by Robert M. Traxler

Well, the election is less than two weeks away and we are told by both parties that they will win. It is the norm for them to say that. Both parties are predicting nuclear war if the other is elected, again a normal practice.
History tells us that the 1964 “daisy” TV commercial, a famous Lyndon Baines Johnson ad against Barry Goldwater, is often called the most effective political ad ever. In the ad, a cute little girl counts the petals of a daisy as she pulls them off, then a male voce takes over and counts down to zero, and the camera goes to the child’s eye and a nuclear mushroom cloud appears.
I have a childhood memory of my father saying that there is not a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties, they are all politicians. In the past he was correct; however, we are now in a struggle for the nature of our Republic more so than in the past, a struggle between the continued existence of our Constitution as a governing document or as a historical document to ignore.
We are told that this is the most important election in our history, as was the last one and every one before that. The talking heads in the media will tell us, sure they said that before, but this time it truly is, as they parrot the same line every four years.
We are told that this is the time in history when our nation is the most divided it has ever been; got to ask if they ever heard of the Civil War? Normed for today’s population, we would have seven million dead Americans and twice that wounded.
We all need to vote because it is a privilege and an obligation. As is the case with many Americans I voted a number of times when deployed while serving in our Army, never missing a local or national vote since turning 21.
We have seen some changes in the doctrine and operation of the two major political parties. The Democrats are outspending the Republicans by a wide margin. The Republicans do not stand any more for free unfettered trade, a concern for the Silicone Valley billionaires who are getting even richer exporting American jobs to China, India and Vietnam among others. The auto industry is concerned that the new plants in Mexico and Korea will not be the cash cows they currently are, so money flows to the Democrats, a sea change in the political norm.
Again, each side has said the other will cause a nuclear war; a nuclear war is very unlikely. Russia is having enough of a problem fighting the Ukraine, let alone all of NATO. The Chinese have problems even feeding their people, and the other atomic nations could not survive a nuclear exchange.

What concerns me is the use of a nuclear device as an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon, not traceable to any nation when launched from a ship at sea or an innocent (unknowing) neutral nation. Iran has been standing in the door of joining the nuclear club for 12 years now. A reasonable person must ask how we developed an atom bomb in three years using 1940s technology, and Iran cannot cross the threshold in 12?
A 2008 congressional study estimates that 90% of Americans will die within a year after an EMP attack. An EMP weapon will not damage anything with the explosion, but the energy wave will destroy nearly everything with a microchip or microprocessor.
A concern of this old soldier is the expansion of local wars, border wars like the ones we have seen during in the past few years. If Russia can conquer the Ukraine, they can expand their military capability by 40%. My conservative friends, think that one over.
Conservative or Socialist, we all need to vote. My opinion.
At this point we have heard all of the attempts at distracting from current occurrences, reshaping history, and attempts at narrating reality. Repetitively to the point where we understand that’s what you believe, but many of us have seen and understand otherwise.
The uninformed, ignorant, immature, and superstitious group want to reform our nation into a racist nationalistic place of great suffering in the furtherance of a perceived goal of greed and self promoting narcissism.
He has shown who he is, they have shown that all they have is temper tantrums and terror. Many respected die-hard GOP public servants have defined their experiences with and have expressed the literal grave danger that this unstable individual presents.
Good luck with true internal reflection, cognitive dissonance, and actually listening to your own true heart. Not what you are told to fear or hold anger for things you do not understand. Take deep breaths and actually understand what is truly just!
Mr. Baloney,
Dude, take a breath and reread the nonsense you’ve spewed. Ms. Harris has received no primary votes and was drafted by Biden, much to the chagrin of Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, and others that wanted anybody but Kamala. Once he publicly endorsed her, they had to go along with the loser they were saddled with.
She is a disaster and Everyone knows it… even the lying liberal media and everyone is now in panic mode. She knows the real poll numbers and early voting results and she is toast unless they get the ballot stuffing like they did last time.
Canada is an option to all those if Trump wins. Or your party can try to assassinate him again. TDS is rampant but liberals never had it so good under Trump. Biden screwed you and electing an empty pantsuit will not change a thing, as she has said she wouldn’t change a thing and approved of all the misery Joe placed upon the American people!
Howdy BM,
Exactly what I expected from someone so misinformed. Good luck with your third loss. We realize you rabid fan types want to burn cars, and throw temper tantrums when you lose.
Kamala is so desperate and knows she is getting her ass handed to her. Behind in all the swing states. She knows the polls are BS and her internal polls are showing she is losing biggly. The race probably will be decided Tuesday night, unless some last minute ballots show up all for Harris like Biden in 2020. Cheating is all Democrats have, they are losing the real Americans that make the country what it is.
You are misinformed and uninformed if all you watch are the alphabet old media. The big lie continues.
Yes everyone should vote. But for who. A Dictator or someone who says I will do this or that?? The big shame is the $billions spent on tv radio mail signs all lies!! that money could be used to feed all the hungry children for more than a few years. But which party cares?? Just want the power what a SHAME!!