by Robert M. Traxler

If President Joe Biden is elected odds dictate that he will pass away because of age related ailments, a 60% chance he will sadly not live past his first year in office. And the odds go up each year. Heck, he, and Vice President Kamala Harris have already both referred to her as President on many occasions.
This column wishes our President a long life, but the actuary tables are against it, the President’s brain surgeries are contributing factors to his long-term health, mental acuity, and cognitive decline.
It is sad, but medical emergencies take years off the back end of our lives, surgery can and does save our lives, but it takes a toll on our general health as we age. Our President is not exempt from this. It is probably true you or most Americans do not know a blood vessel ruptured in President Biden’s Brain and a second one was close to rupturing when emergency brain surgery repaired them.
If you pay attention to conservative media, you will think President Biden is drooling in his pablum. If you pay attention to the socialist media, you will think President Biden is a physical and mental god. The truth is President Biden’s mental acuity like all of us has sadly diminished with old age.
Like President Biden or not, a reasonable and prudent person should question the darn near week per month he spends on vacation. Age has an impact on stamina, no denying it, those of us who are pushing 75 just do not have the stamina we did when we were in our 50s or 60s, no way no how. In my 50s I took up distance running and skydiving, completing 19 marathons, running into my mid-60s. I just could not do it today just too old and do not have the stamina.
This column has maintained that both likely candidates (Presidents Biden and Trump) are too old and younger folks should be considered. The folks around President Biden are making the decisions and running our nation. To some extent, that is normal, however, President Biden appears to be a puppet with his staff being the puppeteers much more than normally found in that level of leadership.
As President Biden makes gaffs, his staff and the media step in and deny he meant it or ever even said it. Most Americans have not seen the video of our President falling to sleep in a meeting and in joint discussions with foreign leaders. The media are in a full court press covering for him, thoughsome cracks are starting to appear in the aspis or hoplon media shield wall of silence.

If President Trump gets the Republican nomination the media will paint President Biden as Atlas reincarnated, a tireless dynamo who has the mental acuity of Albert Einstein and the physical abilities of Muhammad Ali in their prime and as the savior of the world. If President Trump does not receive the nomination, it will be interesting to watch the media infighting to decide if they want to elect one of the three Democrats standing in the wings or if they will stay with President Biden, despite his age-related problems.
It appears today that both likely nominees are shoe-ins despite their age, but it is early in the process and time will tell who the socialist and conservative media will ordain as the candidates. One thing is certain, most media want President Trump to run and will excoriate any conservative candidates other than President Trump. The media going in high gear to attack Vivek Ramaswamy a minority who dares be a conservative is a good example. Name calling an African American, woman or other minority daring to be a conservative is the norm for the “mainstream” media.
It is interesting that cities, and even states, who declared themselves sanctuaries for undocumented, migrants, immigrants, illegals, whatever the current name is are upset that the folks from the entire world are being sent (willingly contrary to the media coverage) to their sanctuaries? Has any socialist media types asked how they have the intestinal fortitude to object? Not even close. It is like adopting a pet and saying others should clean up the pet’s waste and provide a pet house and food. My opinion.
I just don’t worry about ‘age’, alone. And surely – Biden has SIGNIFICANT cognitive decline going on, which is why they must be working on changing batters as soon as they can usher one in. (Gosh … who could that be? …. Might it be a high-profile woman? … of color?)
But Trump? I’m really not worried about him … not in the least. Besides – just because they are fighting against him sooo hard, only convinces me more and more, he needs to be there. And just the fact that the military is so supportive of him (I’m told), gives me great pause. But even then – it’s the administration and those working behind the scenes (as the Biden administration does, to keep Biden afloat), is where the real shenanigans are pulled. If Americans would just pull the scales from their eyes, they would see so much more clearly. But they likely won’t.
What we really should be worried about, is the more local crap going on. The MI legislature is now back in session (be afraid…). Do you know what their number one thing on the agenda is – and one that Whitmer has declared the highest priority? Passage of House Bills 4759-4761 and Senate Bills 271-275.
With the passage of these bills, Michigan would be required to rely on 100% unaffordable and unreliable wind, solar, and other fringe energy sources by 2035.
What madness …
Most people have no idea how household solar technology actually works, and how the homeowner basically benefits. For instance, people naively believe that when the power goes out, their solar panels will kick in and give them power for as long as the sun shines.
– – Wrong – – Feel free to call a solar company and ask them about that. The solar panels are geared to save on your electric bill – period. It’s not a ‘grid-down’ safety net.
The solar panels need the grid in order to provide (or transfer) power. There’s a way to get around that, of course. But you need lots of money (on top of the money you spend for the solar panels, themselves) and permission from the electric company to install a system to ‘store’ the energy you collect. That would be by way of purchasing batteries … which cost around $2K each.
How long do batteries provide power for, in a power outage? It depends, of course, on endless variables. To really, really simplify it – 8 batteries fully charged would run a typical midsized house about one (1) full hot day (with AC running). For heated winter days, they would run that same house about (2) days. Once the batteries discharge, it’s ‘lights out’ – until the sun comes back out, and the batteries recharge. On a day like today, solar panels are only collecting at a rate of about 20%, as compared to full sun days.
These huge solar farms you see replacing crop fields, provide ongoing power, but will rely on the grid to make up for losses at nighttime, as well as loose efficiency on cloudy days. They don’t have batteries. What’s that going to do with a week of rainy weather? Or two weeks?… or even longer? That means rolling blackouts, sky-high energy bills, and manufacturers jumping ship and fleeing Michigan in droves.
And wind farms?… How much wind have we had this past week, here in Michigan? And wind does not have battery capability, as well. In a storm with high winds, the wind turbines are ‘shut down’ so they won’t overheat and burn themselves up. So that puts the burden again, on solar.
The last time I visited a wind farm was about 2010, on the far southern high coastline of the big island. There were about 20 turbines or more – all rusted and broken down and fully non-functional. Only the birds found a use for them for their nest. That’s the future I see for these massive expensive structures. I’m not saying they’re all bad. Some rural areas in dry windy environments can get a fair amount of energy from them. But not much in Michigan … too wet – and too inconsistent and unpredictable.
Honestly, I’m embarrassed for our kids and grandkids. We have idiots making these huge, life-changing (in harmful ways) decisions. But again, I also believe we’re going to have to ‘go down’, before we learn something. Only then will we be able to grind our way back out.
Well stated, it will be decades before wind and solar are up to the test, if even that soon.
Thanks for the comment.
We landed on the moon six decades after Kitty Hawk. Your boomers’ animosity toward progress and renewable energy is a character flaw.
Trump, at 6’3″, 215 pounds, certainly sounds fit physically enough, and, he just shot a 67 to win the club championship. If you believe him, that is. He’s probably not mentally fit, with some rather obvious mental illnesses, though. And certainly is not morally fit.
Thanks for the comment.
One may think that you are not a fan of President Trump. Thanks again.
I’m not a fan of the ex-President. I recognize that he’s very popular with Republicans. He did get a majority of the electoral college in 2016, although not a majority of Americans that voted. The people I know don’t hold him in high regard, but some folks do.
Mr. Basura,
Sir, depending on the poll both likely candidates are tied or President Trump is ahead of President Biden, polls at this point are not worth a bucket of spit. I still wish both Presidents would step aside for a younger person. Thanks for the comment.