by Robert M. Traxler

We must believe the science of global climate change or be a “damned science denier.”
But wait, the science tells us men and women are different? DNA, chromosomes, scientific evidence, why must we not believe that science? We must believe biological men can give birth; the science be damned. We must believe a person is whatever sex they wish to be. Socially I agree, however, biological science is clear and firm, scientifically you are not.
We must believe that if we decommission our coal powered power plants it will save the world. The science tells us that our currently diminishing 210 coal plants pollute less than the massively growing number of coal plants in China and India, with more than 1,424 coal plants and growing at a number better than one per week.
The science tells us that our clean coal plants are better than the ones in China and India and our hard coal is cleaner than the soft coal used by others, but who cares? The politically correct science tells us that the end of all life on earth is all your fault as an American, thus you must pay off the climate industry.
Also, you must pressure the government to pay billions per year, totaling many trillions over the last few decades, to prop up the environmental industry. Electric buses, electric cars, subsidies to help the rich pay for their luxury vehicles, costing $128,000 or more with $18,000 in subsidies paid for by you.
Do the research on pollution and you find data that states we pollute more than any other nation in the world. Dive a few feet deeper into the information on the swamp that is the world wide web, and you see the data is five to 12 years old and in many cases even older.
India is exploding in population on schedule to out-populate China in a few short years, and growing industrially even faster. China’s population is 4.5 times the size of the United States and India is very close to that number. However, we are told we pollute more than any other nation. The science disagrees, but political correctness overrides the science and common sense in our media/political classes.
We are told that Americans’ use of plastic straws will destroy Mother Earth, but not to worry about the “developing nations” that get a pass on massive pollution. Of the 50 most polluted cities in the world, none, zero are in the United States or Western Europe, but the world movers and shakers in the corporate environmental corporations condemn us and openly allow the “developing world” to pollute to their heart’s content.
This column has said for more than a decade that the climate corporations are being paid off by the corporations manufacturing in the third world to turn a blind eye to the most massive pollution.
Former Senator John Kerry, when asked about the double standard of his and the climate royalty flying private corporate jets to climate/economic conferences, he rationalized them by stating that they pay carbon offsets. Kerry, our former climate czar, tells us that it is fine for him and the climate elite to pollute massively because they purchase carbon offsets. Really?

If you want to use a plastic straw, is it good if you send $10 to an environmental group? Perhaps American coal plants need to tithe to the environmental church.
We need to ask what Sword of Damocles is hanging over our current President. Why does the progressive party seem to love, China, Iran, Venezuela, and others who hate us? Why do the progressives want to help Islamic radicals in Iran get a nuclear weapon? Why does it take more than 120 attacks on Americans and our allies for the progressives to reluctantly call the Houthis a terrorist group after taking them off the terrorist list on day one of President Biden’s administration?
We need to ask why the progressive party is all in when it comes to subsidizing illegal immigrants, illegal migrants, migrants or whatever the latest title du jour is for folks who come to our nation illegally. They receive free phones, free transportation, free housing, free legal advice; well, free to them, but not for you who pays for them.
Could it be the corporations that are now supporting the progressive party are benefiting? They do profit from the cell phones given out, they do benefit from low wages being paid to illegals, they do benefit from the subsidies for electric vehicles, they do get billions from you in government subsidies. Follow the money. My opinion.
Just wait til you learn about middleschool strawman fallacies, Army Bob. It should be epiphanic for you.
Mr. Gless,
Thank you for the comment.
One more time “if you can not refute the content attack the author”. Middle school really? you do not need to stoop to that, or perhaps you do?
I see a lot of Whining in this post but I don’t see any solutions offered. Maybe you should write something that offers solutions for the problems our country is facing rather then whining about what the liberals are saying or whining you can’t pollute like Commy China.
I know its easy to constantly mash the top 5 hottest Republican talking points together to make a low effort Rage bait article, but that does nothing to contribute to our society moving forward in a meaningful direction.
Im following the money in the latest legal proceeding of the losing candidate from the last presidential election.
If you were unaware, DJT took the stand today in an effort to misdirect away from his guilt of sexual assault.
This is yet another instance where he will pay bigly (both financially and in reputation) for this and his other numerous, serious, crimes on an impressive number of charges.
I would prefer not to bring these matters up. The thing is though, they are relevant. The GOP, and yourself as a local mouthpiece, continue to ignore reality.
Everyone, regardless of party affiliation or allegiance, regardless of brand loyalty. Owe it to themselves and this nation that so many have sacrificed so much for, to honestly take a step away from their media filter bubble. Take some deep breaths, and seriously research, reflect, and reevaluate their propaganda filled opinions.
It’s become dangerously, numbingly, normal at this point. One could even say par for the course for someone who behaves like a mob boss.
A spoiled, undisciplined, playground bully that dreams of becoming an unchecked demagogue, with dictatorial, autocratic, powers and admiration on the level of the fuhrer from last century.
You can attempt to ignore and distract all you want untill he becomes a two time sore looser. It will not change the facts, nor reality. Desire, dreams, hopes and prayers are just wishes, they do not manipulate the real world. Although they can certainly manipulate a mind.
The jumbled montage of over recycled vague grievances with “progressives” is beyond played out at this point. I’m truly embarrassed for you and your team of sore losers.
Mr. Baloney,
To quote Hillary Clinton “I prefer the term Progressive.” One may take away from your comment that you do not like President Trump. To quote your comment “The jumbled montage of over recycled vague grievances with ‘progressives’ is beyond played out at this point. I’m truly embarrassed for you and your team of sore losers.”
The hardcore Democrats, Pramila Jayapal, Ilhan Omar, Barbara Lee and many others are in the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Thanks for the comment.
It’s ironic, yet unfortunate that your chosen brand of rhetoric, chooses to focus on, misuse, construe, and conflate terminology. The focus on labels rather than substance and reality is unproductive and disappointing.
As an example, the ignorant battle of fallacy as to whether this nation is a democracy or a republic is also unfortunate. We are neither in the pure classical definitions. We are a constitutional republic-that practices democratic representation. So in reality we are neither, while using portions of both.
I realize that nomenclature is often confusing and difficult. What one word means to one group or era can obviously have an entirely different meaning to another.
It is however critical to the clarity of a situation to actually think about something and what it truly means in context of the situation, rather than reacting or dismissing something emotionally in a hypnotized manner.
I have found time and again, as have most professional, experienced, individuals that objective assessment of a situation or topic is paramount. Anyone that takes the easy, lazy way out is essentially a slave.
So, y’all can call things whatever you like, we are relatively free. The thing is, what you folks are dishing out is mighty stinky and appears long since rotten to the core.
I came here to say this very thing. I’m bored reading this stuff.
Army Bob, another expose of what Marxist Democrats have done to our country the past 3+ years. We could cover miles of our beautiful countryside with solar panels and windmills and never produce enough power to meet our daily demands. Without coal, natural gas, and nuclear fusion power plants, we are dark in the night, our heat and air conditioning non-existent, and forget about powering your EV.
We are now at the mercy of non-elected bureaucrats helping politicians destroy our country by allowing illegal aliens to cross our border, being weak on the international stage – emboldening our enemies and piling on debt. We are broke but still remain drunk with power hungry politicians to give away more of what we don’t have.
We need Trump more than ever to get the ship of state on the right course. The Democrat Party is now the enemy of the state and America. The once proud party of the working class has abandoned America. I was once a Democrat, but they left me dazed and confused by going left, Left, and finally Nuts.
Mr. Baloney,
You neglected to mention the National Socialists German Workers Party (Nazi) were as the name states Socialists. Fascism as designed by Benito Mussolini is socialism that allows religion, as for nationalism the socialists have always denounced it until they get control then they wave the flag more than anyone.
Thanks for the comment.
Army Bob, please allow me to educate you on the history of the Nazi party. The National German Workers Party was a far-right organization of working-class, i.e., undereducated young men who were aggrieved by a German ownership class they felt were exploiting them. In the early 1920’s these gangs of young men often clashed with the far-left Kommunist gangs in Germany, resulting in many hundreds of deaths.
Keep in mind that one hundred years ago was a different landscape for political ideologies across the world. Germany was experiencing democracy for the first time after WWI collapsed their monarchy. Left and right were brand-new ideals with none of the negative connotation of today. Of the main parties in Germany a century ago, there were the Social Democrats representing the ownership class much like contemporary American neoliberals, the Kommunist party on the left, and the National Workers and Catholic parties on the right. Hitler took control of the National German Workers Party, and he is the single person responsible for renaming the National German Workers Party into the National Socialist German Workers Party. He was coopting what he believed were the popular sentiments of the masses in labeling his party National Socialists, much like how trump says he also supports the undereducated masses. Hitler was very explicit in differentiating that his party were Nationalist first—Germany First—and that they opposed the globalist/Jews. After the Catholic party aligned with the Nazis to make Hitler dictator, the Nazis then went town to town rounding up trans folks, teachers, artists, and any other outspoken lefties who threatened their Volk cultural ethos and put them in Dachau.
Army Bob, I hope this clears your misunderstanding. There was nothing remotely leftist about Hitler and the Nazis. You need to stop spreading Nazi lies in my community.
Mr. Gless,
Your words “You need to stop spreading Nazi lies in my community.” This is below even you. Name calling, what are we on a play ground in second grade.
Trump Derangement Syndrome has overtaken your logic.
I do not believe JG called you a Nazi. I read his words as, you need to stop spreading lies regarding the history, and facts of Nazi’s. I understand how his words could have been misunderstood to mean you are a Nazi spreading lies, although in the context of everything else communicated, that does not fit.
I would like to believe that you made an honest mistake and that you understand this was not his intent. However, part of me wonders if you are intentionally misconstruing his words to further distract away from reality.
I’ll provide this as an example, perhaps as a starting point of an eye opening view into our own past, and in turn the reality we now face.
It is often claimed that we (or “the greatest generation”, or “the allies”, or even the Russians primarily -I’ll digress) defeated the christian nationalist, Nazi regime during WWII. While they may have been removed from power, and shamed from public view, and the fashion obviously fell -out of fashion, the fascists still remained.
They have been underground thru out the planet, and in our own nation, our own neighborhoods. The rhetoric, beliefs, ideology, and most importantly, evil hatred in the name of Christ has remained and endured relatively unchanged.
They have re-branded, changed the drapes, got rid of the old corporate logo, and streamlined for the digital age with an embrace of social media that has been in full effect long before the current figure-head became their “champion”. A large portion of the cheerleaders do not even realize what it is that they are supporting.
This subject is beyond difficult to properly discuss in today’s society. It is partly due to disbelief, but primarily due to the long entrenched subversive propaganda. It is however critical to the health, safety, and survival of the nation as we know it to be -that this is appropriately understood and recognized for what it is.
Summer camp for Democrat Marxists? A spot on match!
What is recently disturbing, is that the right-wing, christian nationalists are now attempting to paint their opposition as the group from history that stands for hatred.
This is a classic trait of narcissistic behavior, accusing others of what they are in fact guilty of. This is not surprising considering who they get their marching orders and rehtoric from.
I’ll leave it to individual folks to do the real research, reflect, and determine which side stands with racial superiority, hatred, and the desire to exclude and even exterminate their fellow humans.
I’m am continually disappointed in “Army Bob’s” wholly incorrect misrepresentation of this enemy from our past.
An enemy in which many service members, and everyday citizens gave unmeasurable sacrifices in order to suppress.
His assertions would have been laughed out of the room in decades past.
To all those responding to Army Bob, a veteran, professor, and public servant in a derogatory way, this is directed to you:
Nice try. Bloviating about Nazi history, Trump, Trump, and more Trump history and legal harassment (some say BS, but I will leave that to legal scholars, of which there are few) is your right.
However, please tell me what Democrats and Biden have done well besides the obvious and bitching about Trump. Illegal invasion, aiding our enemies with cash and resources, allowing China to spy on us with a balloon, Afganistan debacle leaving $86 billion in arms and war materials (and people and 13 dead sevice people) behind, inflation to the point housing and vehicle loans are out of reach for most Americans, inflation costing an additional $11,200 per year average for essentials like food, fuel, and monthly bills, making our allies distrustful and emboldening our enemies, crime rising, mass theft with no punishment, tent cities within cities, etc.
“You know the drill” as dementia Joe says!
So buckle up and get ready for a real president to take the helm and keep basement Joe silent. He is a walking, tripping, pant shitting (Vatican incident), speaking disaster. Joe needs to retire. He was one of the worst senators, a poor VP, and disaster as president. Almost 50 years on the government dole and he’s a multi-millionaire and owns multiple mansions. A government servant indeed. Maybe Nancy Pelosi gave him stock market tips?
The gift that keeps on taking (or is that in reality “on the take”?). You know he is dirtier than any Mafia boss.
Ok BM,
I’ll address a few of your points
“Illegal Invasion” -Nice labeling and attempt at reframing the issue of immigration. One that has been ongoing throughout multiple decades, one that is capitalized on endlessly by employers on both sides. Alas, it is one side specifically that is hypocritical on this. The right-wing fear mongers have also intentionally sabotaged any legislation regarding this issue. They even did it again this week, it is done so as to have an inflammatory wedge issue to fear monger with, and also, of course
the low or nearly no cost labor force.
“aiding our enemy’s” -Well this is beyond vague, fear mongering doesn’t actually need any substance I suppose. Perhaps the colloquialism of keeping enemies closer applies.
“allowing China to spy on us with a balloon” -I promise you, we were watching this before it got halfway across the Pacific. We allowed it to attempt to capture Sig-Int so that we could monitor what they were attempting to monitor. I realize this is complex and tough to follow, but this is how it is done. We were also observing the specific methods and frequency’s they used. This was essentially a poor man’s version of a spy satellite, just cheaper and in a lower orbit. I understand you guys want to freak out and speculate as to dirty bombs, EMPs, and the like. I can also assure you, that had anything like that been on board, we would have known, detected, observed, and measured it before it was even airborne. One last thing, these “glorified weather balloons” even as large as this one, have been overflying us and passing through our airspace for decades. We also send them their way as well.
“Afganistan debacle leaving $86 billion in arms and war materials” -This was due to the treaty that was signed by the trump administration, the conditions were set at that time. The dollar value is from when this equipment was new and still usable two decades ago. The vast majority of it was worn out and unserviceable, what was still operable or able to pose any threat was disabled, decommissioned, or destroyed beyond use. It would have been cost inefficient to transport junkyard scrap by air out of the country. We prioritized moving lives in an attempt to save the folks we could. As bad as the situation was, it is not uncommon considering the circumstances. Plenty of historical parallels exist on this abhorrent aspect of war.
“inflation to the point housing and vehicle loans are out of reach for most Americans, inflation costing an additional $11,200 per year average for essentials like food, fuel, and monthly bills”
-This started the moment DJTs Treasury Secretary(who’s experience was as a movie producer) created the largest pile of money out of thin air that the world has ever seen. This massive amount of dollars diluted the value of all dollars in existence, at the push of a few buttons. The stimulus checks started during the last administration. Likewise with the panic buying(due to lack if faith in the administrations handling of the crisis) which hit the supply availability of nearly everything. I shouldn’t have to explain how tons of excess supply of dollars vs a massive increase in demand for products on top of shortages is what drives inflation, but here we are.
I could continue refuting your empty and hollow rant. However I feel there is not much point. I believe you are just repeating your indoctrinated talking points in a blind rage.
As to “Army Bob”, I believe I respect him, don’t know him personally. He does not represent the military, or any body of government as far as I know. Heck, he may be a made up construct of an entity designed as inflammatory propaganda for all I know. If he is a real live “good ole boy” with impressive accomplishments and acolides, great, that means he is worthy of scrutiny, and can handle a bit of conflict and criticism.
I for one, will not blindly follow someone based on how impressive they may seem or how enthralled others may be.
As of today, Sunday Jan. 28, there are 3 dead Americans and a reported 2 dozen wounded. I express my condolences for our fallen troops.
This is what happens when a weak leader ignores the repeated attacks promulgated by Iran and their henchmen. It is time to do your job and retaliate decisively and overwhelmingly. But I don’t expect much to protect our warriors to come from this dementia president. Democrats, are you going to support this empty suit again? If so, blood is on your hands.
It is difficult in the fog of war, to determine fact from fiction, some would say nearly impossible at times. I believe RMT alluded to the belief that truth is the first casualty of war a while back regarding the Ukraine conflict. This has become even more difficult, messy, and often intentionally corrupted in the digital age.
I understand your anger, however I question your assertion as to specific individual responsibility, and assumption of tactical decision correctness. I believe you have been manipulated, and that the emotion of rage has superseded your ability to logically assess things. Your profane expressions, and lack of relevant detail, belie your information interpretation competency.
Perhaps the following refresher of what occurred last spring regarding just one example of a Right-wing, Christian, radicalized, Russian sympathizing, consumer(and participant) of online hate, humor, and rage will serve as a more modern example of what is occurring and what we are truly up against.
I wish you the best of luck with your own, internal battles.
Mr. Baloney (appropriate name),
There have been many attacks on our installations in the Mideast (90+ to date) without any definitive response by this lame administration. This is what happens with weak leadership and perfumed Pentagon generals worried more about their next promotion or assignment instead of warriors under their command in the field of battle. God help those in harms way.
It is my firm belief based on his performance as Commander in Chief, Donald Trump would have quelled these issues before they started because they believed his warnings. We would not have war in Ukraine, an invasion of Israel by Hamas, and saber rattling by China.
But we have a dementia patient more concerned about sniffing hair and his coke addled son selling influence and access to old Joe for cash. The Biden Crime Syndicate is alive and well! And so it goes round and round. Nobody seems to care.
Help is on the way in November.
This assertion conflicts with what I have heard from the right regarding DJT and military operations in foreign lands. I have heard things such as, he will bring all military personnel back to our nations boundaries, end all wars, and other unrealistic nonsense. And now that it makes for a convenient talking point -he would do otherwise, which is it? I do not know if it is possible to do both, although different situations call for different measures.
It is undeniable the way he capitulated to and acted as a compromised agent of Putin and Russia. From the first week in office he had the enemy in counsel behind closed doors. The argument can be made that his submission to Putin was what opened the door for the escalation of the Ukraine situation.
It is imperative that folks understand that he was so unstable, that emergency communications with China had to be reinforced constantly as they were concerned his erratic behavior had the potential to start a major conflict. Everything he did on the foreign stage was to kneecap NATO and undercut our standing on a worldwide footing. Abandoning the Kurd’s in Iraq, embracing, elevating and admiring the leader of North Korea, and making an embarrassing mockery in general of the US in any diplomatic setting with his ignorance and ineptitude.
You can pretend his experience playing a hard ass on a reality TV show makes him a military strategist, and “more knowledgeable than all the generals” if you want to. It is both hilarious and depressing the way that he has managed to con his fans with his experience performing “pro wrestling” attitude, gusto, and charlatanism.