by Robert M. Traxler

A very few right-wing commentators are saying that the right must use the tools invented by the left to counter the out-of-control march to socialism. Conservative media people, like Daniel John Bongino and Steve Hilton among others, are calling for district attorneys in red states to turn the tables on the progressive movement and indict serving and former Democrats for crimes they dig up after dedicating major assets to investigating progressive elected officials.
Spend time in law enforcement and you will see different rates of cooperation among agencies and departments. One of the folks I liaised with was an IRS agent. He was visiting one day, and one of my agents came into the office and complained about a person being rude and crude when dealing with her. After she departed, the IRS agent said that if we gave him the full name, he’d pull his returns (tax returns) for the last 10 years, and guaranteed that he would find something.
It goes without saying that I did not provide the requested data. The incident demonstrates the ease with which the government can dig up something when it abuses its authority, as can a state or local district attorney; take a deep dive into anyone’s past and you can find something.
Most conservative media types are calling for calm, and not to go into battle with the socialist party over the President Trump indictment. As time goes on and the progressive leaders and influencers and their willing accomplices in the media pile on wall to wall to degrade the dreaded MAGA Republicans, 74 million of us, it will be difficult to preach calm if they do.
At this early point in the legal insurrection, it is easy to preach calm and understanding; give the media a few weeks to repeat that folks like many of us are “a clear and present danger to our democracy” and that we are a “criminal element” who need targeted criminal investigations opened on them, and good folks just may get a bit upset.
Time will tell us if the progressive/socialist movement will smell blood in the water and go into a feeding frenzy, vilifying the MAGA Republicans en masse even more than they do currently, or if calmer heads will prevail. Time will tell if Republican attorneys general and prosecutors will do an anal exam of elected progressives and socialists and an avalanche of indictments will follow. We will see if the call for retribution is picked up by most of the few conservatives in the media, or if the pile on, grab a headline, progressive media star-for-a-day movement grows, with legal officials in the liberal establishment and more indictments of MAGA Republicans will follow.

The cancel culture, coupled with the criminalization of political dissent, have made MAGA Republicans quietly angry. Time will tell us if the anger grows or decreases. The ball is in the progressives’ court, and we must ask — what will they do?
We are told to be calm and accept the ongoing actions. Why is it that the progressives and socialists can “demonstrate,” as in burn federal buildings, private businesses, and destroy, loot and murder, for nearly two years, with very few if any responsible people being indicted, let alone convicted, while 74 million good folks who have done nothing wrong or illegal are “a clear and present danger to our democracy,” per President Biden?
President Trump’s indictment has been called the Super Bowl. MSNBC commentators have said that this is a guy who has acted lawlessly his whole life, that Trump is proud to be a criminal, he is a mob boss, he (not the NYC DA) has diminished the rule of law, he is a danger to our democracy, and the list goes on. We are told that President Trump needs to keep quiet and not comment on this action — fat chance.
The establishment political class hate President Trump because he is not one of them; outsiders need not apply for elected office at the national level. A person needs to get in step with the march toward big government or have their (figuratively speaking) legs broken.
Our media and prosecutors have turned a blind eye to crimes committed by prominent Democrats in our past, selectively enforcing laws based on political affiliation. Just look at the actions of President Biden’s family.
Oddly, the ball is in the progressive/socialist court; do they attack under the cover of their legal artillery, or will they be happy with what they have done? My guess is the progressives smell blood and will expand the attack on anti-socialist political dissent. My opinion.