by Robert M. Traxler

The Grande Dame of Town Broadcast, Lynn Mandaville, took strong exception to my asking the American left if they still believe the “settled science” of global climate change ending the world by 2030.

My point is that they lied to us for years and spent trillions on a false premise. The American left is now back-peddling on climate change ending the world in 2030 so fast that if was an Olympic sport they would win the gold. Ms. Mandaille’s point was that I should not be concerned with the lies and exaggerations and move on to more politically correct issues, so I guess we can assume bold-faced lies in the name of a good cause are noble and need not concern us.

Ms. Mandaville waxed eloquently years ago about folks who tell lies: “But there’s one more thing that the liar has told me about him or herself. He has told me that he cannot be trusted. He can’t be trusted with common decency, to be sure. Nor can he be trusted, in general, with fact. Everything he or she says is now suspect. And the more lies that are told, the less and less credence can be placed in even the simplest statements the liar makes.”

Well, Ms. Mandaville, we have been lied to for twelve years now, so if the left lies it is fine, or better said, politically correct to guide the nation in the direction necessary to achieve a noble goal; a socialist concept is the end always justifies the means.

Ms. Mandaville penned the comment: “Mr. Traxler cannot seem to get past the musings of some environmental activists that the world is going to end in 2030, that it is settled science that deems it so, that AOC and Bernie Sanders are the primary proponents of this widespread myth, and that somehow all this is closely associated with a socialist movement intended to replace our democratic republic.”

It’s not just “some environmental activists,” the UN Secretary General, AOC, the Paris Climate Accords, IPCC, The Potsdam Climate Institute, BBC, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NOAA, NIS, UNEP, DNC (in two national platforms), Senator Sanders, Senator John Kerry, Vice President Albert Gore, to name but a few. Most are also back-peddling so fast they also would win the gold. The new year is becoming 2050 for Armageddon. Please do not forget the social media providers who banned people who denied the end of the world due to climate change in 2030.

She went on to say “I would suggest that the battle we ought to be fighting is not one of whether 2030 and settled science are accurate, or even reasonable, terms to describe our situation.”

So did they lie to us or not? Apparently, the truth only matters when the lies are from the conservative side? Apparently spending trillions based on a lie is fine as long as it is a politically correct lie, and the money goes into the proper pockets.

To quote an uber-liberal friend, “So, what if some blowhard claimed that 2030 was the End Of The World?  So what if they claim it’s settled science?”

Well, we have changed our nation based on the lie, we have spent trillions based on the lie, that is the “so what!” Lying, cheating and stealing, censorship, canceling, calling for violence (even to deny medical care) against the dreaded science deniers is the “so what”.

You folks cannot say the death of 7,800,000,000 good people is a scientific fact unless the world pays you more $50,000,000,000,000 in 20 years then take the money and  forget you said it when the date nears, then move the date twenty years down the road and demand more money.

If we blindly, unquestioningly followed medical science, we would still be bleeding people.

It took 2 million years for the population to reach 1 billion humans, 200 years for it to grow to nearly 8 billion; people also produce carbon, 26% of it is not from fossil fuels. The world population is rapidly increasing, currently 85 million per year.  The world will run out of food long before climate change kills us all, and we will run out of food faster if the Green New Deal becomes law.

That’s a politically incorrect thing to say, but organic farming produces 25% less food than traditional farming. Want a new path to follow work on banning organic farming so the world will not run out of food and go to nuclear war over rice?  Oh, and the idea that we can “compel” China or India to be more environmentally responsible is wishful thinking, as they will not actually do anything that goes against their own best interests.

So, Ms. Mandeville, if as you said about a liar “Everything he or she says is now suspect.” true or must we frantically believe the Climate Change folks? No need to answer that.


Robert M Traxler
August 12, 2021
"The world will be on an unstoppable slide to the end due to Climate change by 2030, if we do not act aggressively." President Biden as a candidate. One more environmental activist that are in the so what column along with all of those that do not matter.
Robert M Traxler
August 12, 2021
Oh, Senator Sanders is a proud unapologetic Socialist and AOC supports him. Senator Sanders is indeed trying to replace our democratic republic. Senator Sanders is proud of his stand and has pledged to do his best to replace our government with a democratic socialist government. It is not a "myth", or a made up concept, but one of the facts that the left ignores. Please read his campaign literature.
Jake Gless
August 12, 2021
The structure of our government will not change––let alone be "replaced"––by electing representatives who support any sort of social program. Those thoughts are not myths or facts, they're nonsensical ramblings of a windmill tilter.
Robert M Traxler
August 12, 2021
Mr. Giess, It is called the Bill of Rights you may want to look into it. Thanks for the comment.
August 12, 2021
Wow your answer your own comments? It's really time to get out of the basement and seek help.
Robert M Traxler
August 12, 2021
Mr. Annable, Once more you can not argue the facts so you attack the character of the person citing the facts. It is an 8th grade way of doing things, the cancel culture taught you well.
Lynn Mandaville
August 12, 2021
I believe, Mr. Traxler, that you have misunderstood me. You say your point has been - and still is - that "they" lied to us. My point is that, regardless of the lie, it is time to stake a priority on action vs. railing against that which cannot be changed. I still stand by my statements about the nature of liars. It applies to everyone across the board in my own opinion. I consider lying to be one of the greatest sins anyone can commit, regardless of his or her political leaning. I believe that the end does not justify the means where being truthful is concerned. However, there comes a time when we need to move on, and that was my point. We can rail against the liars 'til kingdom come, but that is not action. Climate change is a reality. Those who use the hyperbole (lie) that the end is in 2030 or now 2050 only cloud the issue. Climate change will affect us in a most detrimental way if we don't take it seriously, and I do take it seriously. So I put my energy into the things I enumerated in my column, and relegate the liars to the back burner. I can't change them and their lies, but I can change my corner of the world, and I can encourage others to do the same. Twelve years of lying, exaggerating, employing conceits, whatever you wish to call it, has not been productive. Clearly it has provided an arena for displaced action and obfuscation. Yes, those who claimed certain doom by 2030 are now suspect because of their incautious rhetoric (lie). But the message isn't wasted on many of us that just because they lied about the timeline does not negate that the damage continues to be done! Fixing things will be expensive. Convincing other nations to step up to the problem will be difficult at best. Hardest of all will be to convince fossil fuel advocates that we have to seek a better way. The way we respond to the knowledge revealed by scientific research is what matters now. Do we take a selfish way out, with no regard to future generations, or to people around the globe? Do we refuse to address it because it might cost a lot of money? You claim that anything spent on climate change is spending trillions based on a lie. You are only partly correct. The lie was the timetable, not that climate change is real. And the change or elimination of that timetable does not change the fact that our climate is changing and that the whole world is in jeopardy. So let me make myself perfectly clear. It is time to set aside the aspects of this argument that are not productive, and take positive action to correcting the problems that plague us. Lying is always bad, but in the face of the ultimate calamity - the irreparable fate of Earth - I think we should channel our energies elsewhere.
Don't Tread On Me
August 16, 2021
Ms. Mandaville, can you identify the liars you want on the "backburner" as the wonderful decision makers you envision guide us in "climate change action"?
Just an old farmboy
August 12, 2021
If anybody believes that gore, kerry,sanders or aoc really gives 2 craps about climate change they are delusional! The only thing they are concerned with is filling their pockets and purses and a continuation of the effort to divide this great country. A perfect example is gore, for a few years he beat the drums of climate destruction with great vigor as he flew off into the sunset on his jet to the next speaking engagement. Once he banked enough money for a very comfortable retirement poof no more gore! Go figure! These people all have an agenda and it is not necessarily to benefit us as it is to benefit themselves.
August 13, 2021
Tru dat old farmboy , we just seen a perfect example of it over the last four years.
Ed Bergeron
August 13, 2021
Some people are only interested in cussing the weathermen when the blizzard arrives on Monday morning, instead of as forecasted on Sunday evening. Others with shovels and snowplows focus their energy to deal with the mess when it arrives, instead of condemning the messengers. If some find joy in calling out 2030 "liars" because the world doesn't "end" until 2032 or later, then I concede their right to do so. But for the sake of our children and grandchildren, and the promise of future generations, I will hope, pray, and do anything else I can to help ensure that humanity addresses our increasingly apparent climate challenges, and unites in commitment to a sustainable path forward. Failure is not an option. My opinion.
Don't Tread On Me
August 13, 2021
Where is the proof? If the US does all it can to mitigate the problem but others exacerbate it with more pollution, what is gained ... nothing!
Robert Traxler
August 13, 2021
Welcome, Mr. DTOM nice to have you back.

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