulling back from Kiev for humanitarian reasons, and expressed wishes to discuss a treaty. Please look at the history of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics and their surrogates; this is a plan straight out of the playbook. The Russians build up the expectations for the end of a war, then dash them at the last minute, with a demoralizing effect on the enemy population and military.
You can bet the Russian troops were not told of plans to withdraw and negotiate; we need to ask, does anyone in our government or the media study history?
The Russians’ war on the people of Ukraine has proven the vital importance of logistics. The Russians, planning on a swift victory, failed to properly address the “tooth to tail ratio,” military jargon for how many supply and services assets it takes to support the forces on the forward edge of the battle area.
Our support for Ukraine is vital; not only weapons, but all nine classes of supply, from beans and bandaids to bullets. If NATO can supply the Ukrainian people and forces with the proper level of logistical support, coupled with training before the estimated two million Russian Federation Reserve Forces can be mobilized, trained to a proper level, equipped and be transported, it may help win the war. My opinion.