by Robert M. Traxler

Quite frankly, folks are surprised that Snopes, a “fact checking site,” called a presidential quote of President Donald Trump’s false. It took them seven years to realize that the quote concerning Charlottesville Virginia was false, seven years to realize that our current President has based his last and the future election on a false story.
The Nazis at a demonstration in Charlottesville Va., were not called good people by President Trump. “While Trump did say that there were ‘very fine people on both sides,’ he also specifically noted that he was not talking about Neo-Nazis and White supremacists and said they should be ‘condemned totally.’ Therefore, we have rated this claim ‘False,” Snopes wrote.
Wow! Some seven years to realize that. Thousands of repeats of the story and a few of our friends in the media have now realized it was a lie. The quote in full has been out there for the media and progressives to read, but why bother when a lie fits their perceived narrative so well?
A conservative estimate is that over the seven years since President Trump said it the media has repeated it, completely out of context, over two thousand times. Snopes indeed stated that it was true before saying it was not.
Snopes is trying to regain its reputation for being unbiased, one it had before ownership changed to two very progressive folks, who turned it into a lying machine supporting the socialist/progressives, facts be damned. President Biden even used the lie in the last debate, and when called on it doubled down on the lie.
The big question is whether the President will discover a health question, or find the need to “spend time with his family,” an excuse that rubs our esteemed editor a bit raw.
Also, will the power brokers try to run someone else? There are three problems with our current President not running. First, the war chest of hundreds of millions is not the property of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and not easily transferable. Second, Vice-President Harris is less popular than President Biden. If the DNC tosses her under the electric school bus (if they can get one to function) and replaces her with of all things a dreaded white man (Governor Gavin Newsome of California), the minority vote will revolt against them.
DEI will bite them in the butt, so they dare not do it. Third, the delegates are legally required to vote for President Biden on the first ballot and he has enough to win.

Barring a death or major medical condition (other than dementia), the progressives will run President Biden. So, it is now time for the media to go into overdrive against President Trump. They cannot sing the laurels of President Biden, so they will attack President Trump, probably with even more Lawfare, attack with hammer and sickle, and all the power of the media; true or false, it just does not matter.
The Supreme Court has handed the progressive movement a crippling blow in limiting the authority of the progressive power base, lawfare and bureaucratic regulations become law. The media is apoplectic and somehow forgets the vote in the Supreme Court was a 6 to 3 decision, two to one in favor of limiting the government’s massive power, reminding the government we have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights, reminding the bureaucrats they derive power from the people, not from themselves.
The Court slapped them down and said fat cats in Washington do not make the law, the elected folks in the House and Senate make the laws. And that is how it is in a Constitutional Republic. My opinion.
Anyone who is not actively against trump at this point suffers from a severe lack of character and decency.
Mr. Young, please stop giving a mouthpiece to this vileness. It is past the point of excusability.
That’s right, silence the enemy! And when you get total control, then what Jake? A ditch and a bullet for those you disagree with? Gotta take the guns away first.
Belligerent nonsense! I am not anyone’s enemy. “Total control”? What a poor-reply to type. This website needs to require authentic first and last names to clean out the peanut gallery, too.
Mr. Young, you just changed four of the five sentences I’d typed for my reply. Think I’m done here. Have a fantastic 4th everyone.
“Think I’m done here. ”
Mr. Editor, Army Bob is the ONLY VOICE OF REASON. Silencing him would be tragic… the all the nattering nabobs of the media and local Marxists will be the only source of disinformation. Bob has been warning the local populace of the dementia riddled POS in the White House. Now everyone knows!
I guess Mr. Gless is angry at the editor? Easy, Jake. He is a disciple of the same intellectual nonsense you are – Marxism. You two should get together and protest at the next Trump rally!