“The Republican Party has become the most dangerous organization in world history.” — Mr. Noam Chomsky.

Genghis Kahn destroyed complete races of humans, killing every man, woman and child. The German National Socialists murdered between 4 to 6 million, the Peoples Republic of China caused the deaths of more than 20 million, the Soviet Socialists murdered more than the German socialists. American Socialists tells us the Republican Party is more dangerous than all of them? Go figure.

Trump derangement syndrome, along with Republican derangement syndrome, is infecting the good folks on the left. The hyperbole and exaggerations are over the top. Please go to the left-wing web sites, Huffington post, Mother Jones, World Socialist, Slate, and read some of their stuff if you want a laugh; the scary part is they truly believe it. The term in my youth was right-wing nut job; it is now left-wing nut job.

The left over reached and worried many of us, so we rejected the left in favor of a more center-right candidate, yes, my liberal friends, President Trump is a center-right person.

Let’s look at some of the points the folks on the left see as well thought out and rational: President Trump wants to reinstitute slavery, deny women the right to vote and own property, see all our children die, close our borders to all people and trade, send teams of jack-booted thugs to terrorize all minorities, close colleges, force us all to eat, drink and breath pollution, and much more. Only a deranged person could believe that.

The left has taken to the streets to protest, good for them, taken to the streets to riot, burn and loot in the name of protest. That is not good and can’t be sanctioned in a society with the rule of law in effect.

The folks on the left have seen their dream of a Socialist state march forward unbridled in the eight years of President Barack Obama’s reign. Even more in his last four years, and the good people said enough, they are just plain tired of their nation worshiping at the altar of “political correctness,” a term hated by the Progressives.

The people on the left will tell us the most dangerous group in our nation are white Christian, gun owning veterans or NRA members; most Americans feel that is an overreach but the left firmly believes it. The left firmly feels most us must be punished for the crimes of White Privilege and Male Privilege; our colleges and universities are requiring students to pay tuition to attend classes to study that most us are a group of criminals, racists and a basket full of deplorables.

The Progressives can’t understand why most of the “Joe/Jane six pack,” those of us in Martin, Dorr, Moline, Hopkins and Wayland, 61% of us anyway, rejected them? We are a center-right nation and the Democratic party forgot that and got spanked rather severely in the last election. Republicans won governorships, and retained control of the House and Senate. 32 governors and 33 state houses, the U.S. House and Senate tell the tale; we do not wish to be pulled kicking and screaming left of center.

My theory is that Senator Bernie Sanders scared Mrs. Clinton so severely in the primary that she never ran back to the center and stayed very left of center during the campaign. Senator Sanders would have won the primary if the DNC had not worked overtime against him. The change aspect in the general election was strong; every eight years or so we want a change, but Mrs. Clinton could have won. She constantly catered to the LBGT community; nothing wrong with that, but of the thousands of voters I know three are in the LBGT community and one voted for Trump.

We have a front row seat to the reality show known as the left wing, if nothing else the left wing’s paranoia and over the top hyperbole will be entertaining.


Free Market Man
April 21, 2017
Left Wing Nut Jobs - what they always were - now, because of Trump Syndrome, they are more prominent. And the media (the other arm of Democrat derangement) is out of their minds that Hillary didn't win - the smartest person in America (behind President Obama, of course). You have to love it - a political nobody beat the most connected Republicans and Democrats in the country. She was and is a colossal loser! The Bernie crowd should have separated from the Democrat Party the way "The Bern" was humiliated by Hillary and her minions. They have nothing left but a fake Pocahontas (Warren), a Communist/Socialist (Sanders), and a woman that can't close her eyes (Pelosi). A party in major decline. That's what happens when you have 8 years of Marxist rule with Obama. Please, please, keep President Obama as your party "leader" - the Republicans will win every year.
Robert M Traxler
April 21, 2017
Free Market Man, Thank you for the comment. As always I agree with you, your point on Senator Sanders running as a third party is a good one. We could of gotten a good measurement of what part of the population wishes we become a Socialist nation if he ran a third party campaign.

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