by Robert M. Traxler

The United States Air Force shot down an unidentified flying object (UFO) a “cylinder-shaped object” that flew over the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in northeast Alaska. The next day, F-22 Raptors shot down a second “cylinder” over the Territory of Yukon, Canada, after it had been tracked over and in American airspace. Now some are reporting it was a metallic balloon?

Two more aircraft were shot down, one in Lake Huron after crossing Michigan. Our government is saying it’s all good, they are not E.T. or Extraterrestrials, and that’s about it as far as information goes. 

Several questions go unanswered, like what were they? Did they have electronics? Exactly where did they launch from or take off from? We are told they are not, but may be balloons, so how were they powered? These questions we are told will be answered once the wreckage is “evaluated.”

A reasonable and prudent person will call bull crap on that one; 50 years ago our signals intelligence was able to identify an aircraft by its electronic signal, and today the systems are hundreds of times more powerful and precise than they were in the transistor decades. And yet they do not know the type of power the “cylinders” used? There are lies, and damned lies and lies of omission. Our intelligence agencies have real “Star Wars” capability far beyond what most folks understand; we have satellite surveillance capability that covers the planet, giving us the ability to know where and when an aircraft takes off from, when it lands, and where. 

We now know why the reports of unidentified flying objects have seen a marked increase in the past few years —they were foreign spy craft the government did nothing about, and did not tell us what they were. Professional airline pilots reported hundreds of sightings, causing some good folks to believe that the UFOs were extraterrestrial. Indeed, Congress appointed committees to investigate the increase in UFOs. If congress does not investigate why our government, our military, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Central Intelligence Agency, and others covered up the Chinese intelligence overflights, we need to elect a new congress.

If you are not angry about this, you should be. Congress has spent millions chasing ghosts, parts of our government knew what they were, where they came from and who sent them, and allowed the Congress to spend millions chasing ghosts.      

The FU-GO balloon bombs like the one that landed in Dorr just south of Byron Township were stopped when intelligence was able to identify where they were built and bomb the factory. The sand recovered in the ballast bags of the balloons was matched to a beach in Japan, and a large building near the beach was bombed. If we could figure out the origin of aircraft in 1945, one must believe we can do the same 78 years later. 

I’m all in for tactical and strategic secrets, even misinformation in the furtherance of national security, but this is bull crap. Actions occur like not admitting the existence of the F-22 Raptor program during development at Nellis AFB, 80 miles from the legendary “Area 51”, prompting “UFO sightings.” I am fine with keeping mute about those sightings.

However, at least one confirmed Chinese intelligence aircraft has been reported and shot down over our nation. This is just plain wrong and incredibly dangerous, it has no strategic value to protect, quite the opposite.  

A great number of people in our government need to explain what is going on; allowing enemy first strike weapons to fly unmolested over our nation is an outrage. As this column has pointed out before, a first strike Electronic Magnetic Pulse (EMP) weapon is able to destroy our entire national transport system, banking system, communication systems, medical systems, agricultural capabilities, and much more while suspended under a balloon, kept off until the point of detonation, and be undetectable until detonation. 

Army Bob Traxler

We are told by our media and those who are in bed with Chinese money, that the Chinese military may have launched the intelligence gathering overflights program without the approval of the Chinese government. If this is possible, it is even more terrifying. A lack of checks and balances on a nuclear-equipped enemy military is, to say the least, concerning.

As “One Small Voice” columnist Ms. Lynn Mandaville said, it is time to sever our dependence on China for the true necessities of life. We are building green vehicle battery plants in Michigan, when we should be concentrating on antibiotics and medical equipment first.

Google “what major types of equipment do we get only from China,” and what came up on one site was ceramic products, bird skin, feathers, and human hair. Another listed machinery and mechanical appliances, furniture, bedding, lamps, toys, games, and sports equipment. The most concerning is pharmaceuticals, particularly antibiotics.

It is time to take Chinese money out of our information systems and social media. My opinion.  


John Wilkens
February 16, 2023
AB, Thanks for another excellent History lesson. Well wrote! Cheers!!
Robert M Traxler
February 17, 2023
Mr. Wilkens, John, Thanks and Cheers back to you.
Harry Smit
February 17, 2023
Army Bob These are just probes gathering data back into our response times. Maybe even more information that was transmitted back before destruction. Our government isn't going to tell us anything . The odds are this maybe so well developed, even with pieces and parts we may not have the technology to understand it's potential to destroy us. It will be interesting to see how far we come to entering the real war to end all wars
Robert M Traxler
February 17, 2023
Mr. Smit, Harry, the first was a spying platform, no doubt about it. We must ask if the government would have told us of it if a photojournalist had not published a photo of it? Why they are not telling us what the other four were is beyond belief.

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