by Robert M. Traxler

Is it time to build a fallout shelter? Our President has said we face a “nuclear Armageddon;” chalk one up for Russian President Vladimir Putin, he has set up office in President Joe Biden’s mind. So, the media was wall-to-wall calling President Donald Trump a liar who reported fake news; what did they say to President Biden saying he is a Jewish, Puerto Rican, tractor trailer truck driving, mountain climbing, street brawling, college professor?
How about his saying not one American would be left behind in our cutting and running from Afghanistan? More than 300 were left behind, and those are the ones the Department of State knew of.
Is our southern border truly closed? 2.2 million “migrants” would differ.
After stating he would not do it, he made COVID-19 immunizations mandatory for many; he said that the COVID epidemic is over, and after he said that nine people in my group of friends got it. My favorite is his calling folks like me semi-fascist. Fascism is socialism that allows limited private ownership and some religious freedom; Mr. President sir, I am no socialist, and I and most folks like me believe in freedom of all religion, individual property rights, and capitalism.
Google our President’s lies and you will find words like falsehoods, exaggerations, and misleading information, but rarely if ever, lies. His statements about the economy being fine and getting better are “misleading,” so next time you purchase gas and food tell yourself the additional costs of inflation are not real. It is a right-wing conspiracy, it is all a Fox News lying, conspiracy theory, shell game.
He had no knowledge of his son’s business dealings or his brother’s business dealings with China, Ukraine, Russia, or any other country. “Come on man, get real;” they were on the same government aircraft for 18 hours going to China.
President Biden greenlighted the Russian offensive action in Ukraine, and then then gave the Ukraine more than $13.5 billion in military and economic aid. Go figure.
Do we need to teach our children “Duck and Cover?” Dig fallout shelters in our yards? Stock up on non-perishable food and iodine pills? After all, we are as close to a nuclear war as we were in 1962 during the Cuban missile crisis. Our President said at a Democrat fund raiser, “I am not joking about President Putin using nuclear weapons.” Is the cold war back on?

Google the President’s comments and you find the government back-pedaling fast enough to win the Tour de France international bicycle race. This type of shooting from the lip is dangerous as all hell. The good news is that people are so used to his outlandish exaggerations, misspeak, fabrications, and distortions that they dismiss it as President Obama did when he said it is” Joe being Joe,” and “never underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up.”
This column has maintained for months that President Putin would not be stupid enough to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, and I still believe it would be industrial strength stupid. The Russian Army in Ukraine are not equipped or trained to fight on a nuclear battlefield, and if they had received training and specialized equipment in that area, we would know of it.
The fact that troops from Belarus are fighting side by side with the Russian forces in Ukraine is not reported or under reported, along with “Asian” volunteers. Reports like “Belarus did not send troops during the initial attack on Ukraine” are used; OK, they came in later. The recent salvo of more than 150 missiles came mostly from Belarus, the Russian axis of advance attacking Kiev launched and was supported logistically from Belarus. So, just why does our government and the media not mention troops from other nations armies fighting in support of the Russian Federation? How about the fact that Iran has supplied Russia with armed drones currently used to attack Ukraine? It does not fit the narrative of Russia alone against the world.
Our President is truth challenged, but the majority of the media just do not care. President Trump was a liar, but President Biden “may have misspoken.” Bias? You decide. My opinion.
I know I sound like a broken record however well wrote. I certainly wish my liberal progressive friends would defend their man. Editor, AZ, 2030 and Longstreet please come forward………
Mr. Wilkens,
You taunt for some of us to come forward, specifically calling me out as AZ. In case you are not paying attention, I have said in the past, and I continue to contend, that lying is always a bad policy, regardless of who is doing the lying.
A liar is below contempt. Always.
Now, can you put this trope to rest?
Sorry I am not putting anything to rest. You continually called out former President Donald Trump during his Presidency for anything you could attach your liberal mind to. You won’t call out current President Joseph Biden for his many lies and lousy job he and his party has done to our Country. You can’t have it both ways sweetheart…..
Your bias shines bright!
Mr. Wilkens,
Thanks for the comment. President Biden said on June 30th, we need not be concerned our inflation rate is not the highest in the world, thank goodness for that it will pay the 13.5% increase in our grocery and gas bills.
Thanks again.