by Robert M. Traxler

The progressive media will say the gains for the conservative party are in reality a loss. The apologists for the Democrats in the media (news, entertainment, and social) will rationalize the Republican win as a loss, like saying a football team that lost by less than the point spread won. Perhaps on a sports betting site, but not in real life.

The polls predicted the overall win in the House for conservatives, but the socialists/progressives just would not believe it. After all, anyone who voted for a conservative candidate is a racist, sexist, stupid homophobe who is not politically correct and wants to cancel Social Security and Medicare, line your children up and shoot them. The leftists could have honed their campaigns to address the issues important to the voters, but they stayed with the end of the world theories, like if you vote for a Republican you want to destroy democracy.  

Our President stated the day before the election that he will support “no more drilling,” and he repeated “I will support no more drilling.” While we are in a recession and energy costs are way up, inflation is at 8%, and we are facing a crisis in diesel fuel reserves, he is telling us he “will block drilling any holes.” So much for the ‘1000 unused permits on federal lands’ bogus argument. Having a lease to drill and a permit to drill are two different things. 

NBC/MSNBC News Historian Dr. Michael Beschloss stated: “Fifty years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country and if there are still free publishing houses and a free press — which I’m not certain of — but if that is true, a historian will say what was at stake tonight and this week was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed .”

So much for inflation and high fuel prices. Forget that concern, line your children up in front of a firing squad. Anyone still wonder why the conservative party won? NBC and MSNBC, both subsidiaries of the socialist party, are just plain strange; a rational argument be damned. Ask yourselves why these folks are not called conspiracy theorists.

Dr. Beschloss went on to say that we are on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system, and it could be a week away. Earth to the socialist party: in the words of Mr. James Carville (the Ragin Cajun and President Bill Clinton advisor), “it’s the economy, stupid.” The focus is high gas prices, inflation, violent crime, foreign policy, and immigration. Do you truly believe the Republicans want to line up our children and shoot them? Just why this does not qualify for the tin foil hat brigade? Must be he is a college professor and an NBC and MSNBC contributor, above criticism. 

Army Bob Traxler

We need to shorten sail on the ship of state and stand by for the crap storm the angry media and the socialist/progressives will gin up over the apparent loss of the House. Blame will be on the voters as stupid and racist, not the Democrats for running a truly inadequate campaign. Few believed the Republicans want to shoot our children.

Dobbs v. Jackson was not the end of the world, 27% of voters said it was important to them, the hard base of the Democrats, and most could be handled by the individual states. Inflation is real and not a made-up word as Ms. Joy Reid MSNBC claimed; Social Security and Medicare are safe and will not be stopped, and the borders are not secure.

We are seeing some anger on the part of the socialist media, anger that people rejected their argument and did not follow their orders. Spend a few hours watching MSNBC, viewing the tidal waves of anger, and we may understand why the leftists apparently lost control of the House, and many their sanity. Let’s hope the right does not follow the path the left did when they made the off-the-charts progressive posse and Representative AOC, the face of the party following the election. Americans are as a whole center right, not far right or left. My opinion. 


robert beck
November 10, 2022
I guess the racist, sexist, stupid homophobes as you call them, have had enough of you and and the the Michigan House of Reps. and Senators who have had thier noses buried where the sun don't shine in Trump and Devos for years. For the first time in maybe 44 years the noses were pulled out and the Dems. control the Senate.
November 10, 2022
What a shame. Army Bob, Please remain steadfast.
Deb Voorhorst
November 13, 2022
This didn’t age well did it? I slept very well last night, how about you?

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