On Jan. 12 in an Op-Ed in Time magazine, Sean Penn penned: “The solution to our current divisiveness does not live in the White House. Instead, we will find unity only when we recognize that in our current President we have elected, perhaps for the first time in our history, an enemy of compassion. Indeed, we can be unified not only with each other, but with Africa, El Salvador, Haiti, Mexico, the Middle East and beyond if we recognize President Donald Trump is an enemy of Americans, Republicans, Democrats, Independents and every new child born. An enemy of mankind.”

Does Mr. Penn have the right to say such an outrageous thing? Absolutely, he does, and I would defend to the death his right to say it. However, we need to consider the sources; Mr. Penn and Time Magazine both have an agenda that includes the redesign of the American social, justice, and economic systems.

Mr. Penn is a big fan of Ernesto “Che” Guevara, a man who executed political prisoners without a trial or due process by shooting them in the back of the head when their hands were bound behind them and they were on their knees. Mr. Guevara or “Che” is a deity to many on the left. Mr. Penn also worked to help the government of Venezuela move to a pure government dictatorship.

Per Wikipedia, “an enemy of the state” is a person accused of certain crimes against the state, such as treason. Describing individuals in this way is sometimes a manifestation of political repression.

For example, an authoritarian regime may purport to maintain national security by describing social or political dissidents as “enemies of the state.” The term “authoritarian regime” is interesting, the term is designed to highlight the abuse of the powerful. Mr. Penn represents the media and Hollywood coalition that is extremely powerful, easily more powerful than government as “The pen is mightier than the sword,” a rule coined by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839, but even more relevant today.

As stated before, Mr. Penn has the right to advocate violence, using terms that were normally used to define organizations we as a nation attacked. But what scares me is that most of the liberal media, the very people charged by the American Constitution to protect free speech, are going way over the top with hyperbole and shouting down dissenting opinions.

Blaming President Trump for a bureaucrat in Hawaii pushing the wrong button and posting an attack in progress message on social media was, per Ms. Jamie Curtis, the President’s fault: “This Hawaii missile scare is on YOU Mr. Trump. The real FEAR that mothers & fathers & children felt is on YOU. It is on YOUR ARROGANCE. HUBRIS. NARCISSISM. RAGE. EGO. IMMATURITY and your UNSTABLE IDIOCY. Shame on your hate filled self. YOU DID THIS!”

As if we needed a new example of Trump Derangement Syndrome or TDS.

President Trump referring to a few nations as s*it-hole countries during a private conversation does make him frank, honest and correct. My experience, having been in a few of the nations he citied, is that he spoke the truth — they are sh*t-hole nations.

The left forgets that the truth is a positive defense to perjury; when has honesty become a crime against the state? If the nations our President referred to are so great, just why do the folks who live there want to immigrate to our country?

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