Army Bob Salutesby Robert M. Traxler

Let’s take a look at who is an American victim in the eyes of the progressive left wing movement. Anyone not 100% Caucasian, and not many Americans are.

Any American who is not a male, not heterosexual, not a Christian, not rich, not well educated, is a felon, is a Native American, is handicapped, is elderly, is an immigrant; almost all who live on the East and West coast and a few more are victims of an unjust system.

So when we do the math we come up with more than 95% of Americans are victims of oppression from the unjust American democratic free enterprise system. America is a sexist, prejudiced, homophobic nation; so there are most of us, 51% are women, 10% to 15% African American, 3% to 8% gay or lesbian and a large number are non-Christians, it all adds up.

If we apply the common sense test to the numbers, there should be not more than 10 million Republicans in the nation, yet there are over 92 million Americans who refer to themselves as Republicans. Could it be that many Americans refuse to call ourselves victims of an unjust American system? Is it even possible that a large number of us actually believe we live in the best nation in the world? Are nearly 90 million Americans not merely wrong, stupid or ignorant, but brainwashed, radical racists who wish to keep women barefoot and pregnant, reinstitute the institution of slavery and oppress and repress the masses? No.

Got to ask yourself why the progressive/socialist left refers to any African American who loves the nation and respects the flag as an Uncle Tom? Are all conservative women not real women if they oppose abortion, even late term abortion? Are all supporters of the Second Amendment crazed gun nuts and mass murderers?

To be fair, both sides of the American political divide are guilty of over–thBob Traxler_0e-top name calling and old fashioned rude behavior. The progressive/socialist left get a disproportionate amount of media time, so their out of control, disrespectfully rude behavior appears to prevail.

The mainstream media outlets agree with the bomb throwers on the left and they dominate the airwaves. Our friends in the media are overwhelmingly liberal Democrats who are apoplectic that Fox News and conservative talk radio even exist; free speech is fine as long as it is the politically correct free speech.

A very common mantra of the left is income inequality; it will be the divisive issue of choice for the 2016 presidential campaign. We will be told how unfair it is to have rich and poor families; we as a nation must rise up and destroy not ISIS/ISIL, but the true evil, successful Americans and free enterprise.

History has shown us this is a widely used tactic; Benito Mussolini used the same tactic in his Italian fascist social revolution in the 1930s, The French Revolution used the rich monarchy in the early 1800s, the National Socialists in Germany and Fascists in Argentina used the rich Jews, Francisco Franco used it in Spain, all the Baathists or Fascists (Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Syria) used the monarchy and the rich as social enemies in the middle east. Russia and China used the rich and monarchy in the Communist/Socialist revolutions, only to revert back to a market-driven economy after each of their nations became an economic basket case.

The problem is that socialism is a wonderful system on paper, but a counterproductive way to operate an economy. We can confiscate the property of the vile, dirty, mean 10% and we get enough to operate a welfare socialist state for only a few years. After the new government runs out of money confiscated from the rich, then what? If asked to name a socialist government that has lasted as long as our or been as successful as our free enterprise democracy, most will come up with nothing.

A very pesky document to the left is the American Constitution; it limited President Wilson and President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s moves towards socialism and saved our economic system, much to the disdain of the left — past, present and future.

In the next presidential campaign, we will all be bombarded with slogans like ‘the United States has the widest income inequality in the world,’ what an asinine and untrue statement that is. Every reporter, pundit and left-wing campaign official should be required to spend time in the third world to see true income inequality.

Our next presidential campaign will be a referendum on the very governmental system that has proven so successful in the last 240 years. It will be a test to see if we are all indeed victims or free Americans.

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