by Robert M. Traxler

Crime statistics are going to be a major factor in this election, as will the massive illegal immigration crisis. We should understand that the migrants who commit crimes in sanctuary states and cities will not be identified as such. The police agencies are required to disregard immigration status in reporting statistics to the Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Report.
The immigration status of felons arrested, to include violent felons, are not reported to the Department of Homeland security in many jurisdictions, so they will not be deported under federal law. The crimes committed by migrants will not be reported, thus not counted by the politically correct movement. The argument will be made that the conservative movement is racist, and thus they are creating a problem that the statistics do not support. Indeed, if you look at the statistics, crime in some blue cities and states is going down; any opinion to the contrary is racist and may be canceled by our politically correct media, and on social media.
The definition of crime has been rewritten in progressive jurisdictions, downgrading reportable crimes to nonreportable. Much will be made of the murder rate going down in cities with Democratic mayors; to reduce the murder rate, they change murder to manslaughter, or from murder to negligent homicide, and immediately the murder rate decreases. The watchdogs of government, the media, will not violate the tenets of political correctness and point out the deception.
The cashless bail movement in progressive cities is one that is puzzling. One of the burdens of proof for release on bail is ties to the community. “Migrants,” like the folks who assaulted New York City police officers have no job or family in the jurisdiction, no property, no ties, but they are released on cashless bail. Three of those who assaulted New York police officers released on cashless bail fled the city.
It is not politically correct to say out loud, but the broken windows theory of law enforcement works: Enforce the small crimes and reduce the major crimes; take the criminal out of society and crime goes down. Toss all the social programs you wish on our society, and the crime recidivist numbers remain fairly constant; 75% reoffend. The reoffend percentage of 75% arguably goes back to the Walnut Street Jail in Philadelphia in 1720.
Crime, the economy and illegal immigration are major factors for the upcoming elections. The books are being cooked on crime and the progressive movement is now blaming traditional corporations, not the nouveau riche in Silicon Valley, who donate hundreds of millions directly and indirectly to the Democrats for “shrinkflation.” The media is helping the socialist party transfer the guilt for the 11,400,000 “migrants” to Republicans, even as progressives continue to facilitate the invasion of illegals with billions in free stuff.
The corporations are getting rich producing goods in China, items or components we all need to survive, like antibiotics and medical equipment, along with darn near everything that has a microchip or microprocessor, from phones to insulin pumps (the Chips Act is for DOD and foreign governments only). The corporations tithe to the environmental groups, then the environmental groups pass on millions to Democrats using corporate and government money.

Colleges and universities donate disproportionately to Democrats, who make it easier for our young to borrow thousands and go deeper in debt, to pay for an education that may not prepare them for future employment. One major item going up in cost at a rate greater than inflation is higher education. Progressives are mute to college presidents and professors making millions.
President Trump has stated that he will hold China and corporations accountable for the loss of American jobs, and our lack of ability to produce lifesaving drugs and equipment in our nation. The Silicon Valley billionaires are threatened by a future president who will disrupt their gravy train with China.
The environmental corporations who are being paid off by the nouveau riche to allow China and other “emerging nations” to pollute massively are paying off the progressives to shut up, something that would never happen to the liberals of old who had values and standards. Liberals of old would not stand for the cancel culture censoring free speech and freedom of assembly as progressives do, under the veil of bullying, hate speech or incorrect speech, even to further socialism.
President Joe Biden has made two fund raising trips in three months to meet the Silicon Valley billionaires who are in bed with China, that should tell us something. My opinion.
More party-line xenophobia from Bob. Fear/hate the Hispanics, Blacks, trannies, queers, Muslims, feminists, liberals, teachers.
If you are a trumpee, ask yourself: how have you been harmed by an Hispanic migrant? Hint: none of you have been harmed by Hispanic migrants.
There are dozens, if not hundreds, of more pressing issues to the everyday lives of Americans, Michiganders, and Waylanders than undocumented Hispanics, starting with healthcare, education, the environment, and our economy. Yet dumb xenophobia is all the right has to offer. It is such a losing platform.
I haven’t heard an adult dialogue from anyone on the right in years. Across the country, America’s teenagers have likely never heard an adult conversation between opposing political viewpoints. And that is not good.
Jake do not waste your time trying to reason with a MAGA tRumper!!
Oh I know too well, Uncle Denny. It’s time to bring back shame to the trumpees for their abandonment of morals and decency. They need to be exposed at every turn between now and November. There is no reasoning. There is only shame for trumpees.
Mr. Longstreet,
Evidently you love dementia Joe and all his executive orders. Good luck with that.
Joe is better than a convicted sex offender and convicted fraud!! And all time LIAR!! and several more convictions on the way!!
As usual, you inflate the charges. His “sex charge” was a denying his involvement with her. She couldn’t even remember most details.. of course it was 20 years after she said she was “raped”. Really, 20 years?
The “fraud” was a victimless charge. There was no fraud involved and no one was claiming fraud but the state of NY. All the lenders were paid with interest and contracts completed. This was a political hit job with AD James visiting the White House for help in attacking Trump.
It ain’t over with yet. Trump 2024. Let’s go Brandon!
Nice try Mr. Longstreet.
Mr. Gless,
Thank you for your open-minded comment. Your words, “More party-line xenophobia from Bob. Fear/hate the Hispanics, Blacks, trannies, queers, Muslims, feminists, liberals, teachers.”
It so happens my wife of 47 years is a retired teacher with 30 years of classroom teaching experience, my sister and I both taught at the college level for many years and an African American I served with asked me to be the Godfather of his two sons. Our best friends and neighbors were both born in Cuba and my favorite niece is gay. But keep your narrow minded comments coming they help make my point that Progressives are guilty of what they accuse others of.
Of late everything is white privilege or racism.
It’s “white privilege” for our public education system to be expected to set standards or produce graduates able to do math or read at a basic level and it is also apparently “racist” to expect students to do so if they happen to be people of color.
If we haven’t won the “race to the bottom” yet, we are certainly leading as the left collapses western society around us and makes our society more and more like Idiocracy every day. Half the country is Chicago, Los Angeles or New York, voting for exactly what they get and then wondering why everything is turning to s$%t in front of their eyes. It would be hilarious if it didn’t cause chaos and death, but it does, so it is just the sad, demented result of far-leftism.
I was pretty sure that failing to teach early 20th Century history in detail would have negative consequences, but I didn’t expect half the western world to fully embrace notions that sound like Genocide for Jewish people in my lifetime. The utterances of some of our young people in support of terrorism is chilling.
Start with the mere notion in the United States that our rights are provided to us by the Federal Govenment. The left appears to now fully embrace this philosophy and as such those rights are somehow free to be manipulated by entitles of the Government and that doing so is no problem whatsoever, which is insane.
Hey everyone,
Make sure you pay close attention, do not look anywhere but the place you are directed. This attempt at mental illusion is only a continuation of the distraction game.
Make sure you blame the folks that pick our vegetables, process our livestock, build and landscape our estates, and serve in our military. Be sure to fault the entirety of the group that looks and sounds different than you, for the crimes of a few.
Pay no attention to the unending crimes committed by those who look, act, and sound like you, even if they are far more prevalent and in your face. You are on the good team, and are free from flaw.
You should especially ignore the numerous convictions and ongoing criminal trials of the greatest charlatan this nation has ever witnessed. The failed actor that played a business executive on TV, is now unable to pay for his crimes on his own. Even using donations from his cult followers is not enough, banks will not loan to him anymore. Perhaps he will double down on committing to the will of Putin, for further funding. If not, the properties that were used to falsify his wealth will have to be auctioned off, ironically displaying the true values.
Give no mind to the obvious illegal activity from the GOP. Many of the most vocal distraction artists have now been shown to be compromised by the efforts of Russian influence operations. They do not care about us, only serving their own pockets and the desire of Putin’s debtor.
“Army” Bob could choose to use his position to help diminish some local avenues of crime amongst us. He could potentially be pivotal in speaking to and leading the charge against many of the things that Veterans battle, including mental health and suicide struggles, substance abuse(that often fuels crime), or just helping the community at large better understand Veterans viewpoints and needs.
Instead, he continues to repetitively shift the focus onto, and single out an entire group of folks with the least amount of resources. Blaming the entirety of an identity of people that have been migrating with the ebb and flow of the seasons for millennia across this continent. Faulting the entirety of a group for the sins of a few, while deceptively questioning and misrepresenting the facts of racism. Do not blame yourselves, for you are perfect, you must instead fear the others.
Apparently Mr. Baloney you are not aware of my involvement in Veterans groups nor a decade of service to the Township of Dorr, but like many Progressives condemns folks with no facts. Mr. Baloney was it not our current President who called 75 million Americans terrorists, racists, sexists, homophones and Islamaphobes based on the actions of a tiny fraction of us? Are you not doing the same thing? Thanks for the comment.
Mr. Baloney,
You are full of yourself!
The “migrants” are not just Mexicans, they are from all over the world. And almost all are unvetted. How many crimes have been committed by illegal aliens? Well never know because the media doesn’t cover them unless it is obvious and they can’t cover it up.
A country that cannot control its borders isn’t a country for long. Thanks dementia Joe!
You misconstrued my language yet again, BM.
I intentionally used the term migrants as a broad identifier. Is it possible that your anger, denial and malice are contorting your comprehension? I wish you the best, sir!
Whatever other activities you may participate in are not evident in this forum. We can only go by the reflection cast by the words and topics you choose to represent your attitude and mindset.
I would appreciate more focus on these other things in your capacity. The incessant fear based GOP talking points bring your reputation down to the level of a cable news propaganda outlet.
Why do you continue to inflame the issue that the GOP intentionally fails to remedy? Is it that no platform exists, only distraction and conflict?
Mr. Baloney,
You need to quit watching only CNN and the other alphabet stations full of “isn’t Joe wonderful” horsebackey!
Even you have eyes and can see he has diminished considerably since 2020
He is a menace to our well-being as a country, a threat to our allies because they cannot depend on a dementia patient, and ALL his policies and executive orders have made everything worse. People are flooding into this country with fentenayl, child molesters, sex traffickers, and murderers. Crime is up all over the country.
But Joey’s supporters care not a wit about that…. keep your blinders on. I hope none of this ever affects your family and loved ones. If it does, you have nobody to blame but your wonderful dementia president.
DTOM and AB can you tell us one bill the Republicans in Congress has passed to address the retoric you are describing? As far as I know the Republican from Texas Chip Roy made the best statement I’ve ever heard from a Republican, when he asked his fellow Republican colleagues to come down to the house floor and name one damn thing they’ve accomplished or passed.
Unless the Border/Ukraine/Israel funding is all one bill and not bills separately, there is no reason to approve. There is no accounting for the Ukraine funding, a country known for graft and corruption. How many billions have been diverted to oligarchs accounts? No accounting for any Ukraine funding so far. Nor will Biden approve accounting. His Biden Crime Syndicate alledgedly receives kickbacks? That can be the only reason. Nobody cares, evidently.
The border situation will not change.. there is no shutting down of illegal entry. The funding was for more border guards and immigration judges, not stopping illegal aliens from entering.
Israel needs the funding. They need to eliminate Hamas.
But without each one being voted on separately, it will not pass. If the Democrats were serious, they would champion the bills separately. But they want everything and something to use as a cudgel in the campaign. They want it all or nothing.
Here’s hoping the Republicans stay strong and demand separate bill voting.
What do you want Mr Traxler? Local control, state or Federal control in crime reporting? That already happens. 75% repeat offenders? That’s a really high number. Where and when did that number come from? Lastly how much Federal money do you want to spend beefing up the US southern border? Need people just to process, photograph and create a records for each immigrant. Big bucks and difficult decisions for those who claim to be fiscal conservatives.
In MI, (where we both reside) it doesn’t take too much digging to learn if a serious crime like murder or attempted murder was committed by a U.S. citizen, a legal non-citizen with a green card or a person in the US illegally.
Last I check in the last 30 days the GOP refused to agree to any immigration reforms. All or nothing election year political maneuvering isn’t bipartisan.
Don’t know what we can do about Chinese goods other than make individual decisions not to purchase goods produced in China or contain component parts made in China.
We recently tried tariffs. Tell us who “paid” for tough tariffs? People in the automotive, electronics, telecommunication and electrical markets tell me we all did. All the 25% tariffs were passed on to consumers like you and me when we buy new cars, repair the vehicles we drive or even do home improvements.
I suspect your weekly opinion that appears in this august publication is produced on a digital device that has the majority of its components produced in China and may have been assembled in China. Your computer has Chinese made components as do your TV, radio, modem and router, the latter used to transmit your opinion pieces.
And so it goes.