by Robert M. Traxler

In researching this column, I Googled Representative Adam Bennet Schiff, (D-Ca.) and got page after page of hero worship by the media; to sum up the coverage in a few words, “God-like.” Those who openly criticize our President for lying forget Representative Schiff’s open and frequent lies.

Remember his statement made on at least a dozen television news shows that he had seen irrefutable and conclusive evidence that the President was a paid agent of the Russians? I was puzzled as to why a billionaire would need or want to take money from the Russians. Folks, you can’t make this stuff up.

Schiff stated that he knew for a fact the Mueller Report would prove the President worked hand in hand, colluding with the Russians to steal the election; it never did. Interesting that in dozens of Google links, no one mentioned that. Is it news or politically correct news? No need to answer.

Lead House impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff said he doesn’t think he made an unforced error during his closing arguments when he referred to an anonymous threat that the White House reportedly made to Senate Republicans to put their “head on a pike” if they voted against Trump in the impeachment trial. Representative Schiff stated twice that he did not know if it was true that the “White House” even said it, but…. It is like someone saying, “I do not know if it is true or not but (insert your name here) it was said is a pedophile, rapist and beats his dog. I have no proof, but the charges are of heinous behavior.” No proof necessary, the allegation is enough to ruin you.

Representative Schiff said he was struck by the fact that “We’re talking about a President who would make himself a monarch.” So, where did that come from? Who cares, it is red meat for the left.

He is a dictator,” said Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.). “And that is another reason he must be removed from office.” The irony is that the Democratic House Managers joke they want to be able to overrule the Supreme Court; that, coupled with the charge against our President of obstruction of Congress, would make the House a body that cannot be balanced by the executive and judicial branches of our government.

“How often do you get the chance to overrule the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?” Schiff said. “You have to admit, it is every legislator’s dream.” To do away with our system of divided government is “every legislators dream”? Really? To make a bad joke out of the American Constitution is not humorous, but who cares?

Representative Schiff is a media deity who can’t be criticized. Not since President Clinton post-impeachment have I seen the media bend a knee and kiss the ring of a politician as they have with Mr. Schiff.

Representative Schiff also stated that the President had enabled the Russian Federation to conquer Eastern/Western Europe at its pleasure. Just how that works is beyond common sense, but who cares? It sounds good. The Russians could nuke all of Europe and wait for the radiation to decay. But short of that, using conventional weapons, they just do not have the airlift or ground transport to supply an Army over the distances required nor the needed repair parts, fuel, rations, munitions or strength.

Oh, the two FISA warrants that started all of this were declared invalid by the court last Thursday. Lies, along with data critical to the warrants were withheld from the court, which is a felony; can we say deep state? Did you see that one on the news? Probably not, as it shoots the left’s case in its fourth point of contact (an Airborne term for butt).

Those who signed the affidavit for the FISA warrant committed perjury, pure and simple, and they need to be held to account. But will they? Not in the media. Having the FBI, NSA, CIA and others lying to a federal court to get a warrant to spy on Americans must not be a big deal to the fourth estate. If this does not concern you it should, a lot.


Lynn Mandaville
January 30, 2020
Mr. Traxler, how is it that you are outraged by Schiff's alleged lies, but never speak of the president's thousands of untruths?
Robert M Traxler
January 30, 2020
Ms. Mandaville, Perhaps 95% of the media, you and the other three liberal columnist in the Town Broad Cast are working over time to provide an unbalanced view? Please read the opening paragraph, it explains why. Thank you kindly for the comment.
Lynn Mandaville
January 30, 2020
Mr. Traxler, You alluded to those who criticize the president for lying, but you, yourself, do not criticize the president for his lies. I refer to Schiff's lies as alleged because I have not fact-checked him yet. There are plenty of lies on both sides flying around this week. It still does not show you to be a critic of the president.
Robert M Traxler
January 31, 2020
Ms. Mandaville, The left is upset with the few of us who do not openly condemn our President, be happy your side owns 95% of the media. Your words, "It still does not show you to be a critic of the president". How dare I. We are not a nation of Socialists yet, we still have free speech. Thank you for the comment.
Don't Tread On Me
January 31, 2020
How do you fact check, knowing most of the "fact check" sites are biased? Snopes is a joke.
January 31, 2020
I have grown extremely tired of the ugly game you guys play. You make outrageous claims and then when someone challenges your bat-poop crazy contention, you hide behind the assertion that fact-checking sites are biased, based on many of the unreliable sites you copy and paste. You, sir, are biased, and it's OK. But stop with "Snopes is a joke" commentary when you have no evidence.
John Wilkens
February 1, 2020
David, Your words "This is not a “fair and balanced”, so this is OK for you however not for us? Hard to have it both ways my friend. Please do some fact checking on "Snopes", it won't take you much time to figure out this site is owned by liberals and definitely "slopes" in that direction. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Cheers!
February 1, 2020
I have checked Snopes often and sometimes it presents information that doesn't please me. That tells me it isn't as biased as you, DTOM and others suggest. Everybody is biased, it's part of being human.
Lynn Mandaville
February 1, 2020
DOTM, Snopes is no longer a reliable source of fact checking. Politifact remains valuable. Sites can be evaluated by the Media Bias Chart 5.0.
January 30, 2020
Let's not forget the time that he thought he was colluding with Ukrainians for "compromising materials" on the President. I'm sure he had only the best of motives. Remember kids- Fake Trump collusion = bad Actual Schiff collusion = good
Robert M Traxler
January 31, 2020
Waldcat148 Thank you for the comment.
January 31, 2020
We need is to control the media. Then everything would be right in Army Bob’s world. The question is who gets that control.
Robert M Traxler
January 31, 2020
MR./MS. Couchman, Thank you for the comment. You asked, "We need is to control the media"."The question is who gets that control." Really? You folks on the left already do control the media, a bit of balance would be nice. Hell, I would be happy with the left/DNC controlling just 75%, but not 95% as you do now. If the vast majority of the media self censoring in favor of a political party does not scare you it should. The Fascists (National Socialists) did not need to censor the media the media did it for them, most media people love socialism and openly supported it. Thanks again for the comment.
January 31, 2020
Oh there's media control all right That should tell people something about the "impartiality" of the press.
Robert M Traxler
January 31, 2020
Wildcat148 Thank you for the link, great job of research, it is worse than I thought. This should scare the hell out of us all. To the leftest PLEASE read the story in Wildcat148s link. If you dare to know the truth. Outstanding job, thanks.
John Wilkens
January 31, 2020
Robert, Be careful, if it wasn't snopes approved some on this forum will call it, "not trust worthy." Cheers! John
January 31, 2020
Who is “You folks”? Last I checked people who disagree with Congressman Schiff and other members of House who voted to impeach are allowed to post regular opinion pieces in this online publication and others. The news divisions of broadcasting companies have become a division like entertainment and have budgets. They are expected to get revenues to at least cover their costs. The most watched cable news is FoxNews and it’s evening commentators who FoxNews says are opinion personalities still have their jobs. “Conservative” talk shows dominates the radio dial and Sinclair Media (they own local WWMT channel 3) sends their stations corporately produced reporting and commentary. None of the aforementioned have or are praising Congressman Schiff. Some “conservatives” are clearly unhappy. From 1949 until 1987 the FCC had a policy called the General Fairness Doctrine which required license holders to present fair and equitable coverage. In 1985, FCC Chair Mark Fowler (a Reagan appointee who was on Reagan’s ‘76 and ‘80 campaign staffs) presented a report that stated The Fairness Doctrine violated free speech. In 1987, FCC Chair Dennis Patrick (another Reagan appointee) presided when the FCC voted to revoke The Fairness Doctrine. At the time revocation of the Fairness Doctrine it was cheered by conservatives and libertarians as a victory for free speech. What’s happened? Does the FCC need to reinstitute The Fairness Doctrine? Certainly runs counter to the “allow markets and business decide and free speech philosophies popular with those currently calling themselves conservatives and libertarians.
Robert M Traxler
February 1, 2020
Mr./MS. Couchman, You asked, "Who is “You folks”? Please read the full sentence, thanks.
January 31, 2020
Who are the Fascist Nationalists? The Trump supporters wanting to control the press or just people who disagree with your political beliefs? In 1987 when the FCC repealed The Fairness Doctrine people who label themselves libertarians and conservatives claimed victory for right to free speech. Why is free speech bad now but wasn't in 2007, the year running up to the 2008 Presidential election, not for the 2012 election cycle or even brought up prior to the 2016 election when Candidate Trump dominated news coverage, even hosting an episode of Saturday Night Live in November 2015. Perhaps its time for you and others to write MI 6 district Congressman Fred Upton and ask him to sponsor a bill for the FCC to reinstate The Fairness Doctrine so people with whom you disagree can't, in your opinion, "control" the media.
Robert M Traxler
February 3, 2020
Mr./Ms. Couchman, Never used the term "Fascist Nationalists". A Fascist by definition is a socialist who believes in their nation. Please read a few of Benito Mussolini's books to fully understand the Fascist concept, it will surprise you how close the American left is to his teachings. The Doctrine of Fascism would be a good start.
Harry Smit
February 1, 2020
My question to you who hate our President. Yes I said hate for just the mention of his name you go into a full rant and fact check every word. Have you ever really taken the time to analyze why you have so much hate? Hopefully, you understand this hate is not healthy. Has the media ever been truthful? Can we not get so called facts to supposedly establish our opinions as truth. ( ie: climate change , abortion, and other very controversial issues) Get involved in something that makes the news may have been there but are all the facts the report edited, misstated, etc. Of course, this sight is a perfect many times has this editor had to apologize for some misinformation in 2019. ( this editor tries so hard to report facts...but misinformation is everywhere) It is my opinion humans cannot always except the facts....facts many times are not pleasant to hear, see, read etc. If you dislike our President to the point of hatred make sure you vote this presidential election.
February 2, 2020
Haven't you all heard? Trump is a Russian puppet according to Adam Schiff. Actions of Trump the "puppet", not necessarily in the order they occurred: -Sanctions against Russian Government and intelligence figures related to election interference -Sanctions against Russia over its takeover of Crimea. -Sanctions against Russian companies and German Companies involved in the completion of Nordstream II in an attempt to keep Angela Merkel from making Germany 100% dependent on Russian Natural Gas. -Smoked one of Russia's greatest allies in the Middle East, Qasem Soleimani. It goes on and on, the Trump Administration has imposed sanctions, expelled diplomats and Russian citizens involved in any number of nefarious activities. 52 Times Trump has taken direct policy action AGAINST Russia. 53 if you count the sanctions just imposed this year. Worst "puppet" ever! You won't read this in the mainstream media and you won't hear it acknowledged by Adam Schiff but The Brookings Institution has this list and they don't exactly lean right-wing: People just are not used to a President that actually puts America first. They are used to the swamp continuing things as usual. As usual means, things like the "deal" that Joe Biden put together for Ukraine where it looks like his kid benefits to the tune of millions of dollars that appears to be diverted from or in compensation for US Taxpayer aid meant to help Ukraine in its struggle against Russia.
Robert M Traxler
February 3, 2020
MacDougal, Thanks for the comment. As Donald Jr. stated, if President Trump orders Russian dressing on a salad it is proof he is a paid Russian Agent. Thanks again.

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