by Robert M. Traxler

President Joe Biden pardoned the January 6th Commission and the witnesses who testified under oath concerning three of the articles of impeachment of President Donald Trump. The witnesses obviously perjured themselves.
The January Sixth Commission blocked testimony that was exculpatory for President Trump and did not call witnesses or use the best evidence rules and laws. The findings were a work of mostly fiction, and it was known by the likes of Liz Cheney (R-Wy) and Bennie Thompson (D-MS), but signed and sworn to as a factual document. The commission destroyed evidence, including thousands of documents, a violation of federal law and the federal rules of evidence. We are not even looking at the laws that require all documents placed before a congressional investigative commission to be preserved.
Capitol Hill Police Officer Brian Sicknick was murdered Jan. 6 (Google it and they still say he is known for being a victim of the January sixth assault on the Capitol), beaten to death with a fire extinguisher by the protesters (or attackers as the commission called them).
It was a charge in the second impeachment trial of President Trump, even though they knew it was false, and the Washington DC Coroner’s autopsy ruled the death was natural from a series of strokes two days later and not linked to Jan. 6. The legacy media knew this was a false charge, but reported the lie, over and over; not a crime by the media, but certainly unethical as hell.
Lt. Michael Byrd who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed female involved in the protest or attack, was decorated and then promoted. I cannot find whether he is pardoned, but it would not surprise me.
The January Sixth Commission also reported, with the willing help of the media, that from sixto 12 police officers died as a result of the demonstrations or attacks. How did they do that? They counted up all the police officers who died from natural causes and things like auto accidents or non-duty related deaths in the greater DC area, even retired police officers, to include Maryland and Virgina a week before the January Sixth demonstrations or attacks and up to two weeks after. None were related to the Jan. 6 protests. And the media kept the lie going for weeks after Jan. 6.
“President Trump strangled and struck two Secret Service Agents and told them to turn around and take him back to the Capitol so he could lead the assault on our government.” It never happened, but it was a charge in the impeachment and by the January Sixth Commission. The agents were not even called to testify, nor the vehicle driver, only people who heard the stories second hand.
Can we say hearsay testimony, inadmissible in any court? A violation of the best evidence rules, but who cares? The commission ruled it true, they swore to the “facts.”

General Michael Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was also pardoned; why? He told his Chinese counterpart that if military action was going to be carried out against them he would warn then in advance. Can you say unlawful and illegal? Indeed, a violation of three articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice?
Not to mention it risks the lives of the very American service members General Milley was sworn to serve. He was also up to his eyeballs in the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, not illegal but certainly ill-advised. General Milley needs a pardon in advance because he is guilty as hell.
Why did President Biden pardon his extended family unless there are illegal activities to pardon? The media tells us it is to protect them from political persecution. Well, we have proof from a house investigative committee that they were enriched with foreign dollars; even minor children in the Biden family were paid by folks from the Ukraine, Russia, China, and others to hide their influence payments from taxes and other scrutiny. Political persecution? Or lawful prosecution? (Not the minors, of course).
It would be nice if investigative reporters were to dig into the crimes committed by the 8,064 people pardoned by President Biden. Do you know what fat chance means? It is some 34 times the number of pardons President Trump issued after his first term. Where there is smoke there is fire, and President Biden’s pardons are in an enormous cloud of smoke. My opinion.
Thank you for bringing the pesky FACTS forward.