by Robert M. Traxler

How did the process of searching for classified documents at President Joe Biden’s office start, and why did it start? Who sent lawyers to the old office, years after it had been abandoned by our President? Why did searches for classified documents and finding classified documents start after years of boxes have been just sitting in his garage and old office? What prompted the action?

Why did they send lawyers to “clean out the office?” Reports say some of the lawyers were in private practice and well paid, one $1,200 per hour. Were they even cleared to possess classified documents? Most reports say no. 

Why was the National Archives the first office contacted to report that they found top secret code word documents? Not the President’s security office, an investigative agency, or the Department of Justice? Now to be fair, they did inform the Department of Justice much later.

How were the documents in President Biden’s garage secured to federal law standards? Did our President truly believe a locked garage for his Corvette is adequate to store national secrets? Will the media allow our President to get away with saying that the top-secret documents were locked in his garage with his Corvette, not just sitting outside? The laws require very strict controls on top secret documents; storing them in a garage in a cardboard box will get you or me in federal prison. 

What was the time line for the storage and transport of the documents? The papers found in Vice President Biden’s office must have been stored in a minimum of two other locations after his departure from the White House. Where, and who had access? Were they cleared? 

Did the Chinese citizens/government who helped pay the bills for the Pennsylvania State University Biden Center have access to the office? We know the answer is yes. Why did the Chinese donate millions, up to $40 million to Penn State, soon after Vice President Biden opened the office in D.C.? Did this coincide at all with the Chinese paying Mr. Robert Hunter Biden an excess $5 million to consult? 

President Biden called President Donald Trump unbelievably reckless for having classified documents in his possession. Will he admit he himself was reckless? President Biden said President Trump should step up and admit to wrongdoing; will President Biden?

Remember the media who repeated time and time again that Former President Trump having classified documents at home is “worse than Watergate;” where are they at now? Those who said the presence of documents at Mara-a-Lago is the most dangerous threat to our democracy in our history. Where are most of the media who hyperventilated over President Trump? Absent without shame, deaf dumb and mute, in name tag defilade?

Please understand that the media will now go into damage control to prop up President Biden and to rationalize the crimes. The media does not want him to run again, but they do not want to damage the socialist/progressive movement in the process.  

The good folks on “The View” and Representative Hank Johnson alluded to a theory that Republicans planted the documents in Vice President Biden’s office and garage — it is all a setup. Interesting that they will not be called tin foil hat conspiracy theorists as they are socialist/progressives. Did not President Biden confess the documents were at his home, locked up in his garage with his Corvette? Denial is not a river in Egypt; even after the President confessed to the existence of the documents, they maintain it is a Republican dirty trick, damn the facts, damn the evidence.  

Army Bob Traxler

CNN knew of the documents months before they were reported as “found.” Where were the documents when they were “lost,” from November to January? Was an internal investigation done at that time? Was a chain of custody established? Was DOJ informed, in November or not until January? The United States Code requires an internal administrative investigation be immediately launched; was it done, by whom, what did it find?

A long list of questions is forming, but we may never know the answers because the media is now in damage control mode for the Democrats and will be turning a blind eye to the special counsel’s investigation. The big winner from this is President Trump, who will not be pursued by the media anywhere near as doggedly because it may spin off to damage the Democrats.  

It is interesting that every time a member of our President’s extended family is examined for anything a China connection comes up, even in this instance. 

Those who object to this column will charge that I did not comment on President Trump’s having highly classified documents, they will be correct. This esteemed newspaper has four uber liberal columnists, many liberal guest columnists and a progressive editor who have that mission, but only one conservative.

My opinion.


Robert Moras
January 19, 2023
What I find most interesting is that the DOJ did not want the FBI involved. Many may just scream of the DOJ's lack of equal justice, when compared to the very publicized raid on Mar-A-Lago. But there is a more pertinent reason for the lack of FBI involvement. If the FBI becomes involved, there are reports of facts that would become "on the record". Whereby, if Biden Lawyers do the searching and handling of the documents, info about all that falls under "Attorney/Client" privilege. That means, the whole investigation and work done by Biden Attorneys, becomes "Top Secret" without having to be classified. Such information as non-specific subject matter, becomes hidden in the Attorney/Client privilege cacoon. You have to hand it to Democrats, they are experts at the CYA game.
Robert Traxler
January 19, 2023
Mr. Moras, Outstanding point on the attorney, client confidentiality.

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